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Integrating Building Systems With BACnet Prepared by Bill Swan

Explore the history, components, and services of BACnet, the protocol for seamless integration of building systems. Learn how BACnet revolutionizes control systems and enhances efficiency worldwide.

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Integrating Building Systems With BACnet Prepared by Bill Swan

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  1. Integrating Building Systems With BACnet Prepared by Bill Swan Engineering Fellow, Alerton/Honeywell Chair, ASHRAE / SSPC 135

  2. “What’s a BACnet?” “What’s a BACnet?”

  3. “What’s a BACnet?” BACnet is: A data communications protocol Explicitly for building automation Technology-independent Maintained by a standards committee An ASHRAE, ANSI and ISO standard Embraced worldwide Extensively tested

  4. A Brief History of BACnet A Brief History of BACnet

  5. Controls were once mainly pneumatic Single-chip controllers appeared in the 1970s A Brief History of BACnet

  6. ca 1980, distributed DDC systems appeared Early selling point: Savings - EMCS: scheduling and optimum start - Reduced labor costs $$$ A Brief History of BACnet

  7. Different building systems didn’t integrate Building owners were locked in Controls A Brief History of BACnet These systems used proprietary protocols:

  8. A Brief History of BACnet Solution: a standard protocol 1987: ASHRAE SPC 135 (“BACnet”) formed Committee goals: - Integrate all building systems - Non-hierarchical (peer to peer) communications - Scale from small systems to large - Hardware independence - Object-based representation of building elements

  9. A Brief History of BACnet BACnet committee operates under ASHRAE rules Producers, users and others equally voting Consensus-building body Work subject to public review and comment No commercialism No fees to participate Participation open to all

  10. Eight years later: A Brief History of BACnet June, 1995: BACnet approved by ASHRAE December, 1995: BACnet adopted by ANSI

  11. A Brief Look at BACnet A Brief Look at BACnet

  12. BACnet Protocol Components • Devices • Objects • Properties • Services • Networks

  13. BACnet Device – Uses BACnet for communication.

  14. Object_Name Room 3 Temp Object_Type ANALOG INPUT Present_Value 72.0 Units Degrees F High_Limit 78.0 Low_Limit 68.0 A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet objects represent BAS elements Analog Input object type - Properties

  15. Binary Input Accumulator Multi-state Input Binary Output Multi-state Output Binary Value Multi-state Value Analog Input Analog Output Analog Value Pulse Converter A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet objects represent BAS elements I/O:

  16. Notification Class Event Enrollment Life Safety Point Life Safety Zone A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet objects represent BAS elements I/O: Alarms:

  17. Calendar Schedule A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet objects represent BAS elements I/O: Alarms: Scheduling:

  18. Trend Log Notification Class A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet objects represent BAS elements I/O: Alarms: Scheduling: Trending:

  19. File Averaging Program Group Device Command Loop A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet objects represent BAS elements I/O: Alarms: Scheduling: Trending: Other:

  20. A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet services represent BAS elements (Users don’t need much knowledge of these)

  21. A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet services represent BAS elements Accessing objects and sharing data: ReadProperty WritePropertyMultiple UnconfirmedCOVNotification

  22. A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet services represent BAS elements Accessing objects and sharing data: Alarms: ConfirmedEventNotification AcknowledgeAlarm GetAlarmSummary

  23. A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet services represent BAS elements Accessing objects and sharing data: Alarms: File access: AtomicReadFile AtomicWriteFile

  24. A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet services represent BAS elements Accessing objects and sharing data: Alarms: File access: Remote device management: ReinitializeDevice UTCTimeSynchronization

  25. A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet services represent BAS elements Accessing objects and sharing data: Alarms: File access: Remote device management: Other:

  26. A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet networks supported: Ethernet BACnet/IP MS/TP (master-slave / token passing RS-485) PTP (serial communications, dial-up) ARCNET LonTalk (in “foreign frames”)

