BLOG Where Blogs make make sense is within targeted online communities. Certain blog authors develop a large base of specific visitors, hence the site becomes a target market for viral marketing. By integrating your brand image within the site experience at that SPECIFIC blog, you as an online marketer are able to truly segment your marketing PRIOR to converting someone as a customer. http://www.smallbusinessupdate.com/smallbusinessupdate-68-20060321BlogsPodcastingAndRSSWithinEcommerce.html • BSP (广告,品牌) • 法银行创建博客网站 吸引众多年轻客户 • 巴黎国民银行(BNP)成为法国第一家创建博客网站的银行 • 目的是吸引18岁至29岁的年轻人浏览该行网站并创建个人博客,同时了解该行推出的金融新产品 • 博客中,30%属于银行已有客户,70%属于潜在客户。 • 把博客作为联络工具与市场工具,提高了银行的网络知名度。 • 搜索排名和点击率也相当高
BLOG • 企业Blog 高管Blog - 通用副总裁Bob Lutz - 波音副总裁Randy Baseler - SUN的总裁Jonathan Schwartz - 微软CTO Ray Ozzie 员工Blog 美国CEO认为拥有 CEO blog 的好处, 2005年11月, 单位:%来源:eMarketer
BLOG • 企业Blog
BLOG • 商业Blog • AOL推出了名为bloggingstocks.com商务博客网站,整合到商务新闻业务之中 • 《纽约时报》在其网站上开通了名为DealBook的博客论坛,专门讨论业界并购重组话题 • 《华尔街日报》开通了新闻博客 • 《商业周刊》也开通了名为BlogSpotting栏目,专门提供有关商务和媒体的精华博客文章 • 虽然博客日益流行,但媒体公司能否通过在博客网站投放广告方式来赢利,目前还是个未知数。 http://tech.sina.com.cn/i/2006-04-28/0736921556.shtml
BLOG • Blog营销 (Word of mouth) Stormhoek是一家小葡萄酒厂,去年尝试了一种新的营销方式。试图了解与博客们的互动会怎样影响公司的内部的交流,公司的文化,进而影响公司的销售。只要博客满足以下两个条件就可以收到一瓶免费的葡萄酒:1. 住在英国、爱尔兰或法国,此前至少三个月内一直写博。读者多少不限,可以少到3个,只要是真正的博客;2. 已届法定饮酒年龄。收到葡萄酒并不意味着你有写博义务——你可以写;也可以不写,可以说好话,也可以说坏话。 结果:据Stormhoek自称,在六月的时候,用google搜索这家公司只有500个结果,而9月8号达到20000个。而在这两个月中,他们自己估计有30万人通过Blog开始知道这家公司。这项活动产生的滞后效应还很难具体估量,但Stormhoek发现在过去不到一年的时间里,他们的葡萄酒销量翻倍了,达到了“成千上万箱”的规模。 营销基础 - 目标:布道者或影响者 - 渠道:病毒或传统 - 内容:消费者想分享的任何信息 四个选择 - 定位到谁? - 怎样传开? - 讯息是什么? - 怎样衡量效果? 营销:品牌 >> 销售 网站:内容 >> 推送 对话,透视,亲和, 表现,引导,搜索 http://hopesome.com/archives/661.html
RSS Already gaining steam in the travel industry and within comparison shopping engines, RSS seems to be a valuable way to push news, offers, and information to customers. Travel companies are able to provide a streaming supply of last minute airfare offers to their customer segments, without that customer having to open an email or visit a webpage.. http://www.smallbusinessupdate.com/smallbusinessupdate-68-20060321BlogsPodcastingAndRSSWithinEcommerce.html • Why RSS? • RSS user demographics are certainly worthy of marketers' attention. According to Forrester, users frequent the internet and, at about 39, are younger than non-RSS users by about six years. Forty-six percent are college educated and -- in the three months before Forrester's survey in February 2005 -- spent, on average, $465 online compared with $333 for non-RSS users. • Individualized RSS recipients receive text, images and promotional offers uniquely matched to their expressed interests and desires. The individualized feeds enable marketers to communicate with subscribers based on demographics, past behavior, or any other segmenting attributes. http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/8800.asp
RSS • 在线旅游服务中的RSS
RSS • 其他RSS应用
RSS • RSS广告 Standalone RSS ads are far more successful than inline ads. A standalone RSS ad (the entire post is the advertisement) generates, on average, a 7.99% click-through rate - over nine times more clicks than an inline RSS ad (an advertisement within a publisher's post). http://www.pheedo.info/archives/000283.html
RSS • RSS广告 90% of RSS consumers opt to read the feed content entirely in the aggregator environment, regardless whether they are viewing full or partial feeds. This presents a tremendous opportunity to monetize the feed content at the feed reader or aggregator point of consumption. http://www.pheedo.info/archives/000337.html
RSS • Enterprise RSS • desktop applications • server-based RSS aggregators http://blogs.newsgator.com/daily/2006/02/enterprise_rss_.html As a large law firm with almost 800 employees in 10 offices across the United States, Dykema was faced with myriad content and information management challenges. The first challenge was improving methods for gathering and delivering web-based content. Dykema's second challenge was improving the distribution and dissemination of internal information. http://www.newsgator.com/casestudies/Dykema.aspx
RSS • RSS商业化 • The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, San Antonio Express-News and the San Francisco Chronicle plan to syndicate bloggers' content on their sites through a service called BlogBurst from Pluck, reports TechCrunch. Those who blog about travel, women's issues, technology/gadgets, food/entertainment, among other topics, may apply to join the network; they must provide a full-text RSS feed, with no ads, to participate. http://www.marketingvox.com/archives/2006/02/21/newspapers_to_syndicate_blog_content/index.php
RSS • RSS商业化 • feed: feedsky和卓越网的合作,和卓越网母公司亚马逊与feedburner的合 作类似,即基于RSS的广告模式。 • landing page:Feedpass的价值在于,它可以在种子着陆网页(landing page)加入Google adsense广告(而不是加入种子本身),并同在Feedpass创建种子网址的用户共享广告营收。 http://tech.sina.com.cn/i/2005-12-30/1709807765.shtml http://tech.sina.com.cn/i/2006-05-22/1713949748.shtml
Wiki • ProductWiki • 对amazon.com • 对顾客 • 用户协作 • (与搜索引擎?) http://mashable.com/2005/11/23/amazon-launches-product-wiki/
SNS • Myspace.com
SNS • 从MySpace到AdSpace? • 分销平台? 美国互联网用户对部分社会化网络站点的访问, 单位:百万独立访问者来源:eMarketer • 用户主要都是年轻人 • 同龄人的影响要超过公司实体(口碑) • 面向年轻人的文本、图像和富媒体广告
相关补充 • 长尾市场:Google,Amazon • 搜索:社会化,个性化 • 搜索成为社会的公共服务?