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NUMERICAL MODELING OF COMPRESSIBLE TWO-PHASE FLOWS Hervé Guillard. INRIA Sophia-antipolis, Pumas Team, B.P. 93, 06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex, France, Herve.Guillard@sophia.inria.fr Thanks to Fabien Duval, Mathieu Labois, Angelo Murrone, Roxanna Panescu, Vincent Perrier.
NUMERICAL MODELING OF COMPRESSIBLE TWO-PHASE FLOWS Hervé Guillard INRIA Sophia-antipolis, Pumas Team, B.P. 93, 06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex, France, Herve.Guillard@sophia.inria.fr Thanks to Fabien Duval, Mathieu Labois, Angelo Murrone, Roxanna Panescu, Vincent Perrier
Some examples of two-phase flows Crossing the “wall “ of sound Granular medium : HMX
Some examples of two-phase flows : Steam generator in a nuclear power plant
Multi-scale phenomena Need for macro-scale description and averaged models
Example of Interface problems : Shock-bubble interaction Non structured tet mesh : 18M nodes 128 processors 3h30 h
TWO-PHASE MODELS model suitable for two fluid studies : no general agreement large # of different models : homogeneous, mixture models, two-fluid models, drift-flux models number of variables, definition of the unknowns number of equations large # of different approximations conservative, non-conservative, incompressible vs incompressible techniques,
OVERVIEW OF THIS TALK • Construction of a general 2-phase model - Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of two phase non-miscible mixtures • - Equilibria in two phase mixture • Reduced “hyperbolic” models for equilibrium situations - Technical tool : Chapman-Enskog expansion - A hierarchy of models - Some examples • - Reduced “parabolic” models • - First-order Chapman-Enskog expansion • - Iso-pressure, iso-velocity model • - Traveling waves and the structure of two-phase shock
HOMOGENIZED MODELS Reference textbooks : Ishii (1984), Drew-Passman (1998) Let us consider 2 unmiscible fluids described by the Euler eq Let X_k be the characteristic function of the fluid region k where σ is the speed of the interface Introduce averaging operators
Let f be any regular enough function Multiply the eq by X_k and apply Gauss and Leibnitz rules Define averaged quantities : etc
How to construct these models ? Use the entropy equation :
Assume : Then first line : One important remark (Coquel, Gallouet,Herard, Seguin, CRAS 2002) : The two-fluