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21st Century Community Learning Centers 2010 – 2013 Request for Proposals Proposals Due: February 5, 2010. Vision & Mission of LDE. “Create a world-class education system for all students in Louisiana” through: Higher academic achievement for all students
21st Century Community Learning Centers 2010 – 2013 Request for Proposals Proposals Due: February 5, 2010
Vision & Mission of LDE “Create a world-class education system for all students in Louisiana” through: • Higher academic achievement for all students • Closing the achievement gap between races and classes, • Preparing students to be effective citizens in a global market.
21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Timeline
Submission of Proposals • The State requests that four (4) copies of the proposal be submitted to the RFP Coordinator at the address specified. At least 1 copy of the proposal should contain original signatures of those company officials or agents duly authorized to sign proposals or contracts on behalf of the organization. A certified copy of a board resolution granting such authority should be submitted if proposer is a corporation. The copy of the proposal with original signatures will be retained for incorporation in any contract resulting from this RFP. A complete proposal with original required signatures (in blue ink), and four (4) copies should be received by 2:00 PM CST on Friday, February 5, 2010 at the LA Department of Education Office of Management & Finance - Purchasing Section 5th floor (cube 5-242) 1201 North 3rd Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Overview of 21st CCLC Programs The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from current successful 21st CCLC programs offering high-quality after-school services, and eligible public and private schools and organizations interested in applying for a Louisiana 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) contract. Contracts will be awarded on a competitive basis.
Terms of Contract • Contracts awarded under this RFP will be for 36 months from June 1, 2010 – May 31, 2013 • Contractors will receive an initial one-year contract for the first year of operation. The contract will be renewed on an annual basis for up to three years, contingent upon the Contractor’s performance.
Proposer Inquiries • Inquiries must be in writing and can be received by mail, email, or fax. • Written questions regarding RFP requirements or Scope of Services must be submitted to: Patti J. Wallace, CPPB Director of Purchasing and Contracts Phone 225-342-4955 Fax 225-342-1385 Patti.Wallace@la.gov • Written inquiries must be received by Friday, January 22, 2010 at 2:00 pm CST as specified in the Timeline
Size of Contracts • The minimum amount for a single proposal is $51,000 per year. The maximum amount for a single proposal is $800,000 per year. The number of sites to be served in a single proposal cannot exceed 4. • A contractor must serve a minimum of 34 children per year. There is no “per-site” minimum (e.g., contractor can meet the minimum requirement of 34 children by serving 15 at Site A, and 19 at Site B). • The following formula will be used to calculate the funding amount: • $1500 X # of Students Served = Annual Award X 3 Years = Total Maximum Award Amount • Example: $1500 X 70 Students = $105,000 Annual Award X 3 Years = $315,000 Total Maximum Award Amount
Eligibility • Local educational agencies (LEAs) • Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) • Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) • Other Public or Private Entities • Consortia of Such Entities • Non-Profit and For-Profit Corporations
Eligibility • Individual public schools may not submit a proposal. • If awarded a contract, a community- or faith-based organization may be required to provide evidence of having a fidelity bond equaling the amount awarded.
District Partnerships • Federal law requires States to “give priority to applications submitted jointly by eligible entities consisting of not less than one LEA and/or CBO or other public or private entity.” • These joint proposals should demonstrate(review the RFP for the examples) evidence of collaborative planning and program design, and role of each organization.
District Partnership Agreements • The District Partnership Agreement must be signed by all parties. • A generic letter of support that merely says that the partner “will work with the center,” but does not provide specific information, will be unacceptable.
Location of 21st CCLC Programs • 21st Century Community Learning Centers can be located in elementary or secondary schools or other similarly accessible facilities. • In Louisiana, it is strongly recommended to establish a center at the local elementary or secondary school to be served. An LEA may provide access to school facilities. • Programs that do not operate at a school site must still partner with the LEA and may be subject to a licensure requirement by the Louisiana Department of Social Services as a licensed child care facility.
Scope of Services • Please review pages 11 – 13 and 17 for specific scope of services, allowable activities, and use of funds under this grant. • Examples of allowable activities are listed on the next slide.
