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Portfolio Committee: Water and Environmental Affairs

Portfolio Committee: Water and Environmental Affairs. WULA PROGRESS REPORT 16 April 2013. Purpose of the Presentation. Outline the progress made on the eradication of the water use licence applications (WULAs) backlog as at 22 March 2013.

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Portfolio Committee: Water and Environmental Affairs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Portfolio Committee: Water and Environmental Affairs WULA PROGRESS REPORT 16 April 2013

  2. Purpose of the Presentation • Outline the progress made on the eradication of the water use licence applications (WULAs) backlog as at 22 March 2013. • To advise on the status and provide a detailed breakdown on the status of applications within the current backlog. • Provide an overview and breakdown on new WULAs received during the 2011 calendar year. • To advise on current steps taken to ensure that the backlog is eradicated.

  3. Lay out of the Presentation 1. Applications Processed/Finalised 2. Backlog Applications in process 2.1. Outstanding Information of Backlog 3. 2011/12 Applications at Letsema • 2011/12 Applications at Regional Offices • High Court and Water Tribunal Cases 6. Challenges and Interventions

  4. 1. Applications Processed/Finalised

  5. Overview of finalised WULAs from April 2010 to 22 March 2013

  6. Sectoral Breakdown of Letsema Finalized WULAs from April 2010 to 22 March 2013


  8. Finalized WULAs April 2011- 22 March 2013

  9. HDI status

  10. Other Water Uses Issued April 2011- 22 March 2013

  11. HDI status on Other Water Uses Issued

  12. Graph Representing Finalised WULAs April 2011- 22 March 2013

  13. Awaiting Signature: Per Location

  14. Awaiting Signature: Per sector

  15. Chasing a Moving Target

  16. Moving Target

  17. Application put on hold

  18. 2. Backlog Applications in process

  19. Current Backlog Per Region

  20. Current Backlog Per Sector

  21. Pie Chart of Backlog Applications

  22. Graph Representing Backlog WULAs in Progress

  23. Status breakdown of the mining sector backlog applications

  24. Breakdown of backlog applications per main commodity mined type

  25. Status breakdown of the agriculture backlog applications

  26. Types Backlog Application for agricultural operations

  27. Status breakdown of the Backlog Industry applications

  28. Status of Backlog SFRA WULAs currently on site

  29. Status of backlog local government and development WULAs

  30. Breakdown of activities for local government and development

  31. Strategic Important WULAs

  32. 2.1. Outstanding Information of Backlog

  33. Outstanding Information

  34. Outstanding Reserve

  35. 4. 2011/12 Applications at Regional Offices

  36. Status of WULAs Finalised by the Region and Copies Provided to the Project

  37. 2011 WULAs being processed at regional offices

  38. 2011 Provincial Split of WULAs in Regions

  39. 2012 WULAs being processed at regional offices

  40. 2012 Provincial Split of WULAs in Regions

  41. 2013 WULAs being processed at regional offices

  42. 2013 Provincial Split of WULAs in Regions

  43. High Court and Water Tribunal Application

  44. Breakdown of courts appeal


  46. Progress on Renewable Energy (Preferred Bidders)

  47. Graph for Renewable Energy (Preferred Bidders)


  49. Movement of Staff from 1 April 2011 to date

  50. Graph Movement of Staff from 1 April 2011 to date

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