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Kip Billings, P.E. Andy Li, Phd Wasatch Front Regional Council October 14, 2010

TDM2MOVES A Travel Demand Model Application to Generate Travel Activity Input Data for the MOVES Model. Kip Billings, P.E. Andy Li, Phd Wasatch Front Regional Council October 14, 2010. Overview. WFRC travel model characteristics TDM2MOVES - description TDM2MOVES - data inputs

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Kip Billings, P.E. Andy Li, Phd Wasatch Front Regional Council October 14, 2010

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  1. TDM2MOVESA Travel Demand Model Application to Generate Travel Activity Input Data for the MOVES Model Kip Billings, P.E. Andy Li, Phd Wasatch Front Regional Council October 14, 2010

  2. Overview • WFRC travel model characteristics • TDM2MOVES - description • TDM2MOVES - data inputs • TDM2MOVES - methodology • Emission calculations: look-up tables • Other MOVES adaptations • Daily VMT inputs • New road type for Local Roads WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  3. I. WFRC Travel Model Characteristics • Population • 2010 2.2M • 2040 3.5M • Four counties • distinct I/M programs • Six non-attainment areas (+2 for O3) • Two pollution seasons • Four time periods (AM, midday, PM, evening) • TDM zones – 3,400 • TDM links – 21,000 WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  4. II. TDM2MOVES - description • Travel demand model application (CUBE) • Post process following traffic assignment • Creates CSV input for MOVES (42 files) • Speed profile • VMT by vehicle type • Ramp percentage • Road type distribution • Creates travel activity summary (24 files) • Run time: 47 sec WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  5. III. TDM2MOVES - data inputs • HPMS factors • Adjust model results to HPMS • For the base year: HPMSf = HPMSvmt / MODELvmt • By county and facility • AADT factors • By county, facility, and season • VMT mix (vehicle type activity percentage) • By county, facility, and year WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  6. AADT & HPMS Factors Look-up Table Note – Column “A” denotes county or city geographic area. WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  7. Sample Look-up Table for Arterial VMT Mix Factors Note – Column “A” denotes county geographic area. WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  8. IV. TDM2MOVES – methodology • Link level calculations • Aggregate & sort results • Generate files • MOVES inputs • VMT summary WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  9. IV. TDM2MOVES – methodology (continued) • Link level calculations • Speed profile • (determine speed bin and tally VHT) • VMT by vehicle type • Ramp percentage • Road type distribution WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  10. Calculation: Speed Profile For the AM time period: PfwyVHT_AMbin_x= fwyVHT_AMbin_x/ {[SUM]fwyVHT_AM} and, PartVHT_AMbin_x= artVHT_AMbin_x/ {[SUM]artVHT_AM} and, PlocVHT_AMbin_x= locVHT_AMbin_x/ {[SUM]locVHT_AM} Repeat for midday (MD), PM peak (PM) & evening (EV) Where: PfwyVHT_AMbin_x, PartVHT_AMbin_x, andPlocVHT_AMbin_xare the percentage of VHT in speed bin “x” for freeways, arterials, and local roads respectively, fwyVHT_AMbin_x, artVHT_AMbin_xand locVHT_AMbin_xare the VHT on freeway, arterial and local road class links with operating speeds in the range of bin_x, and [SUM]fwyVHT_AM, [SUM]artVHT_AMand[SUM]locVHT_AM are the totals respectively of all freeway, arterial and local road VHT for all speed ranges. WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  11. Calculation: VMT by Vehicle Type VMT_wtVeh_n= (rampVMT + fwyVMT) * mixF_n * HPMSf * AADTf_wt+ artVMT * mixA_n * HPMSa * AADTa_wt + locVMT * mixL_n * HPMSl * AADTl_wt Where: VMT_wtVeh_nis the winter VMT for vehicle type “n” (MOVES types 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60), RampVMT, fwyVMT, artVMT, and locVMTis the modeled VMT for freeways, ramps, arterials, and local roads respectively, mixF_n, mixA_n, and mixL_nis the percentage of VMT on freeways/ramps, arterials, and local roads respectively for vehicle type “n” (MOVES types 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60), HPMSf, HPMSa, HPMSlis the HPMS adjustment factor for freeways/ramps, arterials, and local roads respectively, and AADTf_wt, AADTa_wt, and AADTl_wtis the winter AADT factor for freeways/ramps, arterials, and local roads respectively. WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  12. Calculation: Ramp Percentage