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We believe that. ... the employee is not a mere input of production but a real strategic resource whose loyalty is to be gained and preserved. Next. End. We believe that. ... it is getting more and more difficult to secure personnel loyalty. Back. Next. End.

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  1. We believe that... ... the employeeisnot a mere input of production but a realstrategicresource whoseloyalty istobegained and preserved. Next End

  2. We believe that... ... itisgetting more and more difficult tosecurepersonnelloyalty. Back Next End

  3. We believe that... ... aneffectivepersonnelselectionisessential todecrease the riskof turnover. Back Next End

  4. CVweb Unlimited The leading online solution to personnel recruitment Back Next End

  5. The latest solution to personnel recruitment CVweb is a software applicationthatallowsvacanciestobeshown on the company internet site… online applicationstobecollected in one database... …and the wholeprocessofpersonnelselectiontobemanaged in a well-organized and user-friendly way. Back Next End

  6. Main functions • definition of job profiles by specifying required skills, knowledge, education and working experience • definitionofdifferentselectionprocessesaccordingto the vacancytype and/or job profile • vacancies posting on the company web site, and optionally on Cesop Job Portals • online applicationformendowedwithphotographs and attachments • centralized database of job applications coming from all corporate and external web sites • emailauto-responding on each candidate application • applicants login to update their CV data • listfiltering, Advancedsearch, Attachment search and Activesearch, using multiple criteria on resumés • CVsclassificationaccordingto the latestoccurredselectionstep and suitabilityforone/more job profiles • trackingof candidate history, includingalleventsoccurredduringselection • management of recruitment life-cycle, from personnel requests by Line Managers to authorisation by Directors, up to planning and executionofinterviews/evaluationtests agenda • “mail-merge” and automatedemailreminderssent to users or applicants, relatedtoparticularevents • onboarding data management and automateddraftingofemploymentletters • easy integrationwithpayroll or anyother ERP/HRIS system (SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft) • standard reporting on recruiting campaigns • custom reportingbymeansofstatistics, tabular data and metrics • ItalianPrivacy Law certification and compliancy with Security Standards • additional utilities include: • > data import from/export to MS Excel or CSV • > customised layout of any element for printing or MS Word • > mergingofpotentialhomonyms or duplicatedresumés Back Next End

  7. Example of selection workflow on CVweb Mr. Hardy (Line Manager) needs a newskilledtechnicianforhis Production Line Heenters a requisitionfor the job profileneeded and mayalsospecifyadditionalrequirementsto the profilemainfeatures Back Next End

  8. Example of selection workflow on CVweb The LineDirector or the HR Manager are notifiedbyemailabout the newrequisition and the authorisationprocess can bestarted Mr. Hardy’s requisitionhasbeenauthorised: itbecomesavailableas a newassignmentfor the HumanResourcesdepartment Back Next End

  9. Example of selection workflow on CVweb The HR departmentdealswithauthorisedrequisitions and: • they create a newRecruitingCampaignfor the requiredprofile or associate the requisitiontoanalreadyexistingCampaign • theydefine the selection standard processaccordingto the vacancytype and/or job profile (assessment, psychological test, Line Manager interview, etc.) • they can filter and searchresumésaccordingto the the job profilecriteria and anyadditionalrequirementslistedby Mr. Hardy • they can classifyscreenedCVsaccordingtotheirfeatures and/or the selectionstepthey take on Back Next End

  10. Example of selection workflow on CVweb • In the eventthatonly a fewsuitableCVs are found in the pool, recruiters can: • place the vacancyadvert on the company web site • forward the vacancy and placeit on Cesop Job Portals or anyother career site, trackingwhenever a resumécomesfromtheseexternalsites • turn a tailor-made “Activesearch” on, so astobeinformedwhennewsuitableCVs are found • eventuallyplace job advertising on newspapers, invitingtoapply on the company web site Back Next End