  27. BACnet LAN - Ethernet, BACnet/IP, MS/TP, ARCNET or LonTalk BACnet Workstation BACnet Field Panels B C Vendor A Vendor A Vendor Vendor Sensors and Actuators Native BACnet devices provide BACnet communications directly, device to device A Brief Look at BACnet Native BACnet:

  28. Net 1 BACnet LAN - Ethernet BACnet Router BACnet Ethernet to ARCNET Workstation BACnet Vendor A Field Panel BACnet Router Ethernet to MS/TP Net 2 Net 3 BACnet LAN - ARCNET BACnet LAN - MS/TP BACnet B C B Vendor C Vendor Vendor Vendor Field Panels A Brief Look at BACnet BACnet Routers join networks:

  29. BACnet in Action

  30. Testing BACnet Testing BACnet Co-Chair, BMA / BTL-WG “BACnet Testing Labs”

  31. Original testing: Ad-hoc testing at NIST NIST “plugfests” Needed: a testing standard 1997, development started 2003, ASHRAE 135.1 Testing BACnet “But… is it really BACnet?”

  32. Testing BACnet BACnet Profiles added to Standard in 2001 B-SS Smart Sensor B-SA Smart Actuator B-ASC Application Specific Controller B-AAC Advanced Application Controller B-BC Building Controller B-OWS Operator Workstation

  33. Testing BACnet Needed: a testing lab 1/2000, BMA and BTL-WG formed 1/2002, first testing starts 4/2005, testing for all controllers in place for first 5 profiles The work continues: Workstation client devices – B-OWS Further automating testing

  34. Testing BACnet The Process: describe device ~10 pages

  35. Testing BACnet The Process: describe objects

  36. Testing BACnet The Process: functions checklist ~14 pages

  37. Testing BACnet The Process: test plan ~184 pages!

  38. Testing BACnet The Process: test standard 458 pages

  39. Testing BACnet Why is all this comprehensive procedure important? “Plays well with others.”

  40. Testing BACnet Interoperability Testing Workshops Twice Yearly: • Spring: Europe • Fall: North America Oct. 2004 Plugfest: • Over 75 people • 22 companies

  41. BACnet Internationally BACnet Internationally Secretary, ISO / TC 205 / WG3 “Building Control System Design”

  42. BACnet Internationally BACnet is ISO Standard 16484-5 BACnet is embraced around the world

  43. BACnet Internationally BACnet: embraced around the world BACnet Interest Groups: BIG-NA BIG-EU BIG-AA BIG-ME (BIG-SE) (BIG-RU) BACnet committee regional liaisons: Europe Japan Sweden Russia BACnet Vendor IDs issued: (4/15/2005) North America 95 Asia 32 Europe 23 Australia 4 UK 4 South Africa 2

  44. BACnet Internationally

  45. BACnet Internationally BACnet: deployed around the world

  46. BACnet Internationally A Complete List of International Standard Protocols for Building Automation ISO 16484-5 (BACnet) The ONLY International Standard for Building Automation Systems

  47. BACnet Building Integration BACnet Building Integration Chair, ASHRAE / SSPC 135

  48. Integrating with BACnet Integration today: BACnet now is now available in: HVAC controls Lighting Energy metering Access control Variable speed drives But there’s more to come…

  49. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CSML xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaL <FILE-INFO> <TITLE>BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformanc <DESCRIPTION>Example EPICS taken from Appendi <NOTES>This is a sample EPICS file in XML format. It contains at least one of every ki for creating an EPICS file for a par XML Working Group: Integrating with BACnet BACnet Committee Working Groups: Integrating building and enterprise BACnet/WS Web Services Some working documents: Control System Modeling Language BACnet Schema Definition Language BACnet Content Encoded in XML

  50. Integrating with BACnet BACnet Committee Working Groups: Network Security Working Group: Securing BACnet networks Needed for security applications Some working documents: Internet Security Protocols for BACnet Network Access Control Object

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