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My Second law: Digital Security By Clark Thomas. Group: 6 Clark Thomas Francis Kassab Myles Pruiett Sara Chehab.
My Second law: Digital SecurityBy Clark Thomas Group: 6 Clark Thomas Francis Kassab Myles Pruiett Sara Chehab
with digital security you need to make sure that you are secretive with your passwords and username’s when you share your password with one person it spreads like wildfire. That is why you should use multiple different passwords for all your email accounts and social media. My Second Law: Digital Security By: Clark Thomas The one person you can share your password with is your mom and dad. never post anything that your parents wouldn’t like to see because even If you deleted it if they try they can easily get a hold of it and anyone else can, too.
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1440&bih=748&q=keep+healthy&oq=keep+healthy&gs_l=img.3..0l2j0i5l3j0i24l5.1422.12891.0.14844. DIGITAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS 8. Digital Health & Wellness:physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world.Eye safety, repetitive stress syndrome, and sound ergonomic practices are issues that need to be addressed in a new technological world. Beyond the physical issues are those of the psychological issues that are becoming more prevalent such as Internet addiction. Users need to be taught that there inherent dangers of technology. Digital Citizenship includes a culture where technology users are taught how to protect themselves through education and training.
Digital Rights & Responsibilities: • There is so many rights that u have to follow if u wanted to make a speech u got to let the owner know and if he agrees than u can make a speech if he doesn’t then u can not make a speech u always got to follow orders if u don’t u will loose your job and u all so got to help people if they need it because people might make mistakes or do something wrong that’s why u need to help out.
Rule 1 • NO HAKING • NO did you know that Id theft hap every year only a little bit of your http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_myVxTq1YbrQ/TP9lzRKmZtI/AAAAAAAAAMA/7pAkLL8oJ6I/s1600/identitytheft.jpg
Stay Safe • Be careful how you use info and be smart • You never now what will happen • Only you can protect your Id https://static.bestbuy.com/myrz/web/Content/Offers/Images/120304_Lifelock_Partner_Tile.jpg
MAKE YOUR SELF LOOK GOOD ONLINE You should be care full what you put online. Some people can save the pictures you put online And do something bad with it. What ever you put online Will never be deleted, it stays on the computer permanently even if you delete it. So if I were you I would make myself look good when your online EXAMPLES: If you put an ugly picture of you online, if you write bad comments online, if you post a bad video,etc. FACTS: When you sign up for a college they look at everything you put online, if you ever what a job they search you op online and see what you posted
DIGITAL ETIQUETTE #5 {Electronic standards of procedures}Technology users always see problems with dealing with digital citizenship with Recognizing bad behavior online http://www.21things4students.net/21/digital-citizenship/mission-cybershield/q1-bill-of-rights/ EXAPLES: Hacking a website, Installing a virus, and phishing.