  11. Example of selection workflow on CVweb • Applicants can find the company vacancies on: • the company internet site • www.cesop.itPortal • anyother Career sites • newspaperadvertisements • In allcasescandidates are invitedtosendtheir CV online, using the applicationform on the company web site. Once the applicationformhasbeensubmitted, the applicantreceivesanautomatic welcome email, includinghisownregistrationcredentials. Fromthis moment on, applicants can freely update their online resuméusing a personal account and password. Applicantsunabletoapply online can eventuallysendtheirCVsbyordinary mail; the system includes a “quickdataentry” windowfor offline resumés. Back Next End

  12. Example of selection workflow on CVweb Whencandidatesmatching “ActiveSearch” apply, recruiters are automaticallynotifiedbyemail. Moreover, newresumés can berankedaccordingtospecificpre-defined screening rules. An advanced, graphicalsearchtools suite helpsrecruiters mine the candidate pool for precise matches. A fullyconfigurable, intuitive screening maskspeedsselectionofsuitablecandidatestobeinterviewed. Easy-to-usecommunicationtools help recruiterskeep in touchwithcandidates, from the moment of first phonecall, toallfollowinginterviewinvitations, and eachevaluator can easilyfindhisowncalendarofinterviews, always up to date. Ad hoc automatednotifications can be activatedtoremindusersofnextdeadlines or to discloseinterviewoutcomesto candidate. Back Next End

  13. Example of selection workflow on CVweb Once recruitershaveidentifysuitablecandidates, they can schedule test and interviews, forEvaluators. Evaluatorscheck the agenda and interview the candidatesasscheduled. Additionaldocuments, just liketestsoutcome or evaluation, can beoptionallyattachedto the resumé – they can beprocessedby CVweb searchengine. Duringinterview processing, bygivingeach candidate a specificevaluation, recruitersimmediately share the selectionoutcomeswithallcolleaguesworking on the sameassignment. Back Next End

  14. Example of selection workflow on CVweb HR userssuperviseallrunningselectionprocesses, and checkinterviewsoutcomes. The system automaticallydraws the listofallinterviewedcandidates and enablesuserstoseamlesslysendemails – including the interviewoutcome or aninvitationto the nextstep. • When the selectionsisover HR users can: • set asunsuitable the candidatesnotfitting the vacancyrequirements, • set asrejectedthosenot meeting the company job profiles, • choose the best candidate tofill the vacancy and getLine Manager approval, • proceedwith the hiringproposal and, upon agreement, fill in the onboardingmodule – includingemployeeidentificationnumber, benefit packages, and similar information. Mr. Hardy has found the technician he needed! Back Next End

  15. Example of selection workflow on CVweb Itispossibletoeasilycustomize CVweb onboardingmodule in orderto export/import data to a payrolltool. Fromallselection data, CVweb can computestatisticsincluding source efficiency, test proficiency, timetohire and more (eg. CV groupingbyeducation, age, applicationdates, etc.). In ordertoeasilytrackrecruitingeffectiveness on a dailybasis, the Analyticsdashboards put allnecessary key metrics right at yourfingertips. CVweb allowstodefine custom Statisticsaccordingto the customerneeds. Back Next End

  16. Software custom configuration Definitionofapplicationformfields The online applicationform can befullycustomized, accordingto the company preferences. Every single fieldincluded in the online formwillbe part of the AdvancedSearchtool. Moreover, allfront-end web pageswillbebuiltaccordingto the company graphics, so that the employerbrand look & feelwillbefollowed. Definition of Domains and related items Through the “DomainsDefinition” window, company users can update all the system menu items (qualifications, skills, status, company areas, profiles, etc.). Thismeanstheyhave complete control on allthis information that can besearchedby the querymodules. Back Next End

  17. Software custom configuration DefinitionofUsers’ Roles and Grants The system allowsusersto log in withdifferentroles, accordingtotheirrelevantassignments. Foreachuserroleitispossibletodefinewhichmodule are accessible. The grantsdashboardsallows the company userstospecifyhoweachemployment can beaccessed (in termsofviewing, editing, deleting, printing etc.). Back Next End

