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Apps Unlimited Business Intelligence Design Guidelines and Patterns for OBIEE 10g

Apps Unlimited Business Intelligence Design Guidelines and Patterns for OBIEE 10g. Adesh Singh, Madhuri Kolhatkar, Jayanth Ananthakrishnan 12 November 2008. Objectives for the meeting. Overview and vision for BI design patterns Share design patterns for OBIEE 10g

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Apps Unlimited Business Intelligence Design Guidelines and Patterns for OBIEE 10g

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  1. Apps Unlimited Business IntelligenceDesign Guidelines and Patterns for OBIEE 10g Adesh Singh, Madhuri Kolhatkar, Jayanth Ananthakrishnan 12 November 2008

  2. Objectives for the meeting • Overview and vision for BI design patterns • Share design patterns for OBIEE 10g • Demonstrate how these patterns could be consumed • Discuss how we can include Philippe Lions guidelines into the BI Patterns site • Discuss how to maintain and update these patterns • Overall value add for having “one stop shop” for OBIEE Design Patterns

  3. Agenda • Background • Design Patterns Overview • Using Design Patterns • Identifying the right pattern • Parts of a design pattern • OBIEE 10g Guidelines • Potential consumers • Value Addition • Next Steps • Appendix

  4. <Insert Picture Here> Background

  5. Objectives for OBIEE10g Design Patterns • Use standards based approach to provide user experience support various BI Dashboards and Apps under Apps Unlimited and GBUs • Help Product Managers, Strategy and Development teams to design and conceptualize usable and effective BI applications • Help maintain consistency in the BI application developed under different product lines and industry pillars • Help Partners, Implementation Consultants and Customers to customize their own BI applications

  6. History

  7. <Insert Picture Here> Design Patterns Overview

  8. Design PatternsIntroduction • Design patterns are common flow or page designs that are used across product families • Patterns are built according to common requirements using industry best practices and tested for usability • OBIEE 10g design patterns are focused upon BI dashboard and analytic applications • BI patterns are generic and could be applied across different business domains • BI patterns were validated with the Fusion Dashboard patterns, JDE EOne dashboard design patterns and BI Dashboards Design Guidelines developed by AUBI strategy team

  9. Design PatternsDevelopment Process IDENTIFY AUTHOR VALIDATE RELEASE • Stage 1 - Identify • Collected usage scenarios from AUBI teams • Created generic task flows for a BI user • Identified and prioritized top 20 design patterns • Stage 3 - Validate • Conducted reviews internally (UX) • Conducted review with Dev and Strategy • Usability Test of the design patterns Scenarios Pattern sets Individual patterns Create template Create draft Review Iterate Apply patterns Gather feedback Update patterns Publish Gather feedback Update patterns • Stage 2 - Author • Developed pattern templates • Authored top 20 patterns in two phases • Developed a design filter tool • Stage 4 - Release • Published a pattern website • Currently communicating the patterns work with various BI teams

  10. Design PatternsPattern Areas

  11. Design PatternsPattern website • A dedicated website has been designed to host BI Patterns • The website provide easy access to patterns and help users decide and identify appropriate patterns • Find OBIEE 10g patterns at http://uxcrossapps.us.oracle.com/BI/index.htm

  12. <Insert Picture Here> How to useDesign Patterns?

  13. Consuming the patterns • The four step process shown below would help users to consume BI patterns effectively • Identify Users and Scenarios: Understanding of your users is very helpful in selecting appropriate patterns • Identify Right Pattern: Decision tools help selecting the right pattern • Apply Pattern: Pattern definition and examples from OBIEE help users apply the pattern in their BI application • Use Guidelines: Technical guidelines demonstrate the steps required to create and customize the OBIEE components IDENTIFY USERS IDENTIFY PATTERN APPLY PATTERN USE GUIDELINES Pattern Definition OBIEE Samples Related Guidelines Create and customize OBIEE components Decision Table Design Filter Tool Related Patterns User Profiles Usage Scenarios Use Cases Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

  14. Identify Users and Scenarios • It is crucial to understand target users and usage scenarios for your BI application • Identify the following before applying the patterns: • Who are the users of your application? • What are their roles and critical tasks, they need to perform? • Understand the business and personal goals of the users • Identify the scenarios • What are the top usage scenarios for the application? • Under what circumstances the application will be used?

