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The Gospel: Good News for All!

Explore the truths about the Gospel, including God's sovereignty in choosing and people's responsibility for their choices. Discover how sharing the good news brings beauty to the world!

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The Gospel: Good News for All!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Good News Is for Everybody! ROMANS 10

  2. Background: Two truths about the Gospel

  3. Background: Two truths about the Gospel God is sovereign – God chooses whom God will choose (Romans 9)

  4. Background: Two truths about the Gospel God is sovereign – God chooses whom God will choose (Romans 9) People are responsible for their choices (Romans 10)

  5. “How beautiful are the feet of those whobring good news!”(10:15)

  6. “How beautiful are the feet of those whobring good news!”(10:15) • The gospel is within reach of all people (10:8-10)

  7. “How beautiful are the feet of those whobring good news!”(10:15) • The gospel is within reach of all people (10:8-10) • God is the evangelist - salvation begins with God

  8. “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”Romans 10:9

  9. “How beautiful are the feet of those whobring good news!”(10:15) • The gospel is within reach of all people (10:8-10) • Belief is not complicated, but it is also not easy

  10. “How beautiful are the feet of those whobring good news!”(10:15) • The offer is for everyone (10:11-13) • “…for ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’” Romans 10:13

  11. “How beautiful are the feet of those whobring good news!”(10:15) • I am sent into the world - incarnational (10:14-15) • “…for ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’” Romans 10:13

  12. Application: 1. Because God is sovereign, I can share the good news without fear.

  13. Application: • While I am not responsible for people’s salvation, I am responsible: • Prayer • Care • Share

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