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Punctuation Grade 6. Daily Language Workouts Writers Express Houghton Mifflin Company Wilmington, Massachusetts. Did You Know? (Using the right word, subject-verb agreement, apostrophe). ’. is your. A sneeze are you’re bodys weigh of getting rid of irritants.
PunctuationGrade 6 Daily Language Workouts Writers Express Houghton Mifflin Company Wilmington, Massachusetts
Did You Know? (Using the right word, subject-verb agreement, apostrophe) ’ is your • A sneeze are you’re bodys weigh of getting rid of irritants. • Did you no that its impossible to sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time • There are about 50 bones in a pair of human foots the doctor explained. way ’ know ? “ ” , feet
More Science Facts (Using the right word, apostrophe) • Accept for the fact that it can be burned, its almost impossible to destroy human hare. • When you eat a peace of fresh crunchy celery, you burn more caleries then the celery contains. Except ’ hair. , piece calories than
Physical Science (Using the right word, subject-verb agreement, parentheses) • Taste buds can’t taste anything if their dry they requires saliva to work. • Would you believe that a persons tongue print is as unique as their fingerprints • Clouds flies more higher during the day than during the night. they’re ( require ’ his or her ? fly
Believe It or Not (Parallelism, apostrophe, comma, end punctuation) , ’ • Well I bet you cant breathe, chew, and be swallowing at the same time • If your right-handed your fingernails grow faster on you’re right hand. • A peanut isn’t no nut, it’s a bean. • Did you no that plants breathes out the oxygen we need too breathe in . or ! swallow , you’re your a know breathe . to
Parachutes to Planets (Comma, using the right word, numbers, spelling, capitalization) • The parachute was used in 1783 to save people, whom had to jump from burning buildings high towers and other dangerous places. • Earth moves threw space 8 times faster than a speeding bullit. who , , eight through Bullet.
Parachutes to Planets (Comma, using the right word, numbers, spelling, capitalization) United • At one time someone in the united states dyed of Cancer every ninety seconds. • Cold water is heavier then hot water and weighs more as well. • The flat wide rings of saturn is thin less than two miles thick. States died cancer 90 than . : , Saturn are
Science and Scientists • Thomas Edison one of the world’s greatest inventors were deaf from the age of 12, and didnt go to school. • Light moved at such an out of this world rate 186000 miles per second that it doesn’t seem to move at all. , , was ’ - - - moves ( , )
Big and Strange largest • The most large whale ever measured buy humans were 98 foots long. • Although a whales heart can be as big as a car it beats only 9 times a minute. • In the Galapagos Island’s, Darwin watched a blue-footed booby as it swimmed in shallow water the booby is a funny looking fishing bird. by was feet ’ , nine Islands, .The swam -
Land, Water and Air • Did you no, a yaks milk are pink? • Our biology teacher learned us that vampire bats drinks up to 46 pints of blood in 1 year Corrected sentence • Did you know a yak’s milk is pink? • Our biology teacher taught us that vampire bats drink up to 46 pints of blood in one year.
Land, Water and Air • The bee hummingbird lies an egg thats about one third of an inch long. • A crocodile it doesn’t never chew its food-- it swallows it hole. Corrected sentence • The bee hummingbird lays an egg that’s about one-third of an inch long. • A crocodile doesn’t chew its food-- it swallows it whole.
Animals Wild and Tame • A beaver’s teeth never stop growing but they get weared down when the beaver chews on hard rough bark. • A squirrel seas only in black and white, Ralph Lando Ph.D. reported. , worn , “ ” sees , ,
Animals Great and Small • The average hummingbird there are 19 varieties in the United States way less then a penny, wow. Corrected sentence • The average hummingbird (there are 19 varieties in the United States)weighs less than a penny.Wow!
Animals Great and Small • A baby kangaroo is only about a inch long at berth it can survive only in it’s mothers pouch. Corrected sentence • A baby kangaroo is only about an inch long at birth.It can survive only in its mother’s pouch.
Animals Great and Small • If a goldfish is kept in the dark will it loose it’s bright wonderful color. Corrected sentence • If a goldfish is kept in the dark, will it loseits bright, wonderful color?
