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Recent Achievements of Belle experiment. KEKPH07 2007/Mar./2nd. Kenkichi Miyabayashi (Nara Women’s Univ.) for Belle collaboration. As of 2007/Feb./28,…. During 2006/2007, 40 papers have been published or submitted (more than 200 from the beginning). ↓
Recent Achievements of Belle experiment KEKPH07 2007/Mar./2nd Kenkichi Miyabayashi (Nara Women’s Univ.) for Belle collaboration
As of 2007/Feb./28,… During 2006/2007, 40 papers have been published or submitted(more than 200 from the beginning). ↓ Apparently it is impossible to mention all of them, so … http://belle.kek.jp/bdocs/b_journal.html
Outline • CP violation measurements for unitarity angles • B decays with “Missing Energy” • Activities on other Υ states • Future prospect and Summary
KM scheme & Unitarity triangle In the quark mixing matrix, an irreducible complex phase is there. → CP violation. (a) On complex plane, a triangle is formed. B meson is a good probe. (b) (g)
Angle measurements B-B mixing (box) Decay via b → u (tree) (a) (g) (b) Decay via b → c (tree) How about b → s (penguin)?? b → d (penguin) is also participating in some cases → direct CPV.
In order to perform such study, … PDG2006 The B decay modes for CP violation studies have small branching fraction(i.e. B is so heavy that there are so many decay modes). → Need quite a lot of B. → Need to measure time evolution of B.
KEKB accelerator Lum./day 1fb-1/day 700fb-1 535M BB by 2006 summer Int. lum. 8GeV(e-)X3.5GeV(e+) 3km double ring Peak lum.>1.7X1034cm-2s-1
Belle detector Aerogel Cerenkov Time Of Flight CsI calorimeter S.C. solenoid 1.5T 3.5GeV e+ 8GeV e- Central Drift Chamber Silicon Vertex Detector KL μ system
Time dependent CPV CP side (B to fCP) In order to see CPV by interference between decay and mixing. Tag side (the other B) Dz=bgcDt, bg=0.425 Dz
Measurement of sin21 (1) Decay Vtd* (2) Decay with mixing Vtd* Interference between (1) and (2) results in CP violation. We have to wait to let (2) contribute, i.e. t=0. In SM, SfCP=-CP sin21,where CP =-1 for CP odd, +1 for CP even, AfCP=0. Theoretical uncertainty is ~0.01.
Reconstruction of B0 → J/ K0 Nsig = 6512 Purity 59 % CP even Nsig = 7482 Purity 97 % CP odd In Υ(4S) rest frame, Mbc = { (ECM/2)2 - (S Pi)2}1/2 KL; only direction known. B0 → J/ KL has less purity. PRL98,031802(2007)
_ B0 tag B0 tag Time-dependent decay rates Asymmetry=-CP sin21sin(mt) Opposite asymmetry corresponding to CP ! PRL98,031802(2007)
B0 tag _ B0 tag sin21; J/ KS & J/ KL combined sin21 = +0.642±0.031±0.017 AJ/K = +0.018±0.021±0.014 PRL98,031802(2007)
Before/After B factories Before B factories Recent World Average
1 in penguin decays as well as New Physics in the loop; CPV deviation from J/ K0? SM penguin; No complex phase in decay. Look time-dependent CPV in such decay modes! A series of this kind of B decays; ’K0, K0, KSKSKS, KS, KS0, K+K-KS.
B0 → ’ KS, KS, KSKSKS Nsig=1421±46 Plots show signal enriched sample by event shape variables. Nsig=307±21 Nsig=185±17 PRL98,031802(2007) Mbc(GeV/c2)
Reconstruction of B0 → ’ KL, KL Nsig=454±39 Nsig=114±17 PRL98,031802(2007) After background subtraction.