RampPCT= rampVHT / ( rampVHT + fwyVHT) Subject to EPA Review. Where: RampPCTis the ramp VHT as a percentage of total ramp and freeway VHT, rampVHTis the VHT on ramps, and fwyVHTis the VHT on freeways. WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  13. Calculation: Road Distribution Veh_nPctFwy_wt= (rampVMT + fwyVMT) * HPMSf * AADTf_wt * mixF_n / TotalVMT_wt{for veh_n} And likewise for Arterials, Locals, and Total VMT….. Where: RampVMT, fwyVMT, artVMT, and locVMTis the modeled VMT for freeways, ramps, arterials, and local roads respectively, mixF_n, mixA_n, and mixL_nis the percentage of VMT on freeways/ramps, arterials, and local roads respectively for vehicle type “n” (MOVES types 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60), HPMSf, HPMSa, HPMSlis the HPMS adjustment factor for freeways/ramps, arterials, and local roads respectively, and AADTf_wt, AADTa_wt, and AADTl_wtis the winter AADT factor for freeways/ramps, arterials, and local roads respectively. WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  14. IV. TDM2MOVES – methodology (continued) • Aggregate calculations • By time period • By speed bin • By facility type • By city (non-attainment only) • By county • By season (VMT & Road type) • Print Resulting Files • “MV” prefix for MOVES inputs • Year, county, season, file type • CSV format • Summary files with “lookup” index WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  15. TDM2MOVES Files Created • MV_VMTxVeh_SL2030_sm.csv * • MV_Ramp_SL2030.csv • MV_Road_SL2030_sm.csv* • MV_Speed_SL2030.csv • hpmsVMTxBinS_SL2030.csv* • Summary_SL2030.csv *Note – “S” and “sm” denote summer season files. Winter season files are also created and denoted with “W” and “wt”. WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  16. MOVES Input File Example:Speed Profile By Vehicle, Road, Hour, Day, & Speed BinSalt Lake County 2030 WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  17. MOVES Input File Example: VMT By Vehicle Type Salt Lake County 2030 Winter WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  18. MOVES Input File Example:Ramp Fraction Salt Lake County 2030 WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  19. MOVES Input File Example:Road Type Distribution By Vehicle TypeSalt Lake County 2030 Note - new road types created for rural local (32) and urban local (52) (optional) Also note the difference in local road percentage for passenger cars (16.2%) and heavy trucks (2.8%) WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  20. V. Emission Calculationslook-up tables • Run MOVES: emission rates • Rates lookup table: by speed bin & facility • Can be reused • VMT summary: by speed bin & facility • Spreadsheet: Emissions = rates * VMT WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  21. Sample MOVES Emission RatesModified as Excel lookup table Note: This table can be reused for instantaneous emission calculations. WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  22. Index for Emission Rate Look Up TablesSample WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  23. VMT Totals by Speed Bin and Road Type(Lookup table: can be used with emission rate table) WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  24. Summary File WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  25. VI. Other MOVES AdaptationsDaily VMT Inputs • MOVES = Annual • Conformity = Daily ? WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  26. Daily VMT InputsModified MOVES tables • Monthvmfraction • design month = 1 • all others = 0 • Dayvmtfractions • design month: • roadTypeID = 1-5, 32, 52 • dayID = 5 • dayVMTFraction = 1 • all other days = 0 • Hourvmtfraction • all dayID (2) = 0 • all dayID (5) = MOVES default • Monthofanyyear • all noOfDays =1 • Dayofanyweek • noOfRealDays for weekend = 0 • noOfRealDays for Weekdays=7 WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  27. Daily VMT Inputs • Modify default database • MOVESdb_21010515 • Save modified database • UtahDailyMOVESdb_21010515 • Set modified database as default • MOVES gui: Settings/Configure MOVES • Another webinar? WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  28. V. Other MOVES AdaptationsNew Road Type For Local Roads • THIS IS OPTIONAL! • Local Roads = residential streets • Less truck activity on locals • Mobile6 separated local roads • MOVES combines locals with arterials • Truck activity on local roads exaggerated • Another webinar? WFRC - TDM2MOVES

  29. The EndQuestions? WFRC - TDM2MOVES

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