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THE BYZANYTINE EMPIRE chapter. 9 SECTION 1. By: Ali aka wat the …, Hassan aka B illy, A hmad aka A bu Ammar Luay aka JR aka ears and Omar aka best driver. Constantine. Ruler of the Roman Empire Him and his successors moved their base to Eastern Mediterranean.

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  1. THE BYZANYTINE EMPIREchapter. 9 SECTION 1 By: Ali aka wat the …, Hassan aka Billy, Ahmad aka Abu Ammar Luay aka JR aka ears and Omar aka best driver

  2. Constantine • Ruler of the Roman Empire • Him and his successors moved their base to Eastern Mediterranean. • He took over Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople • It became new Roman Empire and had access to the “New Rome Roads” • They fanned out to the Middle East and North Africa

  3. Justinian • Justinian was an emperor of New Rome • He wanted to revive Ancient Rome by obtaining all its lost land. • With the help of his general and the Byzantine Army he reconquered North Africa, Italy, and the Southern Iberian peninsula. • In 532, there were fires and riots that swept over Constantinople and it burned down buildings and killed many lives.

  4. The Great City Rebuilt • Justinian started a program to make Constantinople more glorious than ever. • His greatest achievement was building the Hagia Sophia “Holy Wisdom”

  5. Justinian's empire • Justinian ruled as a autocrat: a sole ruler with complete authority • his wife helped him control the empire. She advised him and acted as his co-ruler. • Peasants were the backbone of the empire; they worked the land, paid taxes and provided for the military • His empire had a healthy money economy. • The Byzantine Empire had the strongest economy and military.

  6. Justinian and his Code • Justinian revised and organized all the laws of Ancient Rome. • The result was Body of Civil Law AKA Justinian's Code. • His code is still used today in international law.

  7. Military • Sailors, soldiers and ships protected the empire. • Had a secret weapon called Greek Fire; a liquid that that was thrown at an enemy and ignited on contacted. It couldn’t be taken out with water. • People feared attacking the Empire because of the Greek Fire.

  8. Christianity in Byzantine Empire • The way Christianity was practiced in Byzantine was different than the Western world. • Over time the differences brought tension between them. • Byzantine emperor controlled church affairs even though he wasn’t a priest. • He appointed the patriarchs: highest church official. • Byzantine Christians rejected pope’s authority.

  9. Christianity in Byzantine V.S Christianity in Europe • clergies were allowed to marry unlike priests • (B) used Greek not Latin was the language of the church • (B) put much less emphasis on charismas: Jesus's birthday • But they loved Easter: Jesus’s death

  10. The Division • In the middle ages the Byzantine and the Pope drew further apart • They had a fight over weather using icons: holy images was ok contributed greatly to the division • The Byzantine believed that worshiping images was not ok. • This led to many violent conflicts with the Pope • Eventually an empress in the Byzantine allowed people to use icons • After the fighting stopped it left a great split in the eastern and western Christianity the split was called the Great Schism

  11. The Epic! decline • The Byzantine was in a decline!b/c of court intrigues, struggles offer succession, and constant wars. • The Byzantine was always fighting with the Seljuk a nomadic people who became museum after migrating westward. • The Byzantine empire called for western help, b/c the Seljuk's attacks were blocking the routes to Jerusalem the result of this was the 1st crusade • During later crusades the Byzantine got into a fight with Venice over trade rivalry. • In the 4th crusade venetian merchants convinced knights to attack Constantinople. • Western christens controlled Constantinople for 57 years • The Byzantine managed to reclaimed their lost capital but in the end it was fruitless, the venetian merchants controlled the Byzantine trade routes. This drained the power of the empire

  12. The Turks • The Ottoman Turks were a growing power at the time. By 1453 the Turks surrounded Constantinople • After 3 months of struggling the Turks stormed the city and won the war • Constantinople was renamed Istanbul and the Hagia Sophia was made into an Islamic house of worship. • Istanbul soon became the center of Muslim culture.

  13. Heritage • For 1000 years the Byzantine built on the culture of the Hellenistic world • Byzantine civilization mixed with Christian culture, Greek science, philosophy, art, and literature.

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