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King Matthias

A Quest for Heroes 2013 - 15. King Matthias. József Gregor Általános Iskola. King Matthias.

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King Matthias

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A QuestforHeroes 2013 - 15 King Matthias József Gregor Általános Iskola

  2. King Matthias

  3. Matthias is one of the most popularHungariankings. Hisfatherwastheheroic defenderagainst the Ottoman threat, John Hunyadi. HisbrotherLeslie Hunyadi wasbeheadedaccordingtountruechargesbroughtagainsthim.

  4. He became a kinginaveryearlyage. He wasrightful and helpedthepoor. Hiswellknowngeneral, Pál Kinizsi was a man of peasantorigin. Manystoriestellabouthowmuch he lovedtheHungarianpeople.

  5. Hiswife, Beatrix camefromItaly . Hispalacebecamethe most splendidcourtin Europe. Therewere hanging gardens, heatedpools and fabolousworks of art.

  6. The most celebratedwashislibrary, whichwasadmiredall over in Europe. Itwascalled Corvina, namedbytheravenonthecoat-of-arms of the Hunyadi family. Matthias spent here all of hisfreetime.

  7. The reason of hismisteriousdeath is stillunknown. Somesay he waspoisoned, othersthinkhegot stroke. He is themodelformanypeople, because of hisjustice, hisliteracy and beacuse he wasabletoprotectour country.

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