  18. Software custom configuration Users and relevant permissions Beingconnectedto a specificUserRole, eachuserinheritsrelevantpermissions. In ordertoallowdifferentusersbelongingto the sameroletosee and work differentsetsof data, the administrator can set specificuserrestrictions (eg. everyEvaluator can onlyseeinterviewshehasbeenappointedfor). Back Next End

  19. Software custom configuration UsersOptionssetting Each single user can choosehisownfavouritesettings in ordertocorrectlysee and edit date, timetable and numberfields format. Back Next End

  20. Software custom configuration Test/ interview types and relevant outcomes The system ‘Test Types’ moduleallowstodefine test typesincluded in the recruitmentprocess. Ofcourse, the system isbuilt in ordertoacceptthateachvacancy can include a rangeofinterviewdifferentfromanother. Test types can becustomized and they are typicallychosenfrominterviewsuchas: assessments, individualinterviews, personalitytests, etc. and everyinterview can eventuallybeendowedwithevaluationgrids. Foreachtypeof test itispossibleto indicate anestimated cost. Everyfieldincluced in the interviewwindow can beused in the AdvancedSearchdashboard.  Back Next End

  21. Software custom configuration Definitionof job profiles and relevantrequirements Through a precise definitionof company job profiles and theirrelevantrequiredskills (knowledge, capacity, certifications) everyresuméregistered in the pool can beautomaticallyscreened and eventuallyranked. Job profiles are the veryfundamentalelementofRequisitions and RecruitingCampaigns; each opening isbased on one single profile and, to help fulfillment, the system automatically generate anadvancedsearchincludingitsrequirements. Once the profilerequirementshavebeendefined and comparedwiththoseascertainedbytests and interviews, a standard selectionprocess can beautomaticallydefined, so thatit can befollowedeachtime a recruitmentiscarried out forthatparticular position. Back Next End

  22. Streamlined search process Management of Personnel Requisitions LineManagers can directly, easily and quicklyespresstheirneedsforpersonnel. BymanagingtheirRequisitions on the system, allother company userswillbe at once informedabout the newopenings and willbekeptupdatedabout the relevantauthorisation. Back Next End

  23. Streamlined search process Requisitionauthorisation and subsequent treatment by HR A Requisition can start a recruitingprocessonlyif the HR Manager or the relevant Business LineDirector, authoriseit. Bylogging in the applicationwiththeirowncredentials, DicrecotrswillbeenabledtoseeonlythoseRequisitionstheyneedtoprocess. Once the Requisitionhasbeenauthorized, HR userwillbeabletoactivate a newRecruitingCampaigntofind the suitable candidate; a single RecruitingCampaign can beassociatedtomanyRequisitions, iftheyall are based on the same job profile. The system automaticallycountshowmanyopenings are stilltobefulfilledforeach single Campaign. Back Next End

  24. Easily source candidates Management of Recruiting Campaigns Since the RecruitingCampaignisbased on a job profile, itautomaticallycontainsboth a Querydesignedtofindcandidatescompliantwith the opening requirements and a standard Selectionprocess, madebyall test types set forthatspecificprofile. Both the process and the query are inheritedfrom the profile, but can befullycustomized at anytime. Back Next End

  25. Easily source candidates RecruitingCampaignQuery editing A special link allowsuserstoedit the Queryassociatedto the RecruitingCampaign (isvisualized (inheritedfrom the job profile). Since the Campaign can beusedtoprocessmanydifferentRequisitions (based on the sameprofile), recruiters can freelyedit the query and addfurthersearchconditions, accordingtoneeds. The "ActiveSearch“ optionallowsto set a Searchagentthatwillcollect, in a specificwindow, the newlyrecordedresumés, respondingto the searchcriteria. Back Next End