B0 → ’ K0 CPV in 5.6! First CPV observation in penguin decays! sin21eff = +0.64±0.10±0.04 A’K = -0.01±0.07±0.05 PRL98,031802(2007)
See other modes sin21eff = +0.50±0.21±0.06 A = +0.07±0.15±0.05 sin21eff = +0.30±0.32±0.08 A = +0.01±0.20±0.07 PRL98,031802(2007)
See other modes(cont.) f0(980)KS KS K+K-KS (excl. KS) KS0 hep-ex/0609006
Compare tree and penguin Theory predicts positive shift, while measurements tend to be negative shift(av. 2.6 deviation). More statistics needed to have conclusive results.
Another tree: B0 → D+D- caused by b → ccd Tree (a) dominant → SDD becomes -sin21, ADD = 0. Penguin (b) is b → d, complex phase due to Vtd → may cause Direct CPV. From 535M BB, Nsig = 150±15 has been obtained. hep-ex/0702031
B0 → D+D-; t distribution B0(t)→ D+D- B0(t)→ D+D- SDD=-1.13±0.37±0.09 ADD=+0.91±0.23±0.06 hep-ex/0702031 Evident Direct CPV(3.2)! Need to update all the b → ccd modes(D*+D*-, J/0, etc) to have a comprehensive understanding of this transition.
– – – – – – t Vud u u b b d d p/r V*ub – B0 B0 t b d p/r B0 d d Mixing diagram Decay diagram (tree) 2 measurement If tree only, Sf is directly connected to sin22 and Af=0. V*tb Vtd Vtd V*tb There are 3 possibilities; ,, .
B0→p+ p- Nsig=1464±65 S=-0.61±0.10±0.04 A=+0.55±0.08±0.05 C.L. contour (Background subtracted) Large Direct CPV App=0 ; Not only Tree but also Penguin →Spp=(1-App2)1/2 sin2(f2+q) , how to solve?
Extract f2; isospin analysis M. Gronau and D. London, PRL 65, 3381 (1990) B0→p+p-, p0p0, B±→p±p0 branching fractions, and B0→ p0p0 Direct CPV are used as inputs to solve this relation. SU(2) braking effect is still much smaller than measurements’ errors.
2 constraint only with B→ Constraint is not stringent by alone. → need and . 2
B→ V2 It is B→ VV decay, admixture of CP-odd and CP-even, in general. V1 B H+ Transverse polarization(CP-odd) H− H0 Longitudinal polarization(CP-even) |H0|2 + | H+ |2 + | H−|2 =1 • There are two miracles; • fL=0.968±0.023, i.e. almost pure CP eigenstate. • B0→ 00 is small, i.e. small penguin pollution. Quite high ability to constrain 2!
B0→ B0(t) B0(t) S=+0.19±0.30±0.07 A=+0.16±0.21±0.07 Note; CPV is small, but consistent with 2=90° because S = sin22 in “tree dominance”. hep-ex/0702009
2 by B→ This region is ruled out.
Time-dependent Dalitz Plot Analysis (TPDA) of B0→ ( Since decays into , ther ethree possibilities; B0→ +-(+), -+(-) and 00(0). Final state commonly +-0 → resolve by Dalitz distribution(26 parameter fit!). Then, 2 is extracted by the amplitudes; With 449M BB, Nsig=971±42 (B0→ +-0) hep-ex/0701015
TDPA of B0→ ( +-(+) Isospin relation results in “pentagon” in this mode. -+(-) 68°< 2 < 95° at the 68% C.L. 00(0) hep-ex/0701015 (=m)
About 2 All the measurements favor about 90° as 2. • B→ sets window around 90°. • B→ pinpoints the favored value inside the window. • B→ isexpected to rule out solutions of 2~0 and ~180° with higher statistics.
3 by B±→ D(*)K(*)± Dalitz analysis D(*)0 and D (*)0decay into common final state →Vcb and Vub interfere:f3 Here, select D→KSp+p−, B+ decay amplitude = f(m+2, m−2) + r exp(+if3+id) f(m−2, m+2) B− decay amplitude = f(m−2, m+2)+ r exp(−if3+id) f(m+2, m−2) (m+=KSp+, m−=KS p− inv. mass) → extract r, f3, d by B+ and B− Dalitz Plots.
