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Welcome to Week Three!. This week you will be divided into four response groups. This way we will avoid having all 22 of us writing on the whiteboard at the same time and we will have more opportunity to read each others answers. Please note which group you are in . Thanks!. Group 1
Welcome to Week Three! This week you will be divided into four response groups. This way we will avoid having all 22 of us writing on the whiteboard at the same time and we will have more opportunity to read each others answers. Please note which group you are in. Thanks! Group 1 Jenifer Arnett Angella Arthurs Paula Baumgardner Erin Bushek Christina Webster Group 2 Crystal Carpenter Liz Conn Deb Davis Beth Hannah Group 3 Heidi Irvine Trina Kinhalt Coleen Kosan Katherine Lemon Gail Pruitt Group 4 Angie McAlister Bethany Miller Jessica Osborne Ann Poole Marissa Wilson Hmong Teddy Bear
The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down January 21, 2010 Roaby Browning, Debbie Duning, Crean Hansen, Debbie Mauk Foua & Lia
A Quick Overview • Hmong – an Asian Ethnic group of the mountain regions of South East Asia. • The Secret or Quiet War – The recruitment of Hmong by the CIA to fight Communist Vietnam from Neutral Lao. • Ritualistic Beliefs – Hmong belief system has many complexities than do not jibe with “traditional” American beliefs. • Epilepsy – A chronic neurological disorder that produces seizures. • Qaug Dab Peg – When the spirit catches you and you fall down
What do you think? Please answer with your group when it is called. • Lia had at least 20 seizures from the time she was 3-months old to when she finally received the correct medical diagnosis in her 8th month. Was itright that the doctors didn’t take the time during those 5-months to better understand what Foua and Nao Kao thought was happening to Lia? Hmong village in Laos c. 2003
Communication is Key • Foua and Nao Kao were illiterate as they could not read or recognize numbers. • In the Hmong culture the words do not just have one meaning, but during the course of a conversation there are layers of meaning. • Was it fair or right that the doctors the Lee family interacted with assumed that Foua and Nao Kao understood and would follow their directions as given? • You try!
You have visited your doctor with an ailment. These are her instructions to you. Please read and follow these directions. They are very important to controlling your Ntshaav Qaab Zib. Your txiv neeb dimostra che how to iniezione. You should also dilgenza analisi all the information and instrzione that come with your insulina and ntshaav qaab zib scelta before giving tu stezzo an iniezione. Giving an iniezione is semplice, but it does take pratica. Talk to your txiv neeb or other tribu who take insulina for sostenro during this tempo. A txiv neeb
What do you think? • “(Dr. Neil Ernst’s) job, as he saw, it was to practice good medicine; the Lees’ job was to comply.” p. 79 Does this point of view mesh well with the Hmong way of thinking? Does this point of view mesh well with being a teacher?
What it Means to Be Hmong Overlay: Hmong woman with baby in a nyias. Under: Paj ntaub showing Hmong migration from Laos
Hopefully, the Hmong people will be a part of us forever and make us a better person…. a better teacher….a better human being.
Type on the screen some words to describe Hmong people in their natural setting.
Fish Soup • “How to prepare Fish Soup” • Hmong saying “to speak of all kinds of things” • “Yes, it is about an epileptic Hmong toddler, but it is also about many other things….I started pulling on a slender thread, the thread that was Lia Lee, the small sick child…I pulled on the thread and the thread became a string and the string became a rope, and then I tugged really hard on the rope and I discovered that it was attached to the entire universe.”
Can you think of any examples from your classroom or teaching that support this premise that everything is connected to everything else? • As your group is announced, please write your answer in the sidebar. • I will give you a minute or two to collect your thoughts….and another to type.
Poll Question • Please answer A, B, C, or D. Please answer honestly, for there are no right or wrong answers. • I will ask you a question, and I want you to answer like you WOULD HAVE answered BEFORE you read the books we have studied. • Then we will do a 2nd poll, and I would like you to answer how you feel NOW….AFTER having read the books for this class. • Let’s begin.
A friend sent me this text message on my cell phone: • If you cross the North Korean border illegally…you get 12 years hard labor. • If you cross the Iranian border illegally…you are detained indefinitely. • If you cross the Afghan border illegally…you get shot. • If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally …you will be jailed. • If you cross the Chinese border illegally…you may never be heard from again. • If you cross the Cuban border illegally….you will be thrown into political prison to rot.
If you cross the United States border illegally, you get: • Food stamps • A welfare check • Subsidized rent • Free education • Free health care • All paid for by our taxes!! Are you tired of paying for this? If so, pass this on to your friends.
Before You Read Poll REMEMBER: answer from your heart BEFORE reading these chapters • A) Yes I’m sick of it!!! • B) I don’t like it at all. • C) Some of them deserve it but I get sick of paying for it. • D) They need help and I don’t mind using my taxes.