  26. Easily source candidates Posting of Job Advertisement EachRecruitingCampaignisendowedwith a specificadvertisement. Byclicking the “Job Posting” check-button, the newadvertimmediatelyappears on the Job Posting web pageof the company internet site. Each Job Postingkeepsposted on the company web site for the theperiodoftimespecified in itsCampaign. The advert Job Title and Job Description are managedby company users, who can alsoapplyspecialformatting. Accordingto the company needs, eachadvertisement can bepostedboth on the Internet and on the Intranet side, so thatemployee can applyaswellasexternalcandidates. Applicants can sendtheirresuméforone or more job posting at the sametime, ifwished, byclicking the correspondingcheck-buttonamongthose in the online list. Back Next End

  27. Easily source candidates Job Posting on Cesop Career Portals Job advertisement can alsobecopied and quicklypublishedalso on Cesop Job Portals: www.cesop.it www.jobmeeting.it www.ateneoeazienda.it www.ricercamaster.it www.recruitaly.it The ownershipofallvisualizedmarksbelongstotheirrespectivecompanies. Back Next End

  28. Easily source candidates Resumé collection through the online application form The online applicationform, available on the company web site, allowscandidatestofill in allnecessary data concerning personal details, work experience, qualification, skills, workingexpectations and availability. Just beforesendingtheirrésume, applicants can read the company privacy policy and agree on their personal data treatment. The resumébecomes part of the candidates pool onlyifallcompulsory data havebeenspecified. A check on duplicatesisautomaticallymade, so thatusers can easilyfindallpotentialhomonyms. Backendusers can add a newresuméto the database, byusing a quickresumédataentrydashboard. An advanceddocument management featureallowstoattachexternalfilesto the resumé, and subsequentlytolanuchsearches on theircontent. Back Next End

  29. Standardised selection flow ActiveSearchoutcome Whenactivated, the “ActiveSearch” windowshowsanyResuménewlyentered in the pool matching the desiredsearchcriteria. After screening, the CVsfulfilling a requisition can becollected in the correspondingCampaign. Using the action "Add candidate toCampaign”, indeed, itispossibleto start the selectionforthat candidate. Back Next End

  30. Standardised selection flow Recruiting Campaign management ForeachCampagin a test path can bespecified. The system automaticallycreatesallteststobedoneaccordingto the test pathspecified, forallcandidatesaddedto the Campaign. Eventually, testsoutside the specifiedpath can beaddedtospecificcandidates, ifneeded. . Back Next End

  31. Standardised selection flow EvaluationInterviews/Tests planning A specificdashboard inside the Campaigncontains the "CandidatesTests“ and allowuserstomanageinterviews planning and outcomes. Anytimeaninterviewisplanned, the system automaticallyupdates a calendar so thatanyevaluator or recruiter can easilyfindthe planned test in theirrespective agenda. Back Next End

  32. Standardised selection flow Test ‘to do’ list A specificdashboardcalled “Tests ‘To Do’ List” allowstosee the listofallscheduledtests. Thiswindowworksas a sortof “agenda” and isgeneratedautomaticallyaccordingto the selectionproceduresincluded in allRecruitingCampaigns. Thislistofplannedtestsalso help userstoeventuallysendanemailreminderto the candidatestobeinterviewed, as a confirmationof the appointment set. Backendusers can check the emailmessages sent tocandidates opening the ‘sent mail’ dashboard. Back Next End

  33. Standardised selection flow Evaluationoutcomes Foreach test, everyrecruiter can enter the outcometogetherwithtextualcommentsabout the interviewed candidate. Itisalsopossibletoaddevaluationgridstoeach test type. Back Next End

  34. Standardised selection flow Selection flow monitoring FromeachRecruitingCampaignsusers can share and monitor the course and outcomeof the varioustests in realtime. The system automaticallyupdated the listofthosecandidates “tobecontacted" afterinterviews. Thisdashboardallowsuserstoseesuitable and unsuitablecandidates, tofilterthembyinterviewtype, and toactivate the relevantmail-mergetemplate in ordertogivecandidates a replybyletter/email. Back Next End

