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Phonics Tip # 3 C or K rule

Phonics Tip # 1 When a vowel is followed by a consonant, the vowel is short and is coded or marked with a breve. See the example below. cat. Phonics Tip # 7 The or sound In order to remember the sound that or makes, here is a story that kids enjoy.

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Phonics Tip # 3 C or K rule

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  1. Phonics Tip # 1 When a vowel is followed by a consonant, the vowel is short and is coded or marked with a breve. See the example below. cat Phonics Tip # 7 The or sound In order to remember the sound that or makes, here is a story that kids enjoy. At Loganville Primary School, the children were getting ready to eat snack. The teacher offered them a choice: "You can have an apple OR an orange." Phonics Tip # 2 Twin consonants make one sound and are coded by crossing out one of the consonants. class Phonics Tip # 8 The oo sound In order to remember the sounds that oo makes, here is a story that kids enjoy. A child was having a birthday party. He opened up a present from a good friend. He really liked it and said, "OOO(as in boo)! Just what I wanted." Then he opened up a present from his big sister who liked to play jokes on him. He was surprised when he saw a rotten tomato in the box and he said, "OOO(as in book)." Phonics Tip # 3 C or K rule When you hear the /k/ sound in a word use the following guidelines to help you decide when to use a c and when to use a k. *Use a c with the vowels a, o, or u, and any other consonant. Example: cat coat cut clap *Use a k with the vowels e, i, and y key kite Kyle Phonics Tip #9 Oh, when does C sound just like s? C-e, c-i, c-y once, circus, recycle Oh, when does G sound just like j? G-e, g-i, g-y gigantic, gym, germ

  2. Phonic Tip #17 Drop It! Dropping silent e before I-n-g Said i-n-g to silent e, You can’t stand next to me. When I’m around, You can’t be found. That’s how it has to be. Phonics Tip # 10 The 4-H club In order to remember the sounds that sh/ch/wh/th make, here is a story that kids enjoy. There are four members of the 4-H club. They are a lady who is always asking everyone to be quiet - /sh/ as in ship, a person who rattles a chain - /ch/as in chip, a person who is always sticking out his tongue - /th/ as in this, and someone who is alwaystrying to blow out the candle - /wh/ as in whistle. Phonic Tip #18 Homophones Oh, I know a few words that aredifferent and the same Like one and won or two and too. Though they have the same sound, There’s a difference, I’ve found. Spell the letters and The meaning comes throught. Words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and mean different things. Phonics Tip #11 Has two vowels, What’s the rule? The first one does the talking; The second one does the walking Read, beat, rain, pain, feed, need, boat, coat Phonics Tip # 12 The oi sound In order to remember the sound that oi makes, here is a story that kids enjoy. A child was going to the toy store to buy something with his allowance. He took his new book to the counter and the clerk said, "That book will cost you one boy coin." Phonic Tip #19 Why Does Y? Check out the letter next to the y. If you see a consonant, y turns to i Before suffixes that begin with e. baby – babies tiny – tiniest hurry – hurried Phonics Tip #13 Syllables Warning! le and er - cannot stand alone! rab / bit, tur / tle – always break between consonants!

  3. Phonic Tip #14 Magic e or Bossy e Long vowel + consonant + silent e The e kicks the vowel and makes it say its name. Phonics Tip #20 Open / Closed Syllables A closed syllable ends with a consonant. That makes the vowel sound short. The consonant closes the door on the vowel so it can’t say it’s name. An open syllable ends with a vowel. That makes the vowel Sound long. The door is open so the vowel can say “Hi!” and it’s name. Phonic Tip #15 Bossy R- oh, the Bossy R always gets his way! ur, ir, er – all sound like er ar – r or air or – or burn, turn, sir, her, barn, yarn, harm, farm cork, fork, corn, born, bear, care, dare, share Phonics Tip #21 oi & oy oi is always in the middle of a word oy is always at the end of a word Phonic Tip #16 Lonely Consonants Some consonants tend to get lonely In one-vowel words, at the end. They’re sad if they’re just one-and-only, So give them a twin or a friend. C needs K L needs a twin K needs C S needs a twin F needs a twin C and K, F, L and s need letters beside them for company. Clock and block, stuff, will, and floss

  4. Phonics Tip # 4 Compound Words A compound word is made up of two words that come together to make a whole new word. Phonics Tips!!! Ways to help your children know the different sounds letters and letter combinations can make! Phonics Tip # 5 The ou and ow sounds In order to remember the sounds that ou and ow make, here is a story that kids enjoy. There were these two boys in my class one year and they were bullies. They would go around hitting others and being unkind. They spent a lot of time in time out. When one of the children washit, he/she would say "ow" as in cow or "ou" as in count or "ow"as in row We discuss how the vowel combinations ow and ou can have both of these two sounds. Phonics Tip # 6 The er, ir and ur sounds In order to remember the sounds that er, ir and ur make, here is a story that kids enjoy. There were three boys who lived far away on another planet. They were from the planet Nerd. The nerds had 3 different names, er, ir, and ur, but they sounded the same - /ur/

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