Academic enrichment activities Math and science education Arts, music, drama Entrepreneurial education Tutoring and mentoring activities Drug and violence prevention programs, character education Programs for limited English proficient students Recreational, nutrition, and health activities Technology education Expanded library services Parental involvement/family literacy Programs for truant, suspended, expelled students Allowable Activities
Reporting Requirements • Federal and State reporting requirements are covered in detail on pages 13 – 16 and are listed on the next slide. • Provider effectiveness will be assessed through meeting the requirements listed, as well as the following outcome-based factors: • Academic achievement, • Customer satisfaction, and • Levels of program compliance.
Performance Requirements • Contractors will be required to: • Submit the State Mid-Year Report, the Federal Annual Performance Report (APR/PPICS), and a Continuation Application • Meet or exceed performance measures • Submit monthly expenditure reimbursements by the 15th of each month • Attend workshops or trainings offered by the state designed to improve program quality • Enter student participant data into the state’s web-based reporting system (includes daily attendance) • Comply with federal confidentiality regulations
Components of High Quality After School Programs • Recent studies have identified a number of best practices as essential for fostering positive academic outcomes for students who participate in extended learning opportunities.
Evaluation and Selection • Applicants should read pages 20 – 52 in detail to understand all evaluation and selection criteria. • Proposals are screened for adherence to the basic requirements, such as proposal formatting, facility location, completeness of content, etc., to determine if the applicant addressed the minimum requirements. Proposals that do not meet the minimum requirements WILL BE DISQUALIFIED AND WILL NOT BE REVIEWED. • Contractors will be selected using a competitive process in accordance with the evaluation criteria described in Attachment A. All eligible proposals will be read, reviewed, and scored by independent readers. Each proposal will be reviewed fully by members of a review team
Competitive Priorities To ensure equitable and reasonable distribution of 21st CCLC funds throughout the state as it pertains to geographic diversity and/or to reduce the funding of multiple projects in a district or the submission of nearly identical proposals, a competitive priority will be given to proposals that meet the criteria below: • Begin a program in a middle or high school not currently funded by SES, 21st CCLC, TANF, or CBTP(10pts) • Begin a program in a parish not currently being served(10pts)
Response Instructions • Proposers must submit (in the order shown on page 23 of the RFP) all of the components listed andshown in the Proposal Checklist. • The narrative pages of the proposal must total no more than thirty(30) double-spaced 8.5" x 11" pages using a 12-point Arial font with one-inch margins. • Attachments such as pictures, CD-ROMs, DVDs, or other large documents will not be reviewed. • Required forms that are inserted in the narrative will not be counted as part of the 30-page maximum for the narrative. • The proposal must be paginated and include a useful table of contents. • Handwritten proposals will not be reviewed.
Proposals that do not meet the minimum requirements below WILL BE DISQUALIFIED AND WILL NOT BE REVIEWED. • Cover Page with contact information for the proposer. Cover page must be signed by parish/district superintendent if LEA is primary applicant. If LEA is not the primary applicant, the signature of the superintendent is NOT required • Name and Contact Info for the Proposed Project Director • Table of Contents • Program Summary, Program Operational Assurance, and Abstract of the proposed project (no more than 2 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt Arial font). • Project Narrative with all required components (narratives longer than 30 pages are discouraged). • Budget Forms for Year 1 only. A Budget Detail Form for Year 1 must be submitted. Budget Detail Forms must justify all expenditures for each year of funding. Year 1 budget will be approved with the application. However,Year 2 and Year 3 budgets will be approved in the continuation application process. • Sustainability Funds Form from 21st CCLC, co-proposer (if applicable) and partnering organization(s) (Form E) • A copy of proposer’s fiscal audit or audited financial statement from past year • Board Resolution confirming signature authority for non-LEA proposers • District Partnership Agreement signed by the superintendent and principals of all schools listed in the proposal. • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from each partner contributing to the project. • (Form F) • List of proposed Advisory Council members
Proposal Evaluation Process • Each 21st CCLC proposal will be evaluated according to the Proposal Evaluation Process and Scoring Rubric provided with this RFP in Attachment A. • Proposers must study this information to understand the criteria that will be used to evaluate their proposals. • Each section of the rubric will be used to allocate a certain number of points according to how well proposers meet the criteria. • Only high quality proposals that meet the intent of the 21st CCLC program, conform to the requirements described in this RFP, meet the evaluation requirements, and score a 90 or above on the rubric will be recommended to receive a contract award. • Awards will be ranked from the highest score to the lowest score and given to approved applicants contingent upon the available funding.
