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Core-CT HRMS Upgrade: Overview, Process, and Timeline

This document provides an overview of the Core-CT HRMS upgrade, including the upgrade process, new functionality, timeline, agency impact, and tools changes. It also includes general announcements regarding ePay and payroll updates for non-reportable earnings.

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Core-CT HRMS Upgrade: Overview, Process, and Timeline

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  1. State of ConnecticutCore-CT HRMS Users Group Meeting March 20 & 21, 2012 1

  2. Agenda 2

  3. General Announcements Core-CT Staffing News 3

  4. Upgrade Upgrade Overview • Core-CT has embarked on a system upgrade to the HRMS, Financials and EPM applications • The upgrade will be from Version 8.9 to 9.1 • It will allow us to stay current with Oracle Support and take advantage of new features • We have contracted with Cherry Road Technologies as our implementation partner 4

  5. Upgrade Upgrade Process • Reviewed and updated our Requirements • Fit/Gap – compare our current 8.9 HRMS environment to the new vanilla 9.1 product • Gaps were identified where a current modification must be brought forward, and where new customizations have been identified • Various solutions are then identified to fill the gaps (we are here) • The proposed solutions are reviewed for overall priority and budget 5

  6. Upgrade Upgrade Process, continued • Our remaining modifications are reapplied to the 9.1 environments • Approved new modifications are coded • Several rounds of testing • Good News! No significant changes to our current major business processes 6

  7. Upgrade New Functionality • Expansion of both ePay and TL Self Service is currently planned during the upgrade effort • Other eApps that are under review: eProfile, more ePay features, eBenefits • TAM/CG Talent Acquisition Management / Candidate Gateway is an entirely new module – also called Recruiting Solutions 7

  8. Upgrade Timeline • The upgrade schedule has a number of releases • PeopleTools will be upgraded on 4/2/12 • HRMS is next – planned for October 2012 • Retiree Payroll moves into HRMS in the first quarter of 2013 • Financials is scheduled for March 2013 8

  9. Upgrade Agency Impact • Agencies may be called upon to participate with various phases of the project via the Agency Readiness program • Agency Readiness Liaisons are the point of contact between the Upgrade Project and the agencies • Agency Readiness tasks may be identified and communicated • 2 Tasks have already been assigned to the Agency Liaisons: Browsers, PeopleTools Changes 9

  10. Upgrade Tools Changes • Minimal format changes • The detailed information is being disseminated through your Agency Liaison • Confirm processes are moving to 2PM Wednesday, 3/28 • System will be available on Thursday, 3/29, 6AM-4PM • No system access on Friday and Saturday, 3/30 & 3/31 • System back up at noon on Monday, 4/2 10

  11. General Announcements ePay • We piloted a new feature at the Attorney General’s office that allowed employees to self-enroll for ePay to view their paycheck information • We are currently testing a change to assist with decentralization of password resets • Once this is fully in Production, we plan to make this available to all State employees – including student and seasonal workers 11

  12. General Announcements ePay, continued • Reminder for ePay agencies that a maximum of one year of Advices is available via ePay • A number of agencies are now paperless for Advices of Deposit, including: DAS, DEEP, DRS, OAG, OPM, OSC • Goal is to move everyone to paperless 12

  13. Agenda 13

  14. Payroll Update Process for Non-Reportable Earnings • In the fall of 2011, we alerted users about a new process that had been created to extract all non-reportable TRC's and Earn Codes from both Timesheet and Additional Pay with the purpose of creating a separate check for payment. This change was to ensure that no employee or employer deductions would be withheld from these types of payments, ending a longstanding issue with any fringe allocation. • We have also included non-taxable tuition reimbursement in this process. • TU1 Earnings code / XTU1A Time Reporting code • Please take note, that no negative entries associated with these TRCs or Earnings codes should be entered on Timesheet or Additional Pay. 14

  15. Payroll Update Process for Non-Reportable Earnings • If a change (to a non-reportable reimbursement is required for a prior pay period which does not require payment, do not use the Timesheet. If this change is simply to correct the TRC under which an earlier payment was made, use the Adjust Paid Time record. • If the prior period change is to a combo code, this change will need to be done as a spreadsheet journal entry. • Be careful when reporting Tuition reimbursements. Users will not be able to change the TRC or Earnings code on the Timesheet, Adjust Paid Time or Additional Pay pages if it is determined after the fact that the payment should have been taxable (TU2) or the reverse, non-taxable. Only non-taxable tuition reimbursements (TU1) will generate a separate check. 15

  16. Payroll Update Process for Non-Reportable Earnings • Special note for self service or ePay agencies: • Please communicate with your employees on the issues presented herein regarding non-reportable earnings. No negative transactions should be processed by self service users as well as no switching of TRCs for taxable and non-taxable tuition reimbursements. • Employees who receive 2 checks (regular biweekly check and separate check for non-reportable reimbursements) will see entries for the same check date in View Paycheck Information. Both checks are reflected in each line but you must scroll down to see full content. 16