Animals and Insects • Every year millions of trees are planted by squirrels whom buries nuts and then forgets ware they put them. Corrected sentence • Every year millions of trees are planted by squirrels whobury nuts and then forgetwhere they put them.
Animals and Insects • Sum kindes of ants rule other ants; they attack them, kidnap them, and then are keeping them as slaves. Corrected sentences • Some kinds of ants rule other ants; they attack them, kidnap them, and keep them as slaves.
Animals and Insects • A aunt can lift 50 times its own wait all by himself. Corrected sentence • An aunt can lift 50 times its own weight all by itself.
Amazing Creatures • Mr. Walters told us that “A starfish is the only animal able to turn its stomach inside out.” Corrected sentence • Mr. Walters told us that a starfish is the only animal able to turn its stomach inside out.
Amazing Creatures • When their troop carrying steamship sand off the coast of South Africa in 1942 about 700 men were ate by sharks. Corrected sentence • When their troop-carrying steamship sank off the coast of South Africa in 1942,about 700 men were eaten by sharks.
Amazing Creatures • The great white sharks teeth are as hard as steal. • Centipedes have a lot of legs, two poison fangs, and they have three pears of jaws. Corrected sentences • The great white shark’s teeth are as hard as steel. • Centipedes have a lot of legs, two poison fangs, and three pairs of jaws.
Geography Facts • date-palm trees, a source of wealth, is past down from 1 generation too the next in iraq. • indias real name is bharat, and their capital is new delhi. Corrected sentences • Date-palm trees, a source of wealth, are passed down from one generation to the next in Iraq. • India’s real name is Bharat, and its capital is New Delhi.
Geography Facts • Class people who live in Argentina eats more meat than people anywhere else in the world said Ms. Latitude to the students. Corrected sentence • “Class, people who live in Argentina eat more meat than people anywhere else in the world,” said Ms. Latitude to the students.
Where in the World? • There is a dessert in AK that have sand dunes more than 100 foot high. • Greenland is covered buy a thick layer of ice that never melt. Corrected sentences • There is a desert in Alaska that has sand dunes more than 100 feet high. • Greenland is covered by a thick, hard layer of ice that never melts.
Where in the World? • My grandmother in California made jewelry and she tells me, pure Gold, like clay, is so soft that it can be molded with your hands and it is mixed with harder metals to make jewelry and other items. Corrected sentence • My grandmother in California, makes jewelry.She tells me, “Pure gold, like clay, is so soft that it can be molded with your hands.It is mixed with harder metals to make jewelry and other items.”
Around the World • the great wall of china is the only man made structure that can be scene from space with the naked eye. Corrected sentence • The Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure that can be seen from space with the naked eye.
Around the World • did you know that people in Ancient China would build their towns from the air to look like animals. Corrected sentence • Did you know that people in ancient China would build their towns to look like animals from the air.
Around the World • In 1868, about 100000 meterites falled on Pultusk Poland in just one night. Corrected sentence • In 1868, about 100,000 meteoritesfell on Pultusk, Poland, in just one night.
Baseball and Football Facts • no woman have ever played in a Major-League Baseball game. Corrected sentence • No woman has ever played in a major-league baseball game.
Baseball and Football Facts • In 1919, 8 player on the Chicago White Sox taked money from gamblers to loose the World Series on purpose. Corrected sentence • In 1919, eightplayers on the Chicago White Sox took money from gamblers to lose the World Series on purpose.
Baseball and Football Facts • On April 8 1975, frank robinson the first black major-league baseball manager. Corrected sentence • On April 8, 1975, Frank Robinson became the first black major-league baseball manager.
Sports Firsts and Facts • Isaac Murphy a famous African America jocky was the first man too win the Kentucky Derby 3 times. Corrected sentence • Isaac Murphy, a famous African American jockey, was the first man to win the Kentucky Derby three times.
Sports Firsts and Facts • The first Indianapolis 500 was held on May 30 1911 the prize were 25,000 dollars. Corrected sentence • The first Indianapolis 500 was held on May 30, 1911; the prize was $25,000.
