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FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES NATURA2000 Interreg 2014-2020. Content. Introduction EU budget and Cohesion Policy Interreg within Cohesion Policy 3) Role of Flanders Enterprise 2) Programmes and budgets 3) Interreg in practice 4) Opportunities for Natura2000.
Content • Introduction • EU budget andCohesionPolicy • InterregwithinCohesionPolicy 3) Roleof FlandersEnterprise 2) Programmesandbudgets 3) Interreg in practice 4) Opportunitiesfor Natura2000
1.1 EU budget andcohesionpolicy 2014-2020 (Source http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news)
1.2 Interregwithincohesionpolicy 2014-2020 EU2020 = Smart, sustainableandinclusivegrowth as common goal forCohesion Policy 1C(ommon)S(trategic)F(ramework) forintegrateduse of ESF, ERDF, European Territorial Cooperation, Agricultural Fund, Fisheries…towardsthese goals Interreg is part of the ERDF ERDFto achieve economic, social and territorial cohesion…by the development and structural adaptation of regional economies
1.2 Interreg, withinCohesion Policy ERDF 2014-2020 to focus on “investing in growth” within EU2020 agenda • Research andinnovation • ICT • Competitiveness of SME’s • Low Carbon Economy European Territorial Cooperation (ETC)/Interreg • Is bothan instrument andanobjective… • To tackle issues thatrequire a cross-border, integrated en coordinatedinterventionby multiple actors, sectors andgovernancelevels within ERDF themes Interreg A, B and C… • Resp. programmes in the strict border areas, with multiple neighouringcountries or all the EU-28
1.3 Roleof Enterprise Flanders • Coordinatorand “nationalauthorityfor the ERDF in Flanders • (Co)decision maker in Monitoring andproject selectioncommittees • Monitors (efficient) execution of programmesanduse of ERDF means • Supports project applicantsandapproved project promotors (eitherdirectly, either via indirectly via contact points andprogrammesecretariats) • Potentialcofinancer of projectsthatcontributeto the economic policy of the FlemishGvt
Vlaanderen-Nederland Maas-Rijn Frankrijk-Wallonië-Vlaanderen Twee Zeeën
Noordzee Regio Interreg IVC, Urbact, Interact Noordwest Europa
2) Programmesand budgets (2014-2020) • Minimallysame ERDF budget as today • General increase of 25% of ERDF budgets expected
3) In practice • Project applications: via calls forproposals (on Progr websites and Agentschap Ondernemen website); (oneline) submissiontoProgrammeSecretariats (JTS) • Project promotors: mainly public and public/private notforprofit actors; forprofit actors welcomedepending on progr but state aidrulesapply) • ERDF rate: max 50 %; remaining50% tobecofinancedbyapplicants(public, public similar or private fundingaccordingtoprogramme) • Decisionby Monitoring or SteeringCommittee(nationalandregionalrepresentatives)
3) In practice Types of activitiesfunded • Strict cooperation activities: staffcosts, meetings, travelandaccommodation, conferences, communication… • Investment activities: pilot infrastructure, building andrefurbishment(s), costsrelatedtodesigningand running investments, external expertise…
4) Opportunitiesfor Natura2000 relatedprojects General • ETC ≠ environmentalprotection or developmentprogrammes • ETC to focus mainly on “growth” agenda andrealizing “transition” (cfr. also VIA/Pact2020 definition) tosmarter + more sustainableandinclusiveregionaleconomies • “Environment” andrelatedthemestobeconsideredaccordingtotheirpotentialtocontributetostructural/systemic change in regionaleconomies • Specificities of programmeareasandongoingnegotationprocessbetweencountries/regionsinvolvedalsoplayan important role • Thematic concentration and result orientation
4) Opportunitiesfor Natura2000 relatedprojects • AllOperationalProgrammes • willincludehorizontalprinciplesregardingenvironmental performance of the OP • or applyevaluationcriteria on environmental impacts forallprojects • But generallyfinancingopportunitieswillremainlimitedcomparedto the overall budget available • A number of programmesdedicate a specificprogrammeobjectivearound Natura 2000 or naturalheritage/ressources (FL-NL, FWFL, NSR, EMR(?), IVC) • Some have more generalenvironmentalprogrammeobjectiveswithpossibilitytocontributeby Natura2000 (2 Seas, NWE)
4) Opportunitiesfor Natura2000 relatedprojects Possibleaims/activities/results (non exhaustive) • Improved cross-border management and exploitation of natural heritage (incl public-private cooperation models); • Develop new methods and deploy new technologies for environmental management. • Better exploit commercial potentials of environmental activity (incl. export of technologies to ‘leapfrog’ environmentally damaging practices to emerging economies) • Investment in cross-border green infrastructureandvulnerableecosystems • Increased added value of regional economic activity based on cross-border natural assets; • Increased resilience of cross-border regional ecosystems and biodiversity….
4) Opportunitiesfor Natura2000 relatedprojects Timing of new programmes • Most programmessubmittedto European Commission (EC) between 02/2014 and 06/2014 • +/- 6 monthsfor EC todecide on operationalprogrammes • Informallaunch events betweensubmissionandapproval • First calls probably as of 09/2014 for most advancedprogrammes
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! QUESTIONS? David Grzegorzewski Directeur Agentschap Ondernemen Entiteit Europa Economie T +32 (0)2 553 39 96 david.grzegorzewski@agentschapondernemen.be www.agentschapondernemen.be www.efro.be