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Vocabulary Picture This!

Vocabulary Picture This!. Objective: To visually represent 6 th grade vocabulary words in a way that others can understand and apply the meaning. . Vocabulary Picture This!. Select a vocabulary word (see Ms. Cox for the list)

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Vocabulary Picture This!

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  1. Vocabulary Picture This! Objective: To visually represent 6th grade vocabulary words in a way that others can understand and apply the meaning.

  2. Vocabulary Picture This! Select a vocabulary word (see Ms. Cox for the list) Take a picture of (or draw) a friend or friends acting out the word. MAKE SURE your friend is ok with being in the picture! E-mail to tiffany.cox2@birdvilleschools.net

  3. Banish: (verb) to send someone away as a punishment ~Found on Google Images

  4. Bluff: (verb) to pretend that you know or have something in order to deceive someone. ~By Camryn

  5. Circumference (noun): The distance around the edge of a circle. ~By Mikey

  6. Commotion: (noun) noisy disturbance; turbulent or violent motion; agitation. ~By Neeraj

  7. Counter (noun): 1. a level surface over which transactions are conducted or food is served. 2. A tool for counting or a person who counts. ~By Krystal

  8. Destination: (noun) the place to which one is going or directed. ~By Britlyn

  9. Dismal (adjective): gloomy, somber or miserable. ~By Caitlyn

  10. Disdain: (verb) to feel as if someone is unworthy of consideration. The turtle is disdainful of the mice. ~By Brianna

  11. Ember (noun): a glowing piece of coal or wood in a dying fire. ~By Aidan

  12. Emerge (verb): to rise or appear from a hidden place. ~By Kelly

  13. Foresight: (noun) the ability to predict what will happen in the future. ~Image found at kedgefutures.com

  14. Habitation (noun): the act of living in a place. The girl had taken up habitation in her neighbors’ back yard. ~ By Tiara

  15. Hasten (verb): to hurry. The students hastened to get to their next class. ~By Fabian

  16. Headway (noun): forward movement or progress, especially in a task that is slow or difficult. ~By Alexius We made some headway on our remodeling project this weekend.

  17. Ignite: (verb) to catch fire or to cause to catch fire. ~By Jake

  18. Illumination (noun): 1. the act of supplying with light. 2. knowledge or understanding. ~By Jessy

  19. Illuminate (verb): To shed light on something. ~By Riley

  20. Jut: (verb). To extend out, over, or beyond the main body or line of something ~Image found at bolstablog.wordpress.com

  21. Kindle: (verb) To set fire to; to make glow or light up; or to arouse an emotion. ~By Avery

  22. Misgivings (noun): feeling of unease, mistrust or apprehension. ~By Jeremy I am having misgivings about writing and turning in my essay.

  23. Obscure: 1.(verb): to hide something or make it indistinct. 2.(adj.): not clear; hidden. ~By Clayton

  24. Persistent (adjective): Continuing firmly in spite of difficulty or opposition. ~By Maddie

  25. Recluse (noun): a person who tends to avoid other people. ~By Wiley

  26. Recuperate: (verb) to recover from an illness or injury. ~By Annalise

  27. Scarcity (noun): a very small supply; the state of being scarce. ~By Christina

  28. Sociable: (adjective) friendly; willing to talk or engage in activities with other people. ~By Gracie

  29. Stamina (noun): Physical strength to continue on through illness or fatigue. ~By Bryann

  30. Subside (verb): To become less intense, active, or severe. Angry! Tranquil ~By Jacob

  31. Swagger (verb): to walk or behave in a very confident, or even arrogant, manner. ~By Jackson

  32. Versatile: (adjective) able to adapt to many different activities. ~By Morgan

  33. Weather (noun): the state of the air and atmosphere at a particular time and place. ~By Keke

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