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KwaZulu Natal (Umzimkhulu Local Municipality) and Eastern Cape (Port St Johns, Nyandeni and Mnquma Local Municipalities), dated
KwaZulu Natal: Umzimkhulu Local Municipality Land Claims report • The national Department of Rural Development and Land Reform must provide the latest statistics with regards to the outstanding land claims and the reasons for the delays in processing the land claims in the Sisonke District and Umzimkhulu local municipality. • Detailed spreadsheet provided
Eastern Cape: OR Tambo District and Mnquma local municipality.Land Claims Report • The national Department of Rural Development and Land Reform must provide the latest statistics with regards to the outstanding land claims and the reasons for the delays in processing the land claims in the OR Tambo District and Mnquma local municipality. • Detailed spreadsheet provided
Eastern Cape : OR Tambo District and Port St Johns local municipality. Land Claims Report • The national Department of Rural Development and Land Reform must provide the latest statistics with regards to the outstanding land claims and the reasons for the delays in processing the land claims in the OR Tambo District and Port St Johns local municipality. • Detailed spreadsheet provided
Eastern Cape cont… • The national Department of Rural Development and Land Reform must provide a report on the progress made on the Caguba, Mkhanzini, Majola land claims, in the Port St Johns area. • Caguba claim:Development grants (R17, 5 m) are in the process of being transferred to an account to be established by the Department. The target period for transferring was the first quarter of the 2012/13 FY. • The transfer of funds will be done in trenches in line with the approved business plan. • Majola claim: Challenges are related to the non-claimant group that does not recognise the registered CPA. CTH Attorneys are facilitating the appointment of a Mediator and the appointment process should be finalised by end March. About 1500 non claimants claim that they have user rights on the 698 hectares of the settled claim, which then complicates implementation of planned development. Mediation intervention should also address this challenge.
Eastern Cape cont… • Mkhanzini Claim • The department convened a meeting with the CPA and the traditional leaders regarding financial compensation and land for restoration. An agreement has since been reached between parties that the settlement of the claim will be phased. The first phase will be financial compensation with the second phase being the land restoration. • The Section 42 D documents for financial compensation (phase one) was approved at the Quality Control Committee and are en route to the Minister for approval. • The office is currently negotiating with the owner of the land identified for restoration, and the outcome of the negotiation will lead to a submission to Quality Control Committee on 22 November 2012.
Additional Interventions in Mnquma Local Municipality • Erf 1 Ngqamakhwe: Boundary disputes between Mthwaku and Sokapase who have conflicting claims in the same parcel. A valuer has been requested to identify the boundary and conduct valuation. The report will be submitted in end March. • R4, 4 million funding to Silulwazi broiler Project for recapitalization and development in the 2012/13 financial year. • Aspire / Amathole DM is assisting with the development of Local Spatial Development Framework for the urban / rural nodes of Mnquma LM. Reprioritisation was done and Mbhashe LM is being assisted with the revitalisation of urban / rural nodes. • Animal and Veld Management programme is being implemented (Fencing of arable land in Mhlahlane village – 80km (R5.2 million)
Select Committee on Land and Environmental Affairs on the oversight visit to the Bojanala District and Madibeng Local Municipalities in the North West Province, dated 25 October 2011
Additional Interventions: Moses Kotane (Matlametlong,Mokgalwaneng, Disake) • 30 High mast lights installed and awaiting Eskom to open power line • 10 Trainers identified to do further training which will benefit 50 learners through the APPDP. • 7 Cooperatives registered. • In collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, acquired 8 top quality bulls. • 25 Household gardens established through the APPDP training.