Sports First and Facts • In 1927 Violet Cordery became the first woman to drive around the world traveling 10266 miles at 24 miles per hour. Corrected sentence • In 1927 Violet Cordery became the first woman to drive around the world, traveling 10,266 miles at 24 miles per hour.
Sports Personalities • Mary Sutton Bundy were the first woman to win Wimbledon Tennis Championship and become the champion. Corrected sentence • Mary Sutton Bundy was the first woman to win the Wimbledon Tennis Championship.
Sports Personalities • The earliest ice skates was maid of bone, the first world-famous figure skater was Sonja Henie of Norway. Corrected sentence • The earliest ice skates were made of bone. The first world-famous figure skater was Sonja Henie of Norway.
Sports Personalities • Charles Lindbergh, sored threw the air as a sky diver before, they piloted his famous flight in The Spirit of St. Louis. Corrected sentence • Charles Lindbergh soared through the air as a sky diver before he piloted his famous flight in The Spirit of St. Louis.
The Environment and You • Pollution filled smoke rains back to our earth as acid rain. It damages forests and lakes. Corrected sentence • Pollution-filled smoke rains back to our earth as acid rain,damaging forests and lakes.
The Environment and You • A pesticide is an chemical used to kill Insects and make them die. • While it takes a soda can about five hundred years to decay a glass bottle may remain unchanged fore a million years. Corrected sentences • A pesticide is a chemical used to kill insects. • While it takes a soda can about 500 years to decay, a glass bottle may remain unchanged for a million years.
Pollution Control • in 1969, the Cuyahoga river catched fire. It was filled with toxic waist. • Did you no that over 300,000 knew kinds of chemicals is formulated every year Corrected sentences • In 1969, the Cuyahoga River caught fire because it was filled with toxic waste. • Did you know that over 300,000 new kinds of chemicals are formulated every year?
Pollution Control • A person, who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, puts half cup of tar in their lungs each year--and pollutes the air as well. Corrected sentence • A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day puts a half cup of tar on his or her lungs each year--and pollutes the air as well.
The American Colonies • 14 people was executed between the years 1647 and sixteen sixty-two because they were thought to be whiches. Corrected sentence • Fourteen people were executed between the years 1647 and 1662 because they were thought to be witches.
The American Colonies • In the colonies, most women werent never aloud to go to school, didn’t no how to read, and they couldnt vote. Corrected sentence • In the colonies, most women weren’tallowed to go to school, didn’tknow how to read, and couldn’t vote.
The American Colonies • William Penn he founded Pa. as a place wear Quakers they could practice there religion freely. Corrected sentence • William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a place where Quakers could practice their religion freely.
The Founding Fathers • Born on January 17 1706, Benjamin Franklin the most young boy of 17 children and the son of a candlestick maker. Corrected sentence • Born on January 17,1706, Benjamin Franklin was the youngest boy of 17 children and the son of a candlestick maker.
The Founding Fathers • Although he had only 2 years of formal edukation Ben Franklin was gived degrees by Harvard, Yale, and Oxford univercities. Corrected sentence • Although he had only two years of formal education, Ben Franklin was given degrees by Harvard, Yale, and Oxford universities.
The Founding Fathers • When the U.S. were first established as a nation the Congress wanted to make George Washington the king. Corrected sentence • When the United Stateswas first established as a nation, the Congress wanted to make George Washington the king.
Of Presidents and Daily Life • In the 1800’s, people commonly spit on there floors and taked baths only once a week. Corrected sentence • In the 1800’s, people spit on their floors and took baths only once a week.
Of Presidents and Daily Life • Abraham lincoln was the most tall president of the United States 6 feet 4 inches and no president has been taller. Corrected sentence • Abraham Lincoln was the tallest president of the United States--6 feet 4 inches.
Of Presidents and Daily Life • Lincoln was sew unpopular in the South that six states left the Union, before he even had a chance too move into the white house. Corrected sentence • Lincoln was so unpopular in the South that six states left the Union before he even had a chance to move into the White House.