  15. Identifying right patternTree menu • Tree menu provide easy access to browse through all the patterns • The collapsible tree menu help users to focus on specific patterns • The logical grouping of patterns help user to identify required patterns

  16. Identifying right patternPatterns sets • Pattern set group two or more patterns • Provide basic details about each pattern and link it to the pattern description page • Contains decision table to help identify the right pattern within the set • Contains related guidelines and patterns

  17. Identifying right patternDecision table • Decision tables could contain several questions on user role, data requirements and business goals etc. • The responses to the given questions in the table help identify the one or more applicable patterns • User could directly jump to the pattern details from the table

  18. Identifying right patternDesign Filter Tool • Design filter tool allows users to indentify appropriate design patterns based on multiple criterion • User can directly access the pattern details from this view

  19. Identifying right patternRelated patterns • Each pattern page contains a list of related patterns, which makes it easy to identify patterns of similar nature • Related patterns are hyperlinked to provide direct access to the detail pattern description

  20. Parts of a Design PatternIntroduction • Each pattern consists of the following sections: • General description • Selection criteria • Required screen elements • Example layout • Samples from OBIEE 10g • Related patterns and guidelines • Additional features: • Bookmarking of entire pattern and/or a specific sections • Printing action in each pattern page

  21. Parts of a Design PatternDescription section • This section provides a high level description of the pattern, its purpose and applicability • It also identify the target users who could benefit from it

  22. Parts of a Design PatternSelection criteria • This section provides a list of various criterion used for the selection of the specific pattern • It usually highlights the user roles and types, their business goals and usage scenarios

  23. Parts of a Design PatternRequired screen elements • This section provides a list of various elements from OBIEE required to create the recommended layouts • This helps developers to identify the right screen elements to apply while using the pattern

  24. Parts of a Design PatternExample layout • This section contains sample layouts to illustrate the pattern definition and various ways to apply it

  25. Parts of a Design PatternSamples from OBIEE • In order to illustrate pattern definition better, samples screens generated from OBIEE tools are included in many patterns

  26. Parts of a Design PatternRelated guidelines and patterns • Each pattern page contains a list of related patterns and guidelines, which makes it easy to identify patterns of similar nature • Related patterns are hyperlinked to provide direct access to the detail pattern description • Related guidelines help users to understand steps required to perform in OBIEE tool to create the components as per the pattern definition

  27. Using OBIEE 10g Guidelines • The guidelines section contains the links to BI dashboards technical design guidelines developed by OBIA strategy team • User could user these guidelines to create and modify OBIEE components so as to apply design patterns • Additionally, relevant guidelines from OBIEE help documentation are included to provide direct access to developers

  28. <Insert Picture Here> Potential Consumers of Design Patterns

  29. Potential consumers • AUBI Product and developments teams • OBIA Product and developments teams • Industry pillars and GBUs • Apps UL product teams and Industries pillars using OBIEE 10g for dashboards and embedded analytics • Implementation consultants / partners • Customers who want to develop customized BI Apps

  30. <Insert Picture Here> Value Add

  31. Value add • Patterns documented in word or pdf formats are difficult to consume • There is no tool to help users identify the right pattern • Difficult to share specific sections or entire patterns with other users • Related patterns are difficult to trace and apply • This pattern website overcome all these challenges and makes patterns consumption much easier • BI Patterns site serves as a One Stop Shop for all existing OBIEE 10g design patterns, best practices and technical guidelines developed by AppsUL UX team and OBIA Strategy team

  32. Next Steps • Extend BI design patterns as a single repository for all information on designing UI for BI Dashboards • Discuss major strategic directions for BI patterns • Externalize the patterns for the consumption of customers, partners and implementation consultants • Package design patterns as part of OBIEE 10g

  33. <Insert Picture Here> Appendix

  34. Team and Credentials • Apps Unlimited User Experience • Madhuri Kolhatkar (Director Apps UL User Experience) • Adesh Singh (Sr. Interaction Designer) • Jayanth Ananthakrishnan (User Experience Manager) • AUBI Product Strategy • Greg Rippstein (Sr. Director – BI Product Strategy) • Judy Krawec (Director – BI Product Strategy) • OBIA Team • Dan Workman (Sr. Manager – BI Tools User Experience) • Fusion UX Team • Jonathan Helfman (Principal Research Scientist)

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