oversight visit to the IntsikaYethu Municipality, Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape, dated 13 May 2010
EC: Irrigation Schemes The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Provincial Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development to provide the Committee with detailed information as to what funding and support has been rendered to the project thus far, including future funding allocations (irrigation schemes, recap and RID projects in this area) • Response:
IntsikaYethu Municipality, Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape
IntsikaYethu Municipality, Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape Ncorha • 1021 cows were delivered to the dairy in the period between July and August 2012. Almost 657 cows are being milked currently. The current market available for selling milk from Ncora is Coega Dairy. • Installation of feed-mill has been completed and is sufficient to feed the number of cows present in the dairy farm. • Renovation and installation of Silos have been completed, the weigh bridge has been installed and only the computers are awaiting installation. • Installation of 21000 L bulk milk tank has been completed. • Planting of 200 ha’s of Maize (100 ha for silage and 100ha for grain) was completed and harvested. Planting of ryegrass and clover in 300ha’s experienced delays but ultimately completed. • Repairs on Fencing and installation of irrigation infrastructure in 200 hectares have been completed.
IntsikaYethu Municipality, Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape Ncorha • A total of 728 ha of Maize were planted in Qumaco area of Ncora irrigation scheme, the area covered includes six villages, which are Ndenxe, Maqomeni, Sigangeni, Thaleni, Kwa Dlomo and Matafeni. • Harvesting of maize started on 22 July 2012 and was completed end August 2012. Pre-harvest yield estimates was 3.5 tons per hectare and was done in early June 2012. The actual average yield is 1.7 tons per hectare and there were some challenges that led to the decrease and these are as follows:
IntsikaYethu Municipality, Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape Qamata • Village cluster development • - Chris Hani Cooperative centre completed the situation analysis and skills audit work in the ; • Infrastructure Development • - Fencing of the fields: The project is in progress as the contractor established site; • - De-bushing and canal clearing: The contractor has turned-down the appointment, this is due to the cost escalations. The second recommended contractor is being approached although its cost estimates were fairly higher than the estimated cost. • - Flood irrigation infrastructure rehabilitation- The rehabilitation mainly relies completion of the de-bushing and canal clearing as there needs to be an assessment of the amount of damage and costing thereof.
IntsikaYethu Municipality, Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape Qamata Renovate Office Block • Office renovations: The contractor has started work; Upgrade Gravel Access Road from R 61 to Section 1A • o A geotechnical engineer has been appointed to investigate the surrounding borrow pits for suitable road making material. This report has been completed and MBB is in the process of establishing whether the borrow pit is registered with the Department of Minerals and Energy. Milling and Mixing Plant • The project has not commenced yet, it is deemed prudent that a commercial partner must be secured first in order to develop plans sequentially.
IntsikaYethu Municipality, Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape Qamata Cropping Plans from Sept 2012 • Partnership has been secured where there will be joint funding for the cropping programme this coming summer season. This partnership will see the provincial DRDAR will be funding some of the inputs and the funding from DRDLR will fund mechanisation costs and any shortfall in inputs. • The targeted priority crops are: • - Dry Maize in 415 ha • - Green Mealies in 60 ha • - Cabbage in 50 ha • - and Butternut in 20 ha • DRDAR are in a process of procuring fertilizer and other inputs for delivery by mid September 2012.
IntsikaYethu Municipality, Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape Bilatye Cropping Programme • A total of 120 ha has been earmarked for planting of maize under irrigation. Procurement for production of inputs is underway. • It is expected that the Municipality will settle the Eskom debt and continue to pay electricity costs until harvesting time. • Village Cluster Development • Chris Hani Co-operative Centre has undertaken social facilitation and covered the key areas mentioned : o Situation analysis o Skills audit
IntsikaYethu Municipality, Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape
Additional Interventions in Giyani • Boreholes: the projects currently underway in Muyexe are Communal drinking points • A contractor has been appointed to construct cattle drinking troughs and reservoir with pipe works to support farmers in Muyexe • Boreholes: we have borehole projects in three villages (Thomo, Gon’on’o and Dingamanzi), the scope of work consist of drilling of borehole, pump house and a reservoir (all on tender stage)