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Is Human Nature basically good or basically evil?

Is Human Nature basically good or basically evil?. The Confucian Debate. Basic concepts. Jen (ren) Human-heartedness (benevolence) The right way is to live according to this human heartedness Care for Others “Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.”.

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Is Human Nature basically good or basically evil?

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  1. Is Human Nature basically good or basically evil? The Confucian Debate

  2. Basic concepts • Jen (ren) Human-heartedness (benevolence) • The right way is to live according to this human heartedness Care for Others “Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.”

  3. Cultivate Jen through Li • Propriety • Ceremonial and ritual ways in which humanity is realized • These are li only when in accord with jen • Ritual actions of the ruler • Marriage • Shared participation in life that provide conditions that nourish jen

  4. Cultivate Jen through Hsiao (Xiao) • Filial piety • Respect is first cultivated in the family • Parent-child • Husband-wife • Older-younger sibling • Older-younger friend • Ruler-subject • Respect learned in the family results in respect for all humankind

  5. Cultivate Jen through Yi • Righteousness • Some actions should be performed simply because they are right • Bring peace to the old • Trust friends • Cherish the young

  6. Mencius and the argument for goodness • All humans are alike by nature • The sage (the person who has the virtue chih or wisdom of right and wrong), who is good by nature is a person. • Therefore, all human beings are good by nature.

  7. Mencius’ argument • The virtues also give evidence of basic human goodness. • Compassion is the beginning of jen • Example of the child at the well • Shamefulness is the root of yi. • If we cause hurt, we try to make restitution. • Reverence is the beginning of li • Children have natural reverence for parents • Knowledge of right and wrong must be found in every person.

  8. Mencius’ Problem • How is a basic goodness corrupted? • External circumstance • Abandonment of self • Failure to flourish • The role of education and society must be to enable the good that is there to flourish.

  9. Hsun Tzu’s counter-argument • Human nature is basically evil. • Humans love personal profit and seek their own gain. • By nature humans are envious and hate others. • Human desires lead to lewdness and chaos.

  10. Hsun Tzu’s Problem • How can people become good? • Cultivating the virtues that humans establish • Education and socialization must make the crooked straight. • This requires a strong authority.

  11. What do you think? • Notice that neither position assumes anything like a good creator or a human fall. • The arguments are based on discrimination and evidence. • What do you think the evidence suggests?

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