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Joe E. Moreno Elementary

Joe E. Moreno Elementary. TEA Recognized Campus. 620 E. Canino Rd. Houston, Texas 77037 (281) 405-2150 http://es.houstonisd.org/morenoes/.

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Joe E. Moreno Elementary

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  1. Joe E. Moreno Elementary TEA Recognized Campus 620 E. Canino Rd. Houston, Texas 77037 (281) 405-2150 http://es.houstonisd.org/morenoes/

  2. Joe E. Moreno Elementary is located on the corner of 620 E. Canino Road and Nordling St. bordering the city and county. The school was built eight years ago and first opened its doors in August 2005. It serves approximately 820 students in K through fifth grade levels. It is a state of the art facility with one science and one writing labs for intermediate and primary grade levels, an art lab with a kiln, 3 computer labs, teleconferencing and school-wide broadcasting system capability, 6 wireless mobile labs, and a set of 70 iPads to use in classrooms are a few of the modern features of this 21st century school. The PLC and Feeder Pattern are hallmarks at this school. While the community sits on the edge of Aldine it has been quite stable in steady enrollment increase with little mobility. This has allowed for continuous learning within the low socioeconomic community. SCIENCE LAB School Overview

  3. Writing and Computer Lab Great learning going on in our state of the art labs!

  4. Mission ** Vision ** Values The mission of Joe E. Moreno Elementary is to be committed to transform Houston and the global society by providing a world class education to all who enter our doors. The vision of Moreno Elementary is to be the gateway to provide every individual the opportunity to compete and succeed in our global society with the most updated technology in order to cultivate in our students superior learning and maximize value-added, achievement, and growth. Our core value is to work together with parents for children to achieve in every area.

  5. Our Goals We understand that your child comes to us with unique experiences, interests and learning styles. Our goal is to truly know your child well and use this knowledge to guide, support, and to motivate him or her. We believe that good teaching requires continual professional development, personal reflection, and collaboration. We value parent involvement at every level and encourage you to partner with us from home to give your child the most powerful and joyous learning experience possible. We have GT certified teachers that provide creative learning experiences to stimulate our children socially, emotionally, and intellectually in a loving and caring environment. We are in constant communication and are very committed to providing your child with the best possible school experience. Project Based Learning

  6. The Community Serves Us Houston Astros Book Donation The Community We Serve Our student population is approximately: 95% Hispanic 3% African American 2% White 58% LEP 90% economically disadvantaged & receive free or reduced lunch 79% at risk 47.4% boys 51.6% girls Low socioeconomic community

  7. Standardized Test Scores ** STAAR Joe E. Moreno Elementary was TEA Exemplary for two years and in 2010-2011 became Recognized, this rating remained for the year 2011-2012. During the school year 2012 - 2013, first year of STAAR test accountability, we earned Met Standard Rating and Distinction Designation in Academic Achievement in Reading/ELA. With an extensive examination of TEA Accountability Data Tables, STAAR and TAKS reports, Stanford 10/Aprenda, and PEIMS Data, we will set forth appropriate strategies for the continued success of each student’s individual needs. Campus Online and Principal/Teachers Dashboard have been an excellent source for all staff members and administrative team to set a timeline and a plan for our growth with very specific objectives and differentiated instruction per student. EVAAS projections are excellent for teachers in the STAAR grades to help them work identifying students with deficits. Our teachers in the lower grades use iStation, fluency checks, HFW and teacher made CBAs to chart growth. Data from iStation for all grade levels has been beneficial to support our teachers on differentiating instruction. Our goal is to maintain Met Standard Rating, regain exemplary performance in the 2013-2014, and increase the percentage of students with Advanced Level III in all subjects.

  8. Standardized Test Scores ** Stanford Reading Stanford Reading Achievement of students At or Above 50th percentile results increased in 2nd grade, but decreased in 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. The highest decreased in Reading is seen in 3rd grade tests scores due to the transition of all our bilingual students in 3rd grade. We will continue to focus and devote more strategies and attention to this content, especially our ELL transitionalstudents.

  9. Standardized Test Scores ** Stanford Math Stanford Math Achievement of students At or Above 50th percentile results increased in grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades, and decreased in 5th grade. We will continue to focus and devote more strategies to this content, especially our ELL transitionalstudents in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Math instruction in all grade levels will be rigorous and reinforced with tools learned in HISD Summer Rigor Institute.

  10. Stanford 2013 NCE We have collected, reviewed and analyzed student achievement data fromTAKS, STAAR, Stanford/Aprenda, EVAAS, TELPAS, Principal’s Dashboard, TEA website, and Campus Online. Our students have made growth these past years in some areas and we strive to continue the levels of increase in the coming years. We have laid a strong foundation in the 8 years Moreno has been open.