  35. Automated Hiring process Candidate suitability and hiring • At the end of the selectionprocess, itispossibleto set on each single candidate resumé: • - suitabilityfor the job profilerequisitions, correspondingto the vacancy under treatment • the status ‘tobehired’ • onboardingdetails (e.gemployment agreement, detailsconcerningsalary, benefitspackages, etc)  • Duringeachphaseof the selectionprocessitisalsopossibletoreject a candidate; thisactiondisregards the ongoingselectionprocess and automaticallymoves the candidate resumé in a specialdashboard so thatit can’t betreatedfornextselections. When candidate status ischangedto ‘hired’, throughout a scheduled procedure itispossibletoautomatically transfer candidate´s data (both personal data and evaluations) intoanyotherexternal ERP/HRIS systems (e.g.:SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, etc.). Back Next End

  36. Automated Hiring process Reporting and analytics With CVweb standard and ad hoc reporting, everythingyouneedtomanage a world-classrecruitingorganizationisimmediatlyavailable and MS Excel compatible. Itispossibletodevelopmetricswhichtrackresumé information (age, gender, degreeofstudy, source ofapplication, placeof living), or show selectioninterviewstypes and outcomes, and even include hiringparameters (e.g.: costofeachhiring). The system can also compile a report including the wholetableofRequisitiontobetreated, selectionstepstaken and averagetimefrom the verybeginningof the searchto the hiringof the chosen candidate. Analytics are eitherconnectedtoRecruitingCampaigns, wherespeciallinks can beactivated, or summarized in a separateddashboard. Each report includes a listofinitialfieldstobeusedasparameters in ordertoobtain aggregate data accordingtodifferentviews. Forfurther processing each report can beexportedto MS Excel format. Back Next End

  37. Advanced Search Suite Furtherdetails on the Search Suite The dynamicsearchcapability in CVweb allowsuserstoquickly locate any information stored in the database. Through the AdvancedSearch, itispossibletoruncustomizedcomplexqueries, based on Booleanparameters AND and OR. Anylineis a conditionincluded in the Search, and byclicking the right check-boxitispossibletoenable or disable the givencondition and thusfilterresumés in differentwaysalwaysusing the samequery. • Queries can be: • definedusing keyword search in the free text fields(e.g. parameter ‘Like’ something) • executed on resumé status • saved and recalledforfurtheruse, and sharedwithotherusers (e.g. users can duplicate a Search) • set as an “active search” agent in order to receive immediate notification of target resumés newly entered. Back Next End

  38. Advanced Search Suite Attachment Search The AttachemntSearchdashboardallowsuserstorunqueriesfilesattachedtoresumés (thissearch can beused on allkindsof file grantedby MS Index Server). Back Next End

  39. Automated communication tools Emailsending and automatednotifications The mail-mergemechanismincluded in the software allowstoautomatically or manuallysendemailcommunicationseithertobackendusers or tocandidates. Mailing can beactivatedfrombothlistenvironments (e.g. listofCVs) and detailedviews (e.g. from the Hiringform, to produce the employmentletter ). Itispossibleeitherto produce letters or tosendemails, asneeded. Allemailmessages sent tocandidates are stored in a ‘sent mail’ dashboard. Back Next End

  40. Why CVweb? • becauseithasbeendevelopedusing the latestweb-basedtechnology, it can bedeployedeffortlessly, either on yourown PC or on a business server - itis easy toinstall, CVweb allowsyoutoget up and runningquickly (5-7 days) • becauseitis the affordable alternative toexpensivesystemsthatrequire long implementationtimes, or tothoseready-madesystemsthatforceyoutofitintotheirprocesses • becauseithasbeendesignedforsmalltolargesizedemployersthatwanttomanagetheirrecruitment information more effectively, byautomating the entirerecruitingprocessfrom the job requisitiontofullyproductiveemployee • because the software ispackedwithfeaturestomakedaily work of the HR departmenteasier, helpingthemtomanagerecuiting data, trackimportantdates and ensure information iscompletely up to date and sharedby the team • because CVweb screens and dashboards are very intuitive and easy to navigate, evenfor the non-technicaluser • because CVweb reduces advertising and agencyfees and turnsrecruitinginto a key competencyforyourorganisation, making HR completelyindependentfrom IT dept. support • becauseit can beused in different location byseveraldifferentusers at the sametime, withoutanyneedoftechnicalinstallation. Company users can accesstheir account fromanywheretheyhave Internet access Back Next End

