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Intro. To Technology 7 & 8 Course Expectations 2014-2015 blackwellsdomain.weebly.com Mrs. Crystal Blackwell. Course Description:
Intro. To Technology 7 & 8 Course Expectations 2014-2015 blackwellsdomain.weebly.com Mrs. Crystal Blackwell Course Description: This one semester course is designed for the Future Cities Competition to be held in January. Students will create a city displaying residential, commercial and industrial areas, power plants, transportation systems, communication systems, etc. Students will address important issues such as pollution, traffic density, taxes, and budgets while creating their city. The solution will include developing a project plan, a logical model of a city, using award winning SimCity™ software, a scale model of a section of the city, an assigned essay, a narrative about design features and a verbal presentation. **There is a $20.00 fee for this course. Course Goals: Students will: • Develop a project plan to guide team activities. • Use Sim5™ software to design a logical model of their city. • Build a physical model of their city using recycled materials. • Work as a team under the guidance of an engineer and a teacher. • Demonstrate their writing skills through writing an essay about an assigned engineering design problem and by writing a narrative explaining features of their city design. • Enhance communications skills through a team presentation. • Learn how engineers turn ideas into reality. Contact Me: E-mail: crtalbot@interact.ccsd.net School: 397-8610 ext. 3016 (please restrict phone calls to before or after school). Home 702-339-7699 Homework expectations: There will be daily in-class assignments which will directly relate to the creation of their project. Students will work with teammates to design, create, and deliver their Future City. This may involve after-school time and homework, as needed, to complete a successful project. You will be expected to check your Edmodo account daily to participate in group discussions. Grading System: A = 90 to 100 B = 80 to 89 C = 70 to 79 D = 60 to 69 F = 0 to 59 Major Projects/Topic Timeline: Quarter 1: Project plan, Sim5™ design, finish narrative Quarter 2: Finish research paper, build model of city, plan project delivery Semester Grade: Qtr. 1 + Qtr. 2=90% Sem. Exam = 10%
Student Behavior Expectations: Students are expected to: • Be on time • Be prepared • Respect yourself and others • Always be on their best behavior when conducting business outside the classroom. • Work as a team! Appropriate student behavior leads to a positive atmosphere within the classroom which is conducive to learning and teaching. Rewards: • Smiles and praise from Mrs. Blackwell • A top-quality project • Good Grades • A positive experience at the Future Cities Competition Consequences: • Verbal warning • Parent contact • Counselor/Dean referral • Possible removal from publications class Late Work Policy: • ALL class work/homework is required to be turned in on time. • If you do not complete all work for this class it may eliminate you from competing in the competition in January. • Any work turned in late within five school days will receive ½ credit. • Any work turned in late after five school days will receive zero credit Please keep this section for your information.
Mrs. Blackwell’s Future Cities Parent/Guardian: Please sign and return to teacher: I have read the student expectations above and I understand what will be expected of my child. I will see that my child comes to school each day and does the work assigned. Parent Signature__________________________ Parent Phone Number _____________________Date___________ Please check any that apply: _____ I would be interested in helping out with after school activities / field trips. _____ I might be willing to transport models home from the competition that takes place in January. If so, please list type of vehicle that you have that could haul the model (most models will not fit in a car) _____________. _____ When it is two weeks before competition I would be willing to have my child practice their presentation parts daily in front of me to make sure they are memorizing their presentations so that their team presentation can be as successful as possible at competition. _____ I am aware that this class takes a lot of extra time outside of the class and I will do my part to encourage my child to do their part in researching and doing their homework assignments. (I have found that when students do not do their part in homework and research their teammates can feel frustrated because they feel like they are doing all of the work.) ______ I have watched the PowerPoint or Prezi that explains in detail what this class entails. ______ I understand that Parent Night Presentations are a large part of my child’s 2nd semester grade. ______ I am aware that I can check the teacher’s website to stay up to date on important dates and timelines. (blackwellsdomain.weebly.com) ______ I understand how to make small motors work and would be willing to do a mini-lesson after school to show a demonstration to the students. I have read the expectations above and I understand what will be expected of me. Student Signature __________________________________________________________________Date___________ Please check any that apply: _____ I am aware that this class requires after school activities that make up part of my grade in the class and field trips that might take place on the weekends and / or after school. _____ When it is two weeks before competition I will practice my presentation parts daily in front of my parents to make sure parts are memorized. In doing so this will make my team presentation be as successful as possible at competition. _____ I am aware that this class takes a lot of extra time outside of the class and I will do my part to complete my research and homework assignments on time. ______ I have watched the PowerPoint or Prezi that explains in detail what this class entails. ______ I understand that Parent Night Presentations are a large part of my 2nd semester grade. Intro. to Technology: Blackwell