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Dear Worthy District Deputies, welcome to the role! Your proven leadership is crucial in achieving growth for the Knights of Columbus in Ontario. Discover guidelines for starting new councils and coordinating round tables for parish communities. Make Fr. McGivney's dream reality - a council in every parish. Follow the 7-week plan for establishing a new council, involving parish announcements, meetings, membership drives, and officer elections. Connect with the NCD/Roundtable Director for support and resources. Let's work together to expand our Order and fulfill our mission. Contact Joe Bodnar at 905-242-3511 or jandtbodnar@gmail.com for assistance.
New Council Developmentand Round Tables Ontario State Council - Knights of Columbus • Round Table Guidelines • 7 Weeks to a New Council New Council Development/Round Table Director - Joe Bodnar 905-242-3511 jandtbodnar@gmail.com
Introduction to D.D.’s • Worthy District Deputies, • As this years State NCD and Round Table Director I would like to personally thank you for accepting the position of District Deputy for your area. You were all chosen by the State Deputy because of your proven leadership skills and your ability to assist the Councils in your District to achieve their goals and make sure that they are running their Councils in accordance to the Constitution and their Council by-laws. Each District in Ontario is unique, so your positions as DD’s won’t be the same as you will each have to deal with issues that other District’s may not have. • Each year Supreme sets a quota for new Councils and re-activations that Ontario State Council has to meet to ensure that our jurisdiction is moving forward and membership growth continues. This year our quota is 10 new Councils and 8 reactivated Councils. As a DD you are aware of the dynamics of your District and whether there are parishes that do not currently have an active Council. I urge you to assist me in fulfilling Fr. Michael McGivney’s goal of an active Council in every parish. I look forward to working with each of you as we strive to reach our NCD quota and watch our Order grow.
Goal A Council in Every Parish “Father McGivney's dream was to have a council in every parish and that every Catholic man became a member of the Knights of Columbus”
Round Table The Grand Knight of the council overseeing a parish without its own council appoints a Coordinator to lead the Round Table. Members of the council belonging to the Round Table Parish are asked to join. Grand Knight completes Form #2629 – Parish Round Table Coordinator
7 Weeks to a New Council This is a plan that may be used in addition to the New Council Development Guidelines presented at the last DD Meeting. This is not the only way to start a new council but any plan is better than no plan. Follow these steps after getting the Pastor's permission to start a council in his parish.
Week 1 Set a target dates for informational meetings and the institution of the new council. Send in Form #133 – Notice of Intent to Establish a New Council. Gather promotional materials: brochures and videos. Place an announcement of the formation of a new council in the parish bulletin.
Week 2 Place an announcement of the first informational meeting in the parish bulletin. Hold a membership drive at the church after all Masses, collect personal contact information and distribute K of C information pamphlets. Hold an informational meeting with an agenda that covers K of C structure, programs, insurance, an audiovisual presentation, and filling out membership documents.
Week 3 • Place a write-up in the parish bulletin announcing the second informational meeting for the following week. • Contact all men that attended the first meeting and encourage them to attend the second with a friend or relative.
Week 4 • Hold the second informational meeting and conduct a 1st Degree for the candidates that are signed up. (There is no need to wait for all 20 candidates before holding a degree.) • Start discussing the election of council officers.
Week 5 • Place an announcement in the parish bulletin publicizing a third informational meeting, admission degree, and election of the council’s first officers. • Notify all candidates that need to take their 1st Degree and urge them to attend the next meeting. • Notify all members of the new council of the meeting and election of council officers.
Week 6 • Conduct a 1st Degree for remaining candidates. • Elect the charter officers for the new council. • Decide on a council name. • Place an announcement in the parish bulletin about the formation of a new Knights of Columbus council in the parish, along with up-coming Installation of Council Officers.
Week 7 • Complete Form #137 (Application for Charter) within 60 days of your new councils institution date. On this form you will choose a name for your Council, name the Charter Members and date of Council Institution. • Your COUNCIL IS FORMED!! • Hold an Installation of Officers - make sure to invite wives and families to this ceremony.
Resources The Supreme web site has a page dedicated to New Councils and Round Tables: http://www.kofc.org/un/en/membership/ncd/guideline.html New Council Development Guidelines #2119 New Council Development Initiatives #4520 Parish Round Table Guidelines #2632 Parish Round Table Initiatives #4519
NCD/Round Table Contact Info • As the NCD/Roundtable Director I look forward to working with you to achieve our goals and grow the order. • I can be reached at : 905-242-3511 cell • or email jandtbodnar@gmail.com • State Warden : Joe Bodnar