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美國 UCC 統一商法典 Article 9 Security Interest 簡介

美國 UCC 統一商法典 Article 9 Security Interest 簡介. 林國彬 台北大學法律系副教授. Voluntary Creditor 透過個別協商手段確保其權利 就 Voluntary Creditor 而言,傳統契約法領域提供較少選項之物上擔保及人保手段 人保手段之缺點:債務人去向不明或遠離司法管轄範圍、訴訟成本大於可取回之金額. Involuntary Creditor 可透過自願性或強制性保險降低其風險 非屬商事法律領域問題,而屬侵權 Torts 問題. 自願性債權人 v. 非自願性債權人.

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美國 UCC 統一商法典 Article 9 Security Interest 簡介

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  1. 美國UCC統一商法典Article 9 Security Interest 簡介 林國彬 台北大學法律系副教授

  2. Voluntary Creditor 透過個別協商手段確保其權利 就Voluntary Creditor而言,傳統契約法領域提供較少選項之物上擔保及人保手段 人保手段之缺點:債務人去向不明或遠離司法管轄範圍、訴訟成本大於可取回之金額 Involuntary Creditor 可透過自願性或強制性保險降低其風險 非屬商事法律領域問題,而屬侵權Torts問題 自願性債權人v. 非自願性債權人

  3. 1960年代起各州實務操作出現新種擔保權利, 造成各州間債權債務關係及破產法院處理之困難, 開始研擬修改擔保權利(security interest)制度 • 1998 UCC New Article 9 通過, 並取代原先之舊版 Article 9, 並建議各州實際採行之日期予以統一於2001, July, 1,以便確定債權債務關係

  4. 修改重點不再已title之所有權為限,擴大可作為擔保權標的之範圍,依 §9-109(a)(1)規定 “This article applies to …a transaction, regardless of its form, that creates a security interest in personal property or fixtures by contract.” • §1-201(37)定義security interest為 an interest in personal property or fitures which secures performance of an obligation

  5. §9-202 Title to Collateral Immaterial • 債務人對於擔保品或擔保權利之標的,不再須要有所有權,正式承認出賣人保留所有權,及融資租賃等型式之擔保交易。 • 特定種類之擔保交易仍要求債務人對於擔保權利標的具有所有權: sales of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles, promissory notes. • Payment intangibles依 §9-102(61) & (42)係指以金錢給付義務為其義務內容

  6. 擔保權利執行效力之要件: 1、value has been given from the secured party對價關係 2、debtor has right in the collateral 3、 security agreement 以 authenticating 取代security agreement, §9-203(b)(3)如 1.§9-102(a)(7)(b) 紀錄 “record” and adopting a symbol, 2. 其他型式如 §9-313債權人占有或 §8-301取得有價證券之占有等 Attachment & Enforceability

  7. Security Agreement • §9-102(a)(73): an agreement that creates or provides for a security interest could be a contract “in fact” and not a “physical one” • A written agreement would be a record, and is enough for the requirement; but not all records would be necessarily be in writing email stored in hard disk and ready for proving • 口頭契約: is fine only when the secured party has the collateral in possession (if the collateral is a certificated security, the Article 8 of the UCC shall govern)

  8. 契約對擔保標的之描述 • §9-108 若Security Agreement並未使secured party對擔保標的取得占有者,則security agreement中必須對擔保標的有 “清楚的描述 sufficiency of description”  不須要特定物品或特定地點之說明,但須要是合理的指出擔保標的。如列舉、種類分類、特定種類、數量、可供計算之方式等

  9. 一網打盡式描述 v. 未來取得之擔保標的 • §9-108(c) 一網打盡式的描述未能構成合理之描述,故未發生enforceability “all the debtor’s assets” or “all the debtor’s personal property” or alike is not reasonably identify

  10. After-Acquired property • §9-204(a) after-acquired property於security agreement成立後始取得之財產或權利得作為擔保標的但仍有reasonably description之要求,且設備及consumer goods不得作為未來之標的描述不清楚時成為契約解釋問題,原則上不應作擴張解釋

  11. 擔保標的之基本分類 • Goods: consumer goods, equipments, farm products, inventory • Intangibles: account, receivables, • Paper: chattel paper, document, instrument • Fixtures • Proceeds: exchange or disposition of the security interest

  12. Perfection:取得對抗第三人之效力 • 在Security Agreement成立且security interest符合attachment之要件後,若債務人有其他債權人或將擔保標的轉讓予第三人,或債務人破產而破產管理人對於擔保標的有所主張時,secured party若要取得優先權,則必須其security interest完成perfection之程序

  13. 4 methods to perfection 1、Filing a financing statement 2、Possession: to goods. 3、Control: (1)for intangible collateral such as for deposit account or letter of credit could be only perfected by taking control. (2) for investment property and electronic chattel paper, either control or filing. 4、Automatically perfection: purchase money interests in consumer goods (PMSI).

  14. Filing to perfection • Attachment為 perfection之要件, 故二者可以同時,或perfection稍晚於attachment之時點,但不可能先perfection再發生attachment 之效力§9-308(a) • Perfection by filing:向各州進行登記申請, 90% of security interest perfected by Security Agreement and filing statement. • 債權人錯誤申登或未完成登記? • 登記機關登記錯誤? • minor err?

  15. Perfection by means other than Filing

  16. Automatic Perfection • §9-309: Automatic perfection when attach • (1) PMSI (purchase-money security interest) in consumer goods • 此種自動發生對抗第三人效力之特別規定,與擔保交易之公示政策有所衝突,故此為特殊規定,以保障純為消費性交易之賣方權利。

  17. Security in Business Equipment • Equipment: construction equipment, automobiles, business machines, a variety of other personal property, such as office furniture, computers etc. • A typical equipment loan: the loan is paid down over a period of time, it gradually and continually decreases to Zero. • Attachment by Security Agreement §9-203 • Perfection by filing of a financing statement according to §9-502, §9-521.

  18. Security in Inventory and Its Proceeds after acquired • Often a “line of credit” which the debtor draws and pays down. The inventory loan will be outstanding for an indefinite period, rising and falling with the debtor’s need for new inventory. • Inventory changes every day a business is open, and money is collected or account receivables in the future that is the proceeds

  19. 一般租賃 v. 融資租賃(finance leases)Lessor(出租人) v. Lessee(承租人) • True Lease • Lessor Lessee • 準據法為UCC Article 2A • Sales of Goods with Security Interest • Seller/Secured Party  Buyer/Debtor • 1. Sale of Goods govern by Article 2 • 2. Secured Transaction governed by Article 9

  20. 以上報告 • 敬請指教

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