  17. Payroll Update Process for Non-Reportable Earnings • REMINDER! • If an employee has Direct Deposit, the non-reportable sep/ck will also be direct deposited. Like an employee’s tax set up, any election the employee makes will carry over to both checks. 17

  18. Payroll Update Important Scheduling Notes Confirm for 4/5/12 check: Confirm will take place on Wednesday, March 3/28/12 to accommodate Tools cutover for that weekend System Lockout will be in place at 2PM on Wednesday, March 28th System access will be 6AM – 4PM on Thursday, March 29th Lockout will be in place Friday – Saturday System access will be restored at noon on Monday, April 2nd. Note:Payline Adjustments will be allowed on Wednesday. Interface files are due on Monday, March 26th by 2PM. 18

  19. Payroll Update Important Scheduling Notes Confirm for 7/13/12 check: Confirm will take place on Friday, July 6th. System Lockout will be in place at 7 PM on Thursday, July 5th and will continue through Friday, the 6th. There will be no payline adjustments on Friday, July 6th. Interface files are due on Monday, July 2nd by 2 PM. 19

  20. Agenda 20

  21. Human Resources Update April 2012 Longevity Process • Preliminary Report was run on Friday, 3/2/2012. • Final Processing will occur on Thursday, 3/29/2012. • Final Reports will be available on Monday, 4/02/2012. 21

  22. Human Resources Update April 2012 Longevity Process • Seven longevity scenarios were programmed • So…Review carefully to ensure accuracy • Ensure only eligible employees receive payment. • Ensure amount is correct. 22

  23. Human Resources Update April 2012 Longevity Processing • Please refer to Daily Mail dated March 5, 2012 for specific information. 23

  24. Human Resources Update April 2012 Longevity Process • Note: • Longevity payments for those in the Union Code 01 will now be updated using the longevity process • The Excel report will be available 24

  25. Human Resources Update Longevity Process Going Forward • We will continue to work on implementing any additional changes to longevity processing resulting from the SEBAC and other agreements and E-items as they impact payments going forward. 25

  26. Human Resources Update Longevity Process Going Forward • System no longer automatically populates the Longevity Date field upon hire. • Agencies must manually enter a date in the Longevity Date field if the employee is eligible or may become eligible to receive a longevity payment. 26

  27. Human Resources Update Fiscal Year End • During the Fiscal Year End Process…. • ….Combination Codes are updated with a new Budget Reference from 2012 to 2013 by either: Updating existing Combo Codes with new Budget Reference OR Creating new Combo Code ‘sequences’ with new Budget Reference ….Positions are updated with a new Budget Reference from 2012 to 2013 with the insertion of a mass-generated row. 27

  28. Human Resources Update Fiscal Year End, Continued • During the Fiscal Year End Process…. • …Agency Position Specialists should identify positions needing a change in • FUND • SID • Distribution Percentage of Funding • …All desired changes to positions for the Fiscal Year Load MUST be made directly in Core-CT by early May to allow ample Workflow-Approval time

  29. Human Resources Update Fiscal Year End – Important Reminders During the Fiscal Year End Process…. …Cleanup of Recycled and Denied Positions should be completed prior to June 22, 2012 …Refer to Job Aid: Positions Denied or Recycled found at http://www.corect.state.ct.us/ user/hrjobaids/hr/pstns_denid_or_rcycld.doc …Agencies may also review the Position Approval History Report for day-to-day review of positions in need of attention

  30. Human Resources Update Fiscal Year End – Important Reminders, Continued • Cleanup Options: Recycled and Denied Positions • Updatethe ‘Recycled’ or ‘Denied’ position row and send back through the Workflow Approval process, if required OR….. • Request that Core-CT Remove the ‘Recycled’ or ‘Denied’ position row, if no longer required OR….. • Inactivate the position, if appropriate

  31. Human Resources Update Fiscal Year End – Important Reminders, Continued • Agency Position Specialists are encouraged to limit the number of position updates performed from mid-May through June 22, 2012. • Positions in “PROPOSED” status willNOT be updated for Fiscal Year End. • Positions that remain in the Workflow process during the Fiscal Year End transition will require review for accurate budget information once they are approved. • Positions may need to be resubmitted for approval again after the Fiscal Year End transition.

  32. Human Resources Update Fiscal Year End – Time Line • Agency Position Specialists will have VIEW-ONLYaccess in Position Data from June 25th through the close of business on June 29th • The new budget information will be loaded into Core-CT during this week • A new row dated June 15, 2012 will be inserted into each Active and Approved position.