B±→ D(*)K(*)± reconstruction B±→ D(KSp+p−)K± Nsig=331±23 B±→ D*0[(KSp+p−)p0]K± Nsig=81±11 B±→ D(KSp+p−)K(*)± Nsig=54±8
Dalitz Plot B±→ D(KSp+p−)K± B+ B− After background subtraction and acceptance correction, these distributions are fitted with the model taking 18 resonant and non-resonant amplitudes. B+ B− B±→ D*0[(KSp+p−)p0]K± Model uncertainty:Can be reduced by charm meson data. (Eventually ~2°) f3=53° +15°/-18° ±3°±9°
H+/W+ t+ B±→ ± While, charged Higgs can interfere helicity-suppressed W exchange. In SM, caused by annihilation diagram; → determination of B decay constant fB.
Full reconstruction technique One of the Bs is fully reconstructed (by D, D, etc. ) to tag B production/flavor(charge)/momentum. Decays of interests BXu l n, BK n n BDtn, tn B e- (8GeV) e+(3.5GeV) Υ(4S) p full (0.1~0.3%) reconstruction BDp etc. B Single B meson beam in offline ! Powerful tool for B decays with neutrinos! Note that it can be done only at e+e- B-factories.
Evidence of B±→ ± Try to reconstruct by the particles other than the fully reconstructed B daughters via , e, , 0 and modes. Remove the calorimeter(ECL) hits associated with daughters. The remained ECL energy(EECL) becomes zero for the signal (only (s) remain). fB= PRL97,251802(2006)
Constraint on charged Higgs Excluded Using SM estimation; BrSM=(1.59±0.32±0.24)×10-4 fB |Vub| fB from HPQCD |Vub| from HFAG Much stronger constraint than those from energy frontier exp’s.
Running on Υ(3S) Try to hunt Υ(3S)→ Υ(1S) to see Υ(1S) decays into a light dark matter. invisible Dashed line: expectation with Br(Υ(1S) → )=6×10-3 Peak is consistent with the background due to Υ(1S) → l+l- escaping detector acceptance Br(Υ(1S)→ invisible)<2.5×10-3 @90% C.L. hep-ex/0611041, to appear in PRL Recoil mass distribution
Running on Υ(5S) PRL98, 052001(2007) Ds J/ Bs(*)Bs(*) production ratio, inclusive Ds, D and J/ measurements have been done. Histograms:continuum
Example of physics reach LHC find mass spectrum of SUSY particles, while SUSY breaking scenario would be identified by CPV, i.e. measurement of coupling and its phase!
Summary • Three angles (1, 2, 3) are fairly well-measured to perform quantitative test of KM scheme, more efforts to be continued to hunt New Physics effect. • With full reconstruction technique, rare decays with missing are to be measured. Evidence of B±→ ±has been obtained. • Running on other Υ states have been done successfully, accumulating more in future upon a good idea. • In LHC era, Super B-factory could identify SUSY breaking scenario through its program of measurements of Phases from CPVNew Physics.
Reconstruction of CP side B meson Example; B0→ J/y KS Utilize Υ(4S)→ BB kinematics Mbc = { (ECM/2)2 - (S Pi)2}1/2 → Signal peaks at B mass (5.28GeV). DE = S Ei - ECM/2 → Signal peaks at zero. DE(GeV) Mbc(GeV)
Vertex reconstruction(Dt measurement) BB is boosted with bg=0.425: Dt is obtained by z. Utilize IP-profile a lot. • CP side vertex • J/y、p+p-,etc. charged tracks. • In KS→p+p- case, extrapolate • momentum vector toward IP-profile. • Tag side vertex • Tracks with impact parameter w.r.t. CP side vertex < 500mm • Veto KS daughters, remove poorly reconstructed tracks by c2. • Resolution function • Detector resolution, D(*) life, B momentum into account.
Flavor tagging (B or B?) • Lepton charge • high-p lb c ln • intermed-p l+s l n • Hadron charge • high-p p+ B0D(*)p+, D(*)r+, etc. • intermed-p K+ K+ X, pp0 • low-p p D0p By calculating Likelihood, q =+1(B0) , − 1 (B0) (Tag side) r = 0(no flavor info.) 〜 1(perfectly confident tagging).