  41. Greater efficiency • Decrease in time and costs • itmakesyourrecruitingefforgs more streamlined so thatyou can focus yourvaluabletime and energyelswere – itboasts the mostautomatedback-endprocessess, plus parallelrequest processing and real-time result delivery • itmeetsresumé screening needsto reduce additionalcostsfor CV management • through the “Analytics“ dashboardyou can viewin-progressreports, featuringinstant status and live updates, at anytimeduring the process. The suite ofreports are wizard-driven, can beedited or exportedto MS Excel forfurther treatment • the useof CVweb hasprovento reduce the Time-to-Hire and recruitingcosts • Considerabledecreaseofpaperuse • CVweb comeswith a powerful database allowingyoutostore a comprehensiverangeof data, includingsourcing, recruitment, employee and organisation • itincludespre-defined screening processestoautomateyourmost common HR tasks, reducingduplicationofeffort and minimising data entry • paperresumés or evaluation can bescanned and convertedintofilestobeattached – allfiles are searchable • CVweb help draftinghiringproposal or anyotherofficial document Back Next End

  42. Faster results • Acquisitionof target resumés • candidateshave the possibilitytoenter data which are of interest for the company and can apply online accordingto the company current job postings, fromany web site usedfor advertising • searching in just one database youconfidently and quicklyidentify the right personforeach job, byensuringyouhave the most accurate and thorough information availableaboutyourcandidates, in the fastesttime possibile. • Betterorganization and efficiency • CVweb enhances the developmentof a supportive, collaborative environment in the HR area • the system automaticallysendsnotificationsdirectlytousers in ordertonotifynewlyentered target resumés, newincomingtasks, authorisationrequest or confirmation, etc. • Decrease screening efforts • the AdvancedSearchtool suite allowsresumésfilteringaccordingtothoserequirementsnecessaryto take part in the selectionprocess • the system powerfultechnologyautomates the most common HR processesensuring data accuracy. From the system dashboardsyourmanagers and workforcekeepcontrol on the recruitmentworkflow • itispossibletoloadexisting HR data quicklyfrom a spreadsheet through the Advanced Import dashboard Back Next End

  43. Better solutions • Lessadministration, more Recruitment • CVweb consolidatesallrecruitmentactionsinto a unifiedworkflow • CVweb helpsyoudetermine the best candidate sources and measureprocessimprovements • itmaximizeseffectivenesswitheasy-to-understandreportsthat are accurate and thorough • Better job posting at lowercosts • enhancementof the job postingsectionof the company web site through a policy aimed at orientingcandidatestowards the Recruiting/Job Posting web pages and web promotionsof the service • Positive marketing effect • the opportunityofferedby CVweb to the candidatesproduces a positive marketing effect on them and on the market in general; itqualifies the company showing a particular interest in human capital • besidesbeing a recruitinginstrument, job offersbecomeanopportunitytoimprovecommunication and favourinteractionbetween the candidates and the company – automated mailing functions area guaranteethatall the candidateswillreceive a reply • custom, multi-language career sitessemlesslycommunicate a consistentemploymentbrand Back Next End

  44. Unparalleled innovation • Autonomyof the Personnel Area • job opportunities can beshown on the website Job Postingsection in realtimewithout the involvementof the company IT dept. • throughan innovative operative function, availableto the system administration, itispossibletocustomize the applicationform layout (screen information, visibilityoffields, captions and listofvalues, etc.) • Data security and system reliability • CVweb iscommittedtomaintainingstringent data security toensurethat client data iskeptsafe and secure • the rangeofservicesweprovide are accreditedby privacy standards – privacy and security are top prioritiestobothcustomers and candidates • the system istechnologically advanced and highly scalable for ASP use (Application Service Provider), the mostadvanced data security technologies and practiceshavebeenemployed • R&D • the new “CVweb Next” releasewillbesoonintroducedinto the market, leveraging the powerof the .NET platform, Ajax technologies and web services Back Next End

