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Dedx status

Dedx status. Zolt án Fodor KFKI – Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics. Status. Fully reconstructed runs /pC30, pp30, p - C158 GeV/ are calibrated for timedepedence, ydependence, and sector constants using the 2007 BB function and amplitude loss corrections.

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Dedx status

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  1. Dedx status Zoltán Fodor KFKI – Research Institutefor Particle and Nuclear Physics

  2. Status Fully reconstructed runs /pC30, pp30,p-C158 GeV/ are calibrated for timedepedence, ydependence, and sector constants using the 2007 BB function and amplitude loss corrections. dedxna61 client is updated for this runs

  3. pC thin target negatives positives

  4. pp 30 Gev negatives positives

  5. p-C 158 GeV negatives positives

  6. pC 30 thin target 2009 7.5 GeV 10.5 GeV 1.5 GeV 4.5 GeV positives negatives

  7. pp 30 GeV 1.5 GeV 4.5 GeV 7.5 GeV 10.5 GeV positives negatives

  8. p-C 158 GeV 1.5 GeV 4.5 GeV 7.5 GeV 10.5 GeV positives negatives

  9. pC 30 thin target 2009 14.5 GeV 18.5 GeV positives negatives

  10. pp 30 GeV 14.5 GeV 18.5 GeV positives negatives

  11. p-C 158 GeV 14.5 GeV 18.5 GeV positives negatives

  12. To do Amplitude loss corrections New simulations /on going/ then new calibrations for ydep (and sector constants) Chipgain calibration 2 different calibration for pC and others /because of spikes/ Modified the dedxna61 client, to reject the chips with spikes (Then new calibration of sector constants) BB calibrations for low and high momentum region, using all the datasets and selected particles by TOF /started/ Then new calibration of sector constants Jovan realized the dedx valu not propagate to the rootfiles for secondary tracks /in DSPACK exist/

  13. Gauss function fitted to the peaks around the peak value

  14. Changes of peak positions protons pc2009/pc2007 pions pp30/pc2007 protons pp30/pc2007 pions p-C30/pc2007 pions pc2009/pc2007

  15. The peak position is not changing with WFA cut The peak position is not changing with TOF selection /pC2007 and pC2009/

  16. Amplitude loss correction The pC30 thin target and p-C158 are tested with different corrections The effect and corrections very close in the two datasets Checked variation of diffusion on space direction, time direction, thresholds, and several combination For MTPC we can produce close to 0 absorption For VTPC relatively high correction also give a negative absorption Could be checked the gas composition dependence Work on progress Thank to Nicolas to producing the new tables

  17. Diffx: no change Difft: no change Threshold: 6

  18. Diffx: no change Difft: -20% Threshold: 6

  19. Diffx: -20% Difft: no change Threshold: 6

  20. Diffx: no change Difft: no change Threshold: 5

  21. Diffx: -25% Difft: -25% Threshold: 6

  22. Diffx: -25% Difft: -25% Threshold: 5

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