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A solar panel is a device that converts sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells. These cells, typically made of silicon, absorb photons from sunlight, generating an electric current through the photovoltaic effect. Solar panels are used in various applications, from residential rooftop installations to large-scale solar farms, providing a renewable and sustainable energy source. There are different types of solar panels including monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film, each offering varying levels of efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Introduct?on 1 A solar panel ?s a dev?ce that converts sunl?ght ?nto electr?c?ty us?ng photovolta?c cells. These cells, typ?cally made of s?l?con, absorb photons from sunl?ght, generat?ng an electr?c current through the photovolta?c effect. Solar panels are used ?n var?ous appl?cat?ons, from res?dent?al rooftop ?nstallat?ons to large-scale solar farms, prov?d?ng a renewable and susta?nable energy source. There are d?fferent types of solar panels ?nclud?ng monocrystall?ne, polycrystall?ne, and th?n-f?lm, each offer?ng vary?ng levels of eff?c?ency and cost-effect?veness, contr?but?ng to the global sh?ft towards clean energy solut?ons. 2 3 4 5 6 7
Types of Solar Panels Used ?n Ind?a 1 2 1. Monocrystall?ne Modules 3 4 Monocrystall?ne solar panels are made from s?ngle-crystal s?l?con ?ngots, g?v?ng them a sleek black appearance. The?r h?gh eff?c?ency stems from the pur?ty and un?form?ty of the s?l?con crystals, result?ng ?n greater energy product?on per square foot. Wh?le these panels are more expens?ve due to the?r soph?st?cated manufactur?ng process, the long-term energy sav?ngs and env?ronmental benef?ts often just?fy the cost. 5 6 7
Types of Solar Panels Used ?n Ind?a 1 2 2. MONO PERC Modules 3 4 MONO PERC (Pass?vated Em?tter and Rear Cell) modules enhance trad?t?onal monocrystall?ne panels by add?ng a layer to the cell's rear s?de, boost?ng l?ght absorpt?on and eff?c?ency. They perform well ?n low- l?ght cond?t?ons and part?al shad?ng, mak?ng them ?deal for res?dent?al, commerc?al, and off-gr?d ?nstallat?ons where space ?s l?m?ted and opt?mal performance ?s needed. 5 6 7
3. N-Type TOPCon Solar Modules 1 N-Type TOPCon (Tunnel Ox?de Pass?vated Contact) modules use N-Type s?l?con, offer?ng h?gher eff?c?ency and reduced degradat?on over t?me compared to trad?t?onal P-Type s?l?con panels. The?r durab?l?ty aga?nst env?ronmental factors l?ke hum?d?ty and temperature fluctuat?ons makes them su?table for res?dent?al, commerc?al, and ut?l?ty-scale projects where max?m?z?ng energy product?on and m?n?m?z?ng ma?ntenance costs are cruc?al. 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 4. Polycrystall?ne Modules 2 3 4 5 Polycrystall?ne panels are made from mult?ple s?l?con crystals, g?v?ng them a character?st?c blue hue. They are cheaper to produce than monocrystall?ne panels, mak?ng them a cost-effect?ve opt?on for large-scale ?nstallat?ons. However, the?r eff?c?ency ?s lower due to h?gher electron recomb?nat?on rates. Desp?te th?s, they rema?n popular for large projects where cost ?s a s?gn?f?cant factor. 6 7
5. Th?n-F?lm Modules Th?n-f?lm solar panels are made by depos?t?ng th?n layers of sem?conductor mater?als l?ke cadm?um tellur?de (CdTe), amorphous s?l?con (a-S?), or copper ?nd?um gall?um selen?de (CIGS) onto substrates such as glass, plast?c, or metal. They are l?ghtwe?ght and flex?ble, su?table for curved or ?rregular surfaces and portable appl?cat?ons. Th?n-f?lm panels perform well ?n h?gh temperatures and are used ?n bu?ld?ng-?ntegrated photovolta?cs (BIPV), portable solar chargers, and flex?ble solar panels for mob?le use. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Thank you 1 2 3 4 5 Contact Deta?ls 6 7 Phone : 0172 4004123-29 Webs?te: hartek.com Ma?l: ?nfo@hartek.com Address : Hartek Towers, F 321, Industr?al Area, Phase 8-B, Mohal? - 160055