21st CCLC RequiredNarrative Elements • You must respond in clear writing to the following sections, or criteria, which will help the review team select the programs that best meet the requirements for high quality after-school youth enrichment programs. • Proposers must be able to respond to the narrative within thirty (30) pages, and a maximum of two pages for the Program Summary and Abstract, in the order listed. • Table of Contents • Proposals must include a one page Table of Contents with page numbers. Proposal items must be submitted in the order shown in this Request for Proposals, and the pages of the proposal must be numbered. This will help reviewers find information.
Narrative Components Program Summary and Abstract (20 points) • Program Summary • The proposer must complete the Program Summary, Program Operational Assurance and Abstract, using the required form and a double-spaced 12-point Arial font. For the abstract, provide specific, concise information that is suitable for publication. Briefly describe the community and student needs being addressed, the participants to be served, the objectives and activities proposed to meet the identified needs, and the intended outcomes. If there is not enough space on the abstract form, one additional continuation page may be added. • Abstract - Need for the Project • The proposer must include the following info listed on page 24.
Narrative • Quality of Proposed Program (38 points) • Goals and Outcomes • Goals>Objectives>Activities • What does the program intend to accomplish? • Do outcomes impact assessed needs? • Address all items on pages 25 - 27
Narrative • Quality of Proposed Program (continued) Project Activities and Services • Describe how proposed activities are linked to identified needs and how activities will be aligned with goals and objectives. • Outline curriculum choice for academic component and why it was selected - how can academic improvement be ensured? • Address transportation, health, nutrition and safety needs and how they will be met. • Describe how participants and families will be recruited.
Narrative • Quality of Proposed Program(continued) • Describe how proposed activities will be of high quality. • Design programs that are aligned and coordinated with the regular school day, and discuss coordination efforts of afterschool staff with regular school day teachers. • Discuss how the program will ensure equitable access to and meet the needs of special populations (e.g., students with disabilities, English language learners). • Describe the professional development plan for staff. • Discuss how student records will be accessed to assist in program evaluation and federal reporting.
High Quality Planning and Design • Programs have clear mission and well-defined goals • Activities developed are based on assessed need of students, schools, and community • Planning involves stakeholders (parents, community partners, youth (if targeting high school and/or middle school) and school partners • Programs are aligned with school reform or improvement efforts • Programs are designed for maximum and sustained participation – the longer students attend, the better the gains!
Academic enhancement activities using innovative instructional strategies Arts, recreation and technology reinforcing LA content standards Opportunities for youth to lead and serve Creative and recreational activities that foster critical thinking skills Parental involvement activities that engage families 21st CCLC Program Components
Alignment with School Curricula • Strong programs maintain an academic focus that integrates the regular classroom curriculum while using methods and materials that are fun and engaging • Activities should be experiential, hands-on, tailored to individual student needs, and delivered by qualified and talented staff • Activities should incorporate Literacy and Numeracy Initiative
Safe Environments • Programs should have adequate space • If providing transportation, have drivers and vehicles insured • Program facilities should comply with all state and federal codes, fire marshal inspections, etc. • Have drinking water and healthy snacks available
Parental and Community Involvement • Programs housed in neighborhood schools to foster sustained collaboration • Offer programs and services to families • Survey parents and communities about services and needs • Create opportunities for parents to participate in programs
Narrative • Quality of the Management Plan (16 points) • PAGES 27-31 PROVIDE EXAMPLES OF THE TYPE OF MANAGEMENT/JOB DUTIES THAT MAY BE NEEDED FOR A 21ST CCLC PROGRAM • Discuss experience of proposer in providing similar activities; past performance and outcomes. • Describe accounting practices and how available resources will be leveraged to support program goals and objectives. • Address sustainability plans; identify strategies to fund center after contract period ends. • Proposals must include a Budget for Year one (1), and a budget summary. • Reasonable, clearly explained requests for resources needed - a clear picture of where every dollar will go
Narrative • Quality of Management Plan(continued) • Proposed management structure and plan, including an organizational chart and job descriptions for any full-time staff positions proposed; resumes for key project staff; staff development and training. • Address roles and responsibilities of each partnering agency, secure memorandum of understanding (MOU). • Describe program information dissemination process to parents, community, and schools.