  45. CVweb Next The new release preview A differentdashboard, endowedwithAdvancedSearchfacilities and in-line editing, will help company users in turninginitialcontactsintofavorableresults. It’s a new software solutionallowingyoutogetfrom start tofinish, supportingallof the stepsalong the way and makingyourworkforceeven more productive. Back End

  46. System architecture Front End pagesintegrated in the company web site Back End (protected) Job Postinglist Adverts can beeasilyplaced on other Job Portals Requisitions and RecruitingCampaigns management, Resumés pool, Interview planning, Analytics, AdvancedSearch suite Online applicationform CVweb Web Server SMTP Business Intelligence Business Logic Web Services Automated welcomeemailis sent to the candidate on receiptofhisresumé Company Users: end users access the database via a simple Internet connection (Internet Explorer browser). No additional software isrequired. CVweb DBMS Back Next End

  47. Technical requirements • Web Server requirements • Windows Server 2003 Web or Enterprise Edition • IIS 6.0/7.0 • .NET • Microsoft Index Server • RegionalSettings format: hh:mm:ss • SMTP (IIS) • Database Server • SQLServer 2005 • Client • CVweb end useraccess the application via Internet Explorer 8.0 or Firefox 3.5 • The Online applicationform and Job postingpagessupport the followingbrowsers: • Internet explorer 5.0 or more • Firefox 2.0 or more Back Next End

  48. Technical requirements • Security • CVweb security policies are based on: • possibility to have empty passwords or not • expiration of users´passwords • expiration of users´accounts • setting of a minimum number for password letters • compilation of a log file tracking the main operations carried out by users • possibility to access the application through just one session at a time or not • As for the thesafetyof the HTTP channel, itispossibleto introduce a digital certificate allowing a HTTPS link between the server and the CVweb Full Internet end users. • Scalability • The system based on HTML isalmostcompletelystateless (cookies are maintained on the variousclientswhich are eliminatedbyclosing the browser) and guarantees high scalability. • Management ofattachments • Attachments are sent by the client to the server through HTTP and kept inside a server folder. • URL addressing • All CVweb pages are URL addressable, so they can beaddedto end usersBookmarks or Favorite pages in ordertobe more easilyaccessible. Back Next End

  49. Product support Service CVweb service team iscomprisedofrecruitment software professionals, skilled at requirementsgathering, system configuration, change management and industrybest-practices. They work withyoutoadaptboth the product and processestoensurethatyoumeetyourgoals and deadlines. CVweb maintainsanextraordinary system uptime and oursupport team isaccessiblebytelephone, email, and internet to assist withbothtechnical and/or proceduralissues. Anyupgradesof CVweb software releasedwhilstyou are using the software are providedtocustomers at no extra cost, are remotelyinstalled in the moment the client prefers and generally include the introductionofnewfeatures. Training Weoffer a rangeof on-site training courses, eventuallyfocused on specificareasoffunctionality, so ifallyouneedtoknowishowto post and advertisementthenthatisallyou cover in the session. Users are typicallytrained and abletouse the system withinhours. Our sophisticated training capabilitiesenableourcustomerstoseamlessly and quicklylaunch the system on a national and internationabasisthroughouttheirorganizations. Help desk supportisincluded in the usagefeethatyoupaytouse CVweb software. You can notifyhelpdeskincidents and havetheseresolvedbyourexperiencedhelpdesk team. Youalsohaveunlimitedaccessto the comprehensive online user guide, coveringeveryaspectof the software. CVweb team alsoprovdeconsulting and implementation service at your location. Back Next End

  50. About CVweb CVweb is offered in four subscription packages and provides a value-for-money e-recruitment solutions that are quick and easy to install, and is straighforward to use. For more information about CVweb, pleasevisitwww.cvweb.eu Pleasecontactourcustomer service team foranyadditionalneed support.cvweb@cesop.it Back Next End

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