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data taking since 1999 (till now) luminosity: 2.11 10 34 /cm 2 /s (world record), >1 million BB-pairs/day . Belle Experiment at KEKB. http://belle.kek.jp.
data taking since 1999 (till now) luminosity: 2.111034/cm2/s (world record), >1 million BB-pairs/day Belle Experiment at KEKB http://belle.kek.jp Main goals: precision tests of the Standard Model and New Physics searches at the high-luminosity frontier with a special focus on CP symmetry violation in the B meson system. KEKB: very high luminosity e+e- collider for B physics at KEK, Tsukuba Future:Belle-IIexperiment at upgraded SuperKEKB collider with the design luminosity of ~801034/cm2/s Belle Collaboration (as of November ’09): 400 scientists from Australia, Austria, China, Czech Rep., Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Japan, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Taiwan, USA. Polish group (10 physicists and engineers as on Nov.’09) from H. Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN in Krakow participates in Belle since 1993 (one of the first European groups in Belle) /contact: maria.rozanska@ifj.edu.pl/ Currently Polish participation in Belle(-II) is on the list of joint Polish-Japanese research projects for the years 2009/2010 under the Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between PAN and JSPS.
Belle Experiment at KEKB Major achievements and highlights • first observation of CP violation in beauty sector and quantitative confirmation of the Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism, recognized in the citation for the 2008 Nobel prize in Physics, awarded to Kobayashi, Maskawa and Nambu; • observations of many rare decays of B mesons with first hints on deviations from the Standard Model; • discoveries of new resonances with charm quark, that shed new light on the spectroscopy of hadrons… • ~300 journal publications, cited 11000 times
Belle Experiment at KEKB Examples of Polish contributions to Belle and Belle-II Contributions to the detector Contributions to physics analyses Belle hot topics in 2007/2008 • Main focus: vertex detector • readout electronics for Belle and Belle-II silicon vertex detectors; • R&D for Belle-II pixel detector … analyses performed by PhD students from Krakow HALNY– readout module for the Belle silicon vertex detector designed at Krakow