  11. Aprenda ** Math and Reading We are using the instructional strategies of Robert J. Marzano and the school reform ideas of Phillip Schlechty to augment the critical thinking of our teachers and students. Our school’s Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are conducting sessions on vertically aligning and horizontally planning our Math and Reading curriculum, in English and Spanish, and providing an improved learning environment.

  12. Student Attendance Above are graphs that show results of Aprenda Reading and Math for 1st and 2nd grade classes. In both subjects we have increases compared to year 2012. The percentages for Reading of students At/Above the 50th percentile in 2013 is 100% for 1st grade, 96% for 2nd grade. In Math we have 97% in 1st grade and 91% for 2nd grade. We will continue to implement best practices that give us success in Aprenda.

  13. School Environment

  14. Faculty & Staff Our professional staff is: 83.2% teachers 4.2% professional support 2.1% school leaders/administration 10.5% educational aides The Average Years of Experience of Teachers is 4.8 yrs 8% has a Master’s Degree 21.0% men 79.0% women

  15. Teacher Preparation • Our teachers have Math training on: • Envision • ETA manipulatives • Problem solving • Think Through Math program for 3 - 5 grades • DreamBox program for K-2 grades Our staff has had extensive Literacy training: Rigor Institute Istation ExcELLence strategies Marzano strategies Bloom’s Taxonomy Neuhaustraining in multi-sensory grammar Scientific spelling & comprehension Guided Reading * Thinking Maps

  16. The Leadership Team The leadership team at Moreno consists of the principal, Title I Coordinator, the Instructional Coordinator, and the department team leaders. A division of duties for each of us has equally distributed the responsibilities of monitoring the academic program. Walkthroughs, attending team meetings, and immediate written feedback from each team member via updates, minutes from meetings and agendas keep all informed on what is happening in each department and school wide. Support for all of our personnel has been resources, incentives, training, mentoring, coaching, and tools to do their jobs. The Teacher Appraisal System and staff review process has been implemented and followed at Moreno.

  17. Special Curriculum Programs I – station Reading Online Program Istation is an online instructional program that delivers individualized reading lessons that include age-appropriate content and are on every child’s learning level. Every lesson includes benchmarks and continuous progress monitoring assessments. Dan L. Duncan Reading Initiative Program The program is led by the Duncan tutors and includes low performing 1st and 2nd grade students. The program is evidence-based and uses effective research based approaches to reading instruction. Curriculum used - K-1 Building Vocabulary with Emergent Readers (BVER), Building Vocabulary and Early Reading Strategies (EAGER BVERS), ConstruyendoFluidez en Primer Grado, and Desarrollo Del LenguajeOral. Esperanza Spanish Reading Intervention Program It is a Spanish multisensory structured language approach for reading, writing and spelling that is used by teachers and instructional assistants with Kinder, 1st and 2nd grade bilingual students that are struggling with reading. The goal is to achieve Spanish literacy through the use of a systematic approach. Neuhaus K-5 teachers use the intervention reading methods of spelling, writing, reading, oral language, language enrichment, metacognitive skills, basic language skills, and many other areas to increase student academic achievement.

  18. Extra-curricular programs Robotics Ballet Mecca Music & Dance Girl Scouts Garden Club Soccer

  19. Special School Wide Programs Read for the Record/Jump Start Voting Day Go Texan Day/Chili Cook-off Fall Festival Black History Program Book Fair Spelling Bee Poetry Contest Wax Museum Grandparents Day/Thanksgiving Lunch Field Lessons (Disney World) Career Day Reading Sleepover Hispanic Heritage Program Christmas Program December Food Drive Red Ribbon Week Asian Program Health Fair STAAR Pep Rallies Field Day Valentines Day King and Queen Teacher Appreciation Week Summer School Culture & Art Program VIPS Thank You Breakfast

  20. Engaged Stakeholders Good communication with all of our community has been very effective. At the end of the year “Your Voice” a confidential HISD district wide survey for parents, student, teachers, staff, and community members was conducted by RDA Group. The results showed that 92% are Overall Satisfied with Moreno Elementary, 90% are satisfied with Moreno teachers and staff, 92% are satisfied with school environment, 91% are satisfied with child’s school safety and security, an average of 92.6% said yes to parent engagement questions. Moreno overall rating was B+, and 82% said that is likely that they will recommend Moreno elementary to others. A PAC at Moreno Elementary has been very active and meetings once a month have been very well attended. Our teachers each have a parental involvement plan that addresses meeting the parent’s needs. Our SDMC has also been very effective and has resulted in good collaboration with all stakeholders. The school website is kept current with most recent events, news links for parents and students, teacher websites and other resources, a principal’s blog, twitter, and school facebook were created to maintain community informed.

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