Quality Staffing • Staff members receive ongoing professional development that teaches and updates skills to deliver high-quality programming that does not duplicate traditional classroom instruction • Programs have low staff to student ratio (1:15 recommended) • Programs train and use volunteers
Narrative • Quality of Program Evaluation (12 points) • Describe the capacity of the proposer and its partners to design an evaluation process for the 21st CCLC project. Discuss the qualifications of the external evaluator who will collect and analyze program’s data. • Discuss evaluation instruments to be used and how the LEA and lead organization will share data. • How does program address Principles of Effectiveness? • How will evaluation results be used and shared with others?
Narrative • Adequacy ofResources(14 points) and Quality of Budget • Discuss the commitment of resources for the program, to include the sustainability form. • Describe how federal, state, and local funds will be combined to enhance program efforts. • Address allocation of funds, describe how funds are linked to objectives and activities of the program.
Budget Request and Budget Justification for One Year • Proposers will be held accountable for contract expenditures described on the required budget forms. • All expenditures must clearly link to the proposed program and specific activities. • All proposers are required to submit a budget for Year 1. Subsequent funding will be contingent upon review and approval of information submitted in the Continuation Application. • Provide a detailed narrative describing how the items within the budget support the goals of the project. • The Budget Narrative must align with and provide an explanation of the content in the Budget Forms. Applicants should address all items on pages 33 -34.
Budget Guidelines • Contractors shall not use funds for the following: • Preparation of the proposal • Pre-award costs • Purchase of land and buildings; new construction; renovation • Mechanized or motorized vehicles • Entertainment (movies, water parks, amusement parks, restaurants,etc.) • Incentives for student participation • Out-of-state or overnight field trips • Standard Office Furniture (file cabinets excluded) • Dues/Membership Fees
Budget Guidelines • Contractors may use funds for the following: • Before/After School and Summer Activities • Staffing, Supplies, Curricula, Professional Services, Equipment, etc. • Travel & Required State Meetings • Indirect Costs/Administrative Costs • LEAs – Use the approved Indirect Cost Rate up to 20% maximum cap • CBOs/Others - 20% maximum cap • Fiscal Audit/Evaluation Costs
High Quality Sustainability Strategies • Programs tap multiple funding sources • Funding consistent and equitable across program sites, with priority given to serving at-risk student populations • Leveraged resources among partners • Focus on long-term sustainability • Matching funds from partners
Websites on High-Quality Practices • www.ed.gov/pubs - US Department of Education • www.afterschool.org – Afterschool Alliance • www.mott.org – C.S. Mott Foundation, a leading supporter of after-school program initiatives • www.financeproject.org – The Finance Project, a website that provides resources on financing and sustaining out-of-school time initiatives • www.sedl.org – SEDL’s After-School, Family, and Community program provides professional development and training for after-school professionals and state education agencies and develops tools and resources for after-school practitioners
PROPOSAL DUE DATE • Complete proposal with original required signatures (in blue ink) and four (4) copies must be received at the Louisiana Department of Education no later than 2:00 p.m. on Friday, February 5, 2010 at at the LA Department of Education Office of Management & Finance - Purchasing Section 5th floor (cube 5-242) 1201 North 3rd Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 or Office of Management & Finance - Purchasing Section 5th floor (cube 5-242) P.O. Box 94064 Baton Rouge, LA 70802
QUESTIONS??? Please submit them in writing to: Patti.Wallace@la.govno later than Friday, January 22, 2010