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Round Tables and Discussions. Experiment + Theory + Numerical Simulations How to stay connected to reality?. Experiments - I. 1. What do we observe and measure? 2. How good are our observations and diagnostics? 3. How to estimate the information capacity of data sets?
Round Tables and Discussions Experiment + Theory + Numerical Simulations How to stay connected to reality?
Experiments - I 1. What do we observe and measure? 2. How good are our observations and diagnostics? 3. How to estimate the information capacity of data sets? 4. What are the borders (numbers) for dynamic range, parameter range, spatio-temporal resolution and accuracy, precision, control, data rate acquisition? 5. Which values should be monitored (sensitive and robust diagnostic parameters)? 6. “Records” (parameter range) versus “Diagnostics” (quality and numbers)
Experiments - II 7. How to establish the connection to high-technologies and how to apply the new diagnostic opportunities? It may be not enough to “buy” the “instrumentation expertise”… 8. How to verify and validate theoretical and numerical models and to develop the concept of “model experiments”? 9. How to distinguish between various effects observed in our complex (multi-scale and multi-physics) experiments? 10. How to separate the contribution of unsteady turbulent processes?
Theory - I 1. Development of new theoretical concepts applicable for non-local, multi-scale, unsteady and transient processes (theoretical physics, functional analysis, stochastic analysis) 2. Focus on a connection to experiments and simulations, identify reliable diagnostic parameters, consider “asymptotic” versus “finite-time” 3. Future challenges: categorize and differentiate among various turbulent flows, consider hard problems (from micro- to astro-scales) in a broad variety of topics
Theory - II 4. “Classical” problems: RTI, KHI, RMI, MRI, … all other –I-s, vortex dynamics, intermittency, shock-driven dynamics 5. “Theory” means not only “ideas,” it also means responsibility: models with numerous adjustable parameters have limited predictive capability 6. Outline directions for future research, focus on understanding and be consistent
Numerical simulations - I 1. CFD <-> DNS <-> LES <-> RANS <-> MD 2. Wall-bounded flows versus Periodic Boundary conditions 3. Ill-posed problems, accurate accounting for the initial conditions 4. Fluctuations in hydrodynamics; molecular dynamics versus continuous fluid dynamics, applicability of the Navier-Stokes equations 5. Miscible/immicisble/diffusion/front-tracking/shock-driven/turbulent flows: good schemes versus affordable computations 6. Computational limits: can the simulations substitute the theory and the experiments?
Numerical simulations - II 7. Connection to experiments: spatial properties of flow quantities at a finite time versus temporal diagnostics in few points 8. Comparison and connection to the experiments and theories: requirements for the data sets and computational set-up 9. RTI/RMI – connection to other problems: better quantification, including fluxes of energy, momentum, mass, enstrophy, spatial and temporal distributions 10. Rotating fluids, convection and magneto-convection, astrophysical problems, plasmas, condensed matter
Data analysis 1. Estimates of information capacity of data sets 2. Availability of data to a wide community (e-fluids, ERCOFTAC) 3. Data storage and transfer, data post-processing and data processing on “a fly”
Education 1. Organize tutorials/workshop/summer schools on state-of-the-art diagnostics 2. How to educate ourselves and others in the fast changing world?
Our future? • What was good and not so good? • What did you like and which aspects did you dislike? 2. When, where and in which format?