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Stages 7-12 Other

Stages 7-12 Other. callidus, -a, -um. clever, smart. celeriter. quickly. contentus, -a, -um. satisfied. cum. WITH. de (+abl). down from, about. densus, a, um. thick. duo, duae, duo. two. facile. easily. ferox, ferocis. fierce, ferocious. fortiter. bravely. frustra. in vain.

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Stages 7-12 Other

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stages 7-12 Other

  2. callidus, -a, -um clever, smart

  3. celeriter quickly

  4. contentus, -a, -um satisfied

  5. cum WITH

  6. de (+abl) down from, about

  7. densus, a, um thick

  8. duo, duae, duo two

  9. facile easily

  10. ferox, ferocis fierce, ferocious

  11. fortiter bravely

  12. frustra in vain

  13. heri yesterday

  14. hic this

  15. iam now

  16. igitur therefore

  17. ignavus, -a, -um cowardly, lazy

  18. ille that

  19. ingens, ingentis huge

  20. iterum again

  21. liberalis, -is, -e generous

  22. medius, -a, -um middle (of)

  23. minime! NO! no!

  24. mirabilis, -is, -e marvelous, strange, wonderful

  25. mortuus, mortua, mortuum dead

  26. mox soon

  27. noster, nostra, nostrum OUR our

  28. notus, -a, -um famous, well-known

  29. nihil nothing

  30. nunc NOW now

  31. omnis, omne all

  32. optimē very well

  33. paene almost

  34. paulisper for a short time

  35. post (+acc) after

  36. primus, -a, -um 1st first

  37. prope (+acc) NEAR

  38. pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum beautiful, handsome

  39. quam --er than; how --!

  40. saepe often

  41. secundus, -a, -um 2nd second

  42. semper always

  43. sollicitus, -a, -um worried, anxious

  44. solus, sola, solum alone

  45. statim at once, immediately

  46. stultus, -a, -um stupid

  47. suus, -a, -um his, her, their own (belonging to the subject)

  48. tacitē silently

  49. tamen HOWEVER however

  50. tandem at last

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