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Welcome to Week #6 T210T Role-Play as a Teaching Strategy

Welcome to Week #6 T210T Role-Play as a Teaching Strategy. From Head Start to Legal Professional Development. Looking Ahead. How can I brush up on my APA Format for the Final? Go to http://gseacademic.harvard.edu/~instruct/articulate/APA/player.html Then email mageswe@gse.harvard.edu.

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Welcome to Week #6 T210T Role-Play as a Teaching Strategy

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  1. Welcome to Week #6T210TRole-Play as a Teaching Strategy From Head Start toLegal Professional Development

  2. Looking Ahead • How can I brush up on my APA Format for the Final? • Go to http://gseacademic.harvard.edu/~instruct/articulate/APA/player.html • Then email mageswe@gse.harvard.edu

  3. Looking Ahead • In Class: May 10th • Poster Party! • For details see “Requirements for T210T Final” in the Assignments Folder on the T210T Website

  4. Events Last Week • ArtsLiteracy Workshop • ART Show • The Children’s Room Performance Troupe will perform a piece about bereaved teens.  Each of the performers is a teenager who experienced the death of a family member and subsequently attended The Children's Room, a center for grieving families. 

  5. Readings: Week 1 Creative Drama • Spolin, V. (1986). Theater games for the classroom: A teacher's handbook. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. • Ward, W. (1981). Stories to dramatize. New Orleans, LA: Anchorage Press. Process Drama • Bolton, G., & Heathcote, D. (1999). So you want to use role play? Staffordshire, England: Trentham Books. • O'Neill, C., & Lambert, A. (1982). Drama structures: A practical handbook for teachers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Forum Theatre • Boal, A. (1979). Theatre of the oppressed (C. A. McBride & M. L. McBride, Trans.). New York: Theatre Communication Group.

  6. Readings: Week 2 Terminology (from Week 1) • Davis, J. H., & Behm, T. (1978). Terminology of drama/theatre with and for children: A redefinition. Children's Theatre Review, 27(1), 10-11. Across Curricula • Wilhelm, J. D. (1998). Drama across the curriculum. In J. D. Wilehelm & B. Edmiston (Eds.) Imagine to learn: Inquiry, ethics, and integration through drama (pp. 139-152). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. History • Hume, K., & Wells, G. (1999). Making lives meaningful: Extending perspectives through role-play. In B. J. Wagner (Ed.), Building moral communities through educational drama (pp. 63-87). Stamford, CT: Ablex Publishing Corporation. Language & Literacy • Brown, V. (1992). Drama and sign language: A multisensory approach to the language acquisition of disadvantaged preschool children. Youth Theatre Journal, 6(3), 3-7. • McNamee, G. D., McLane, J. B., Cooper, P. M., & Kerwin, S. M. (1985). Cognition and affect in early literacy development. Early Child Development & Care, 20(4), 229-244. • Miller, C., & Saxton, J. (2004). Into the story: Language in action through drama. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. • Moore, B. H., & Caldwell, H. (1993). Drama and Drawing for Narrative Writing in Primary Grades. Journal of Educational Research, 87(2), 100-110.

  7. Readings: Week 3 & 4 Week 3: Role-play for Social Development • Giffen, H. & Yaffe, K. R. (1999). Using drama to teach conflict management. In B. J. Wagner (Ed.), Building moral communities through educational drama (pp. 113–136). Stamford, CT: Ablex Publishing Corporation. • Kisiel, C., Blaustein, M., Spinazzola, J., Schmidt, C. S., Zucker, M., & van der Kolk, B. (2006). Evaluation of a theater-based youth violence prevention program for elementary school children [Electronic Version]. Journal of School Violence, 5(2), 19-36. • Mages, W. K. (2004). Urban Improv: A portrait of an educational drama organization. Youth Theatre Journal, 18, 30-44. • Nelson, B., Colby, R., & McIlrath, M. (2001). "Having their say": The effects of using role with an urban middle school class. Youth Theatre Journal, 15, 59-69. Week 4: Role-play in Museums • Hughes, C. (1998). Museum theatre: Communicating with visitors through drama. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

  8. Readings: Week 5 Theatre for Education Gesser-Edelsburg, A. (2005). Paradoxical outcomes in an educational drama about gang rape: ethical responsibilities of practitioners and educators [Electronic Version]. Research in Drama Education,10(2), 139-158. Klein, J. & Fitch, M. (1989). Third Grade Children's Verbal and Visual Recall of "Monkey, Monkey." Youth Theatre Journal 4(2), 9-15. Ethnodrama Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). Series editors’ forward. In J. Saldaña(Ed.), Ethnodrama: An anthology of reality theatre (pp. ix-xi). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. Saldaña, J. (2005). Ethnodramatic dialogue with monologue. In J. Saldaña(Ed.), Ethnodrama: An anthology of reality theatre (pp. 79-80). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. Saldaña, J. (2005). Ethnodramatic monologue. In J. Saldaña(Ed.), Ethnodrama: An anthology of reality theatre (pp. 37-38). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. Vanover, C., & Saldaña, J. (2005). Chalkboard concerto: Growing up as a teacher in the Chicago public schools. In J. Saldaña(Ed.), Ethnodrama: An anthology of reality theatre (pp. 62-77). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.

  9. Questions for Consideration When writing, devising, or producing educational theatre (a play, an ethnodrama, etc.), is it important, or even possible, to know whether or how that show will affect its intended audience? What is the best way toassess this effect?

  10. Readings: Week 6 Medical Education • Baerheim, A., & Jacobsen Alraek, T. (2005). Utilizing theatrical tools in consultation training: A way to facilitate students' reflection on action? [Electronic Version]. Medical Teacher, 27(7), 652-654. • Deloney, L. A., & Graham, C. J. (2003). Wit: Using drama to teach first-year medical students about empathy and compassion. Teaching & Learning in Medicine, 15(4), 247-251. • Hardoff, D. & Schonmann, S. (2001). Training physicians in communication skills with adolescents using teenage actors as simulated patients [Electronic Version]. Medical Education, 35(3), 206-210. Awareness and Prevention of HIV/AIDS • Dalrymple, L. (1996). Researching the use of drama for AIDS and lifestyle education in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. In. J. Somers (Ed.), Drama and theatre in education: Contemporary research (pp. 88–95). North York, Ontario, Canada: Captus University Publications. • Harvey, B., Stuart, J., & Swan, T. (2000). Evaluation of an educational drama programme to increase AIDS awareness in South African high schools: A randomized community intervention trial [Electronic Version]. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 11 (2), 105–111.

  11. See you next week!

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