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Education Safeguarding April 2014. Governor Forum Update Sarah Stokoe Lead Safeguarding Advisory Officer : Education Education Standards and Effectiveness Service, DMBC sarah.stokoe@doncaster.gov.uk. Governor Forum Objective:.
Education SafeguardingApril 2014 Governor Forum Update Sarah Stokoe Lead Safeguarding Advisory Officer : Education Education Standards and Effectiveness Service, DMBC sarah.stokoe@doncaster.gov.uk
Governor Forum Objective: To provide training to governors on the new statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education. April 2014 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/300309/KCSIE_gdnce_FINAL.pdf
Who is the guidance for? • This document sets out what schools and colleges should do and sets out the legal duties which schools and colleges must comply with. It applies to: • Governing Bodies • Staff in all schools and colleges: the above persons should ensure all staff read at least part one.
Governing Bodies should ensure staff in schools and colleges read at least part one of this statutory guidance. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/300319/KCSIE_FINAL_8PG.pdf
Keeping Children Safe in EducationStatutory Guidance • Only excludes free schools and 16-19 academies (although they have to comply with safeguarding legislation as part of their funding agreement). • It should be read alongside the DfE Working Together to Safeguard Children 2013 which applies to ALL SCHOOLS. I would advise this is extended local procedures and discuss with your collaboratives. • CAF/E-CAF procedures. • South Yorkshire Child Protection Procedures (DSCB tri-ax system). • Getting it Right for Every Child in Doncaster – An Assessment and Risk Management Framework for the protection and support of children (2014).
Part 2 : The Management of Safeguarding • Governing Bodies and proprietors must ensure that they comply with their duties under legislation. They must also have regard to this guidance to ensure that the policies, procedures and training in their schools or colleges are effective and comply with the law at all time.
Key Points • It replaces ALL previous safer recruitment and safeguarding children in education. • Remove this from your school and destroy this guidance. http://s321878394.websitehome.co.uk/EducationCompliance/Resources/Safeguarding%20Children%20and%20Safer%20Recruitment.pdff • If you are due an Ofsted inspection you must review your safeguarding policy, dealing with allegations against staff, recruitment and selection, code of conduct, whilst also recognising the wider specific safeguarding issues. Implement this statutory guidance with immediate effect. (page 9, paragraph 25) Ask: Can I implement this with immediate effect in my school / college setting? What steps can I take to monitor the implementation. (Develop an implementation checklist?)
“It Could Happen Here” Staff members working with children are advised to maintain an attitude of `it could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned. Sir Chris Wood head, the former chief inspector of schools and chairman of governors at Southbank International, described the case as ‘the worst thing that I’ve ever been involved in in 40 years of education’. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2611953/FBI-looking-British-victims-paedophile-teacher-spent-40-years-working-world-including-spell-25-000-year-London-school.html#ixzz30GwMDhEd
Governing Body Headline Information 32. Governing Bodies (GBs) should appoint a member of staff of the school leadership team to the role of designated safeguarding lead. 33. Ensure cover is always provided for this role. 34. If any point, there is a risk of immediate serious harm to a child a referral should be made to social care immediately. Anybody can make a referral. 35. Ensure DSL attends child protection training every 2 years. 36. GBs should consider how children may be taught about safeguarding including online through teaching and learning opportunities. PSHCE and SRE (maintained schools and colleges).
Safer Recruitment (1) • 38. In line with part 3 of this guidance, GBs should prevent people who pose a risk of harm from working with children. The school staffing regulations require GBs of schools to ensure that at least one person on any appointment panel has undertaken safer recruitment training.
Safer Recruitment (2) • Contractors are part of the DBS process (Page 21). • 72 – If a school / college has concerns about existing staff members suitability – the school or colleges should carry out checks as if the person was a new member of staff. • 53 – If a school or college knows or has reason to believe that an individual is barred, it commits an offence if it allows the individual to carry out any form of regulated activity. There are penalties of up to 5 years in prison if a barred person is convicted of attempting to engage or engaging in such work.
Summary – The Good Points • 98% improved, greater access to linked Ofsted handbooks and best practice guidance. • Wider range of safeguarding areas included (25) with appropriate links. • Dealing with allegations – Clear timelines set (130) clearer process to follow. • Guidance on single central record (66) – now have some guidance on what your SCR should look like. • Good DBS information (Page 21) - clear flow chart now provided. And • The new statutory guidance highlights the importance of pressing for re-consideration of cases should situations not improve (18).
Careful `Anybody referring to social care directly` - Stage 1 `Early help assessment` - Stage 2
Final Thoughts Nationally • DfE – Keep up to date with the new www.gov.uk website – statutory requirements page and changes to many guidance documents in line with this new. • Ofsted – Keep up to date with Ofsted briefing papers. Locally • Local Collaborative – develop systems to support and understanding of early help and services in local areas to strengthen early help offers. Watch this space for MASH teams! • DSCB – Keep up to date with the role and remit and local policies and procedures.
The LA Education Safeguarding Responses • Developing a training programme to meet the requirements of this statutory guidance with DSCB and partner agencies. • Providing local contact numbers to ensure all staff are clear of staff available to support sections of this guidance. • The LA will review the model safeguarding policy, dealing with allegations and whole school safeguarding training. • Lead advisory officer for education safeguarding sarah.stokoe@doncaster.gov.uk . • If you are due an Ofsted would you like to work with me to review the model policies to ensue we can send a revised version to all schools/college as soon as possible?
Any Questions? Email address: Sarah.stokoe@doncaster.gov.uk