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Stages 13-16 Other. aeger, aegra, aegrum. sick. aliquid. something. alius, alia, aliud. other, another. alter, altera, alterum. the other, the second. apud + Acc. among, at the house of. attonitus, a, um. astonished. ceteri, ceterae, cetera. the rest. commodus, a, um. convenient.
Stages 13-16 Other
aeger, aegra, aegrum sick
aliquid something
alius, alia, aliud other, another
alter, altera, alterum the other, the second
apud + Acc. among, at the house of
attonitus, a, um astonished
ceteri, ceterae, cetera the rest
commodus, a, um convenient
cotidie every day
decorus, a, um proper
deinde then, next
difficilis, is, e difficult
diligenter diligently, carefully
etiam even, also
fessus, fessa, fessum tired
fidelis, is, e faithful, loyal
fractus, a, um broken
inter (+ Acc.) between, among
ipse, ipsa, ipsum himself, herself, itself
iste, ista, istud that (negative meaning)
ita in this way, thus
ita vero yes
lentē slowly
melior better
miser, misera, miserum miserable, poor
necesse necessary
nobilis, is, e noble
nonne…? Surely…?
nullus, nulla, nullum not any, no
num…? Surely…not?
paratus, a, um prepared, ready
postridie on the next day
quam…! How…!
quamquam although
quando? ? when
-que and (before the word)
qui, quae, quod who, whom, which
se himself, herself, themselves (same as subject of the verb)
simulac as soon as
summus, a, um highest, greatest
ubi? where