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Empathizing Supporting

2. The cognitive process of identifying with or vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. Empathizing. 3. 3 Types of Empathy. Empathic ResponsivenessPerspective TakingSympathetic Responsiveness. 4. Empathy

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Empathizing Supporting

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    3. 3 3 Types of Empathy Empathic Responsiveness Perspective Taking Sympathetic Responsiveness

    4. 4 Empathy – identifying with or vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another

    5. 5 Perspective Taking

    6. 6 Sympathetic Responsiveness

    7. 7 Improving Our Ability to Empathize Take time and make the effort to understand people. Observe and understand both verbal and nonverbal messages. Use perception checking. Employ one of the three types of empathy.

    8. 8 Supporting Supporting – helping people feel better about themselves and their behavior. Supporting response – statement to validate, show approval, encourage, soothe, console, cheer up, or bolster confidence. Approving positive feelings Giving comfort in response to negative feelings

    9. 9 Effective Support Messages Clearly state the aim to help the other Express acceptance, love, and affection for the other Demonstrate care, concern, and interest in the other’s situation

    10. 10 Effective Support Messages (cont’d) Indicate that the speaker is available to listen and support the other State that the speaker is an ally Acknowledge the other’s feelings and situation and express sincere sympathy Assure the other that feelings are legitimate Encourage the other to elaborate

    11. 11 Ineffective Support Messages Condemn and criticize the other’s feelings and behavior Imply that the other’s feelings are not warranted Tell the other how to feel Focus attention on the speaker Intrude by representing a level of concern greater than is appropriate within the relationship

    12. 12 Supportive Interaction Phases Phase One: Support Activation Phase Two: Support Provision Phase Three: Target Reaction Phase Four: Helper Responses

    13. 13 Clarifying Supportive Intentions Directly state your intentions by emphasizing your desire to help Remind your partner of your commitment to the relationship Indicate that helping is your only motive Phrase your clarification in a way that reflects helpfulness

    14. Buffering Face Threats Face-threatening act (FTA): a statement of support that a person in need may interpret as a threat to his or her public self-image Positive facework: providing messages that affirm a person or a person’s actions in a difficult situation to protect their respectability and approval Negative facework: providing messages that offer information, opinions, or advice to protect a person's freedom and privacy 14

    15. 15 Positive Facework Describe and convey positive feelings about what the other has said and done Express your admiration for their courage Acknowledge the difficulty of the situation Express your belief that the other has the qualities and skills needed to endure

    16. 16 Negative Facework Ask for permission before giving advice Verbally defer to the opinions and preferences of the other person Use tentative language to hedge and qualify opinions and advice Offer suggestions indirectly

    17. 17 Using Other-Centered Messages Ask questions that prompt the person to elaborate on what happened Emphasize your willingness to listen to an extended story Use vocalized encouragement and nonverbal behavior to communicate continued interest Affirm, legitimize, and encourage exploration of feelings expressed by partner Demonstrate the you understand but avoid changing the focus to you

    18. 18 Framing

    19. 19 Giving Advice Advice-giving messages present relevant suggestions that a person could use to satisfactorily resolve a situation. In general, advice messages should not be expressed until our supportive intentions are fully understood.

    20. 20 Social Support in Cyberspace Advantages Creates social distance Hear from people around the world Useful for introverted, shy, or lonely Easier to manage Crosses age/status/education boundaries Time/place less important

    21. 21 Gender Both men and women place high value on emotional support from partners. Men and women agree that messages that encourage exploration of feelings are most useful. Men are less likely to use other-centered messages.

    22. 22 Culture European-Americans believe that openly discussing feelings is valuable Americans are more sensitive to other-centered messages than are Chinese Chinese view avoidance strategies as more appropriate than Americans Chinese and American married people view emotional support provided by their spouses as most important

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