Once again, it is your job as a friend and peer grader to catch all errors before this assignment is submitted for a grade. You are doing a great service to your friend. You should get a big “THANK YOU” from your writer, and don’t forget to give your grader the same. This is worth 25 points if you find all the errors. Note Card Check Ready… SET… GO!!!!
Working Bibliography If you have made changes, print a new copy. If you haven’t made changes, use your current copy. Step #1 • If you have made any changes, check for: • Alphabetized • Double spaced/unified (check that box) • Capitalization in the article title is correct. • Font
PAPER WORK!! • Fill out your side of the rubric. • Place your name on the Note Card Counter. • List all the authors or article titles from the “quick cite” portion of your cards • List your subtopics on the back of the counter pg. • Organize your cards by subtopics-Make 3-5 piles. Use separate piles for intro and conclusion cards.
They need your: 1. Note Cards 2. Note Card Counter 3. Working Bibliography 4. Rubric Switch with your peer grader. Hey Peer Grader – Place your name on top of the back of the rubric. It’s blank this time. Please list errors your find, like: Underline main idea Page numbers are missing on some cards. Sub-topic labels are inconsistent
Sub-topic check! • Compare your writer’s subtopic list on back of note card counter to their cards. • Are there at least two different sources per each subtopic? • Does each sub-topic contain both paraphrase and quotation cards. • (If they lack either, write it on the back of the rubric)
Working Bibliography Match • Are all the sources listed on the Note Card Counter also included on the Working Bibliography Page? • They must be to avoid plagiarism prison. • Prompt your writer on the back of the rubric to add any missing source to their WB (ex. You’re missing the author’s name Jones on your WB) • Check the space at the bottom of the NCC if sources match the bib page.
Highlight format errors on each card!! • Margins • Quick Cite: Author’s name & WEB or p. # (exact page number) • Type of Card • CAPITALIZED SUBTOPIC • Underlined Main Idea
Now-separate cards into card types & count! • Paraphrase (Min. 25) • Quotation (Total10) • My Idea (Total5) • Source Count (Min. 5) – Make sure each source listed on their NCC is somewhere in the quick cite on the card.
Author Page # or WEB Paraphrase SUBTOPIC This card uses your words to restate the passage and is usually shorter than the source. It must be attributed to the original source with both the author and page # (if available). If the author’s name is not available, use the article title or an abbreviation for the title in the “author” space. Underline the main idea of your note and create a capitalized SUBTOPIC for organizational purposes.
Now for content…………. • Check Punctuation (quotation marks on quote cards; p. #, etc) • Read one card in each category of Paraphrase, Quote, My idea. Do you have any suggestions?
Revise and correct your errors. • You have 15 minutes to erase and correct your errors. It’s ok if the highlight remains on the card. It’s NOT ok if you haven’t revised the highlighted correction. I will count it as one full point. Yikes!! • Don’t rewrite your card. If you do, include the old card with the new card (staple them together).
Submit! • Follow these instructions to receive: • FREE bonus points!! • Separate cards into sub-topics. • Fold the “Note Card Counter” around the note card stack. • Funky Fold it (like a diaper) so that your name appears on the front. • Place it in the blue basket. • Check off your name on the class roster.
MONKEY Don’t forget to ring the bell and for today’s assignment, show us your best…..