After Poll Please answer how you feel NOW.AFTER reading these books. • A) Yes I’m sick of it!!! • B) I don’t like it at all. • C) Some of them deserve it but I get sick of paying for it. • D) They need help and I don’t mind using my taxes.
What do you think? Please answer with your group in the sidebar. • What if Foua and Nao Kao had administered Lia Lee’s meds religiously from the beginning? Do you think Lia Lee’s medical outcome would have been any different?
What if Peggy and Neil had prescribed the Depakene in the beginning? Do you think Lia Lee’s medical outcome would have been any different?
What if there had been a good interpreter present at all hospital visits? It would have alleviated a lot of stress and perhaps some anger and irritation, but would it have changed anything medically in reference to the outcome?
Foster Care • How Does it affect education?
According to an article from NCCPR, in 2002, the “authorities tore 10 Hmong children from their families after they confused marks left by a traditional Southeast Asian healing practice known as "coining" with child abuse.” “Even after the error was explained, authorities kept the children…” • Coin Rubbing: (Kav) A Hmong healing method in which the skin is vigorously rubbed in specific areas with medicated oil and silver coins or a spoon. Rubbing creates pressure on the skin to draw the wind or excess pressure, that is believed to be causing the ailment, out of the body. This is a harmless procedure; however, the red marks can be mistaken as abuse.
Cupping is also a remedy that the Hmong use that have been mistaken as abuse because of the marks left on the body. • Cupping: (Nqus) A piece of paper is lit inside a cup and placed on top of the skin to create a vacuum. When the fire burns out, suction is created, drawing out the "wind" or "bad blood" causing the ailment. This is a painful procedure that is done for its curative powers. Unfortunately, sometimes American officials have mistaken the bruises for abuse, with dire social consequences.
209,000 Hmong estimated to live in the U.S. during 2006 • The majority of Hmong live in California & Minnesota • Nearly 80,000 children in California are in some form of foster care • Nationally, there are 500,000 children in foster care • Ohio had over 19,000 in 2003 • In 2007, Scioto county had over 11,000 entering the custody of family services. Almost 9,000 were in Licensed/Certified Foster Homes.
I have had experience with having foster children in my classroom, with good and bad experiences. Also, in one case, I only knew because the child told me personally. • I have two questions for you: • 1. How many of you know, right now, that you have children in your classroom that are either in foster care or have been removed from their home?
2. How did you find out about the child’s situation? Example: Did you have a staff meeting; did you meet with social workers; did the student tell you?
True or False Privacy Questions about a child’s case • “When confidential information from a child welfare case is shared with a school administrator, it should not be shared with any other staff.” • “False. Important information about a student and issues related to the student’s education, need to be shared with all school staff that work with the student. If important information related to the student does not “trickle down” to the staff working directly with that student, information sharing does not achieve the intended benefit.”
True or False • “A child’s involvement in foster care is usually common knowledge among staff and peers.” • “False. While sharing information among school staff who have a legitimate interest in working with a student is necessary, schools must be careful not to violate the privacy of students who are in foster care by sharing information with others who do not have a need to know.”
Educational statistics for students in foster care • 83% of foster children are held back in the third grade • 75% of children and youth in foster care are behind grade level • Only 46% of former foster children complete high school • 50% of foster children experience developmental delays due to birth trauma and many life challenges
Many foster children experience change in their environment and where they live. They change schools more frequently and have fallen behind as a result. They are also noted to be more aggressive in relationships as a way to form a “wall”. They may also be disruptive in order to get attention and/or reject others because they expect that rejection for them will come anyway. They might lie to please others. As for school, they may have poor attendance because of fear or because it was not previously enforced. As a result, many foster children worry about survival, new surroundings, new faces, making others happy or to be accepted by others. Success in school may be the last thing on their minds or just to exhausting to work on.
What behaviors have you noticed with your students who have been placed in foster care or have been removed from their home?
Do you think it is important for you to know that your student may be a foster child or have been removed from their home?
How can we as educators get all involved in the education of the students (all need to be involved including parents) with the difference of cultures and backgrounds.
If you have had any experience in teaching in a area with different cultures and backgrounds, how have you modified you assignments to meet the needs of each child?
This is a link to a district in Bumcombe County, North Carolina where a mix of cultural backgrounds are being taught to. • http://www.buncombe.k12.nc.us/ees/site/default.asp • When I currently was there, 13 different countries were being represented. Today around 150 students are receiving EEL services.
Spirit Task • Please take a few moments and log onto the class blog in BlackBoard and share something from this week’s reading that spoke to you. It can be something that made you happy, sad, frustrated, angry, or made you want to take action. • This is in addition to the two responses already assigned, so it does not have to be long and detailed – we just want to get you thinking and sharing