  33. Human Resources Update Fiscal Year End – Time Line • Project Agencies ( DOT, DEEP, DAS, DPH, and CSC ) will have new project Combination Codes available on June 15, 2012 with an effective date of June 15, 2012. • New Combination Codes for all other agencies will have an effective date of June 15, 2012. • These codes will be available once all existing Combo Codes have been “rolled forward” to the new budget year andafter the completion of the Financials Process for the final pay cycle of FY12 (approx. 6/27/2012).

  34. Human Resources Update RIP Reminders! • The first payment of deferred vacation and sick leave accruals owed to retirees who took part in the 2009 Retiree Incentive Program (RIP) are due with check dated 7/27/2012 (pay period 6/29-7/12). • If you have not already done so, you must enter all necessary transactions to ensure timely and proper payment. 34

  35. Human Resources Update RIP Reminders! • For those agencies impacted by earlier consolidations, make sure any RIP retirees from the “old” agency were placed into the “new” agency for payment purposes! 35

  36. Human Resources Update Agency Consolidations • For those agencies who will be consolidating effective 7/1/2012, please contact us as soon as possible. • We need to work together to ensure a successful and timely implementation of needed changes. 36

  37. Human Resources Update Reminders from Business Rules/Audit Unit • Contact Pauline if you get a message indicating the Social Security Number you entered is already in the system. • Contact Pauline if you are not sure which Action/Reason to use • Pauline Mahoney – pauline.mahoney@ct.govor 860-713-5033 37

  38. Human Resources Update Reminders from Core-CT HR • If pay confirm is near and you have the ability to enter a change to the top row in Job Data as needed to ensure a correct payment will be made to your employee, please do so. We can correct the historical record after the fact. 38

  39. Human Resources Update Reminders from Core-CT HR, Continued • Important! Everyone MUST log tickets. E-mails and phone calls cannot be accepted when requesting assistance. 39

  40. Agenda 40

  41. Effective 4/2/2012, new procedures are being instituted to process refunds of Retiree Health Care deductions for Terminating employees. The goal is to include any refunds with the employee’s final check. Retiree Health Care Refunds New Procedures for Terminations

  42. Agency personnel will be responsible for processing requests for refunds of Retiree Health Fund Contributions. These changes are intended to help terminating employees get their refunds by the last paycheck. No change to refund procedures for active employees. This is an interim procedure until 7/1/2013 when virtually all employees with be contributing to the Retiree Health Fund. Retiree Health Care Refunds Updated Termination Process

  43. Employees separating from service without qualifying for retiree healthcare coverage are eligible for refunds of Retiree Health Fund contributions. Employees currently contributing were either hired after 7/1/2009 or had less than 5 years of actual service as of 7/1/2010. Unless an employee is transitioning directly to retirement with healthcare benefits, most terminating employees will be eligible for a refund because they will not have accrued sufficient service to qualify for retiree health benefits. Retiree Health Care Refunds Refund Eligibility

  44. Employee who is leaving one agency and transferring to another agency in near future. Employee who is leaving agency but will be rehired in near future. Employee who is leaving one state position but has an active position with another state agency. No refund eligibility because there has been no separation from service. Retiree Health Care Refunds Exceptions to Refund Eligibility

  45. If an employee has more than one state job, they are not eligible to receive a refund if they maintain employment in any job. Refund eligibility is predicated on separating from state service – meaning all jobs. Retiree Health Care Refunds Exceptions to Refund Eligibility – Multi jobs

  46. Once agency has been informed that an employee is separating from state service and has assessed that employee may be due a refund, the agency payroll staff should be notified to end the OPEB or OTRS deduction. General Deduction Page - enter a new effective dated row on the deduction code OPEB (or OTRS), using the last day of the previously confirmed payroll as both the “Effective Date” and the “End Date”. Retiree Health Care Refunds Terminate the Deduction

  47. Review Employee’s General Deductions to ensure that no recovery of Retiree Health Contributions is being done via deduction code “ADJOPE”. If so, end this deduction in the same manner. Retiree Health Care Refunds Terminate the Deduction, Continued

  48. Use EPM Query #4 under HRMS 3% Retiree Health Fund Job Aid to calculate refund amount Retiree Health Care Refunds Assess Amount of Refund

  49. As part of exit interview, agency personnel should explain availability of refund. Have employee answer questions about other state employment. If employed by another state agency, the employee is not eligible for a refund. Point out need to repay if employee plans to return to state service in near future. Retiree Health Care Refunds Exit Interview

  50. If employee wants refund, complete form CO-1301, Application for Refund, Retiree Health Contributions. (use form dated November 2011). [ http://www.osc.ct.gov/agencies/forms/word/CO-1301%20rev%2011-11.rtf Employee must sign CO-1301. Retiree Health Care Refunds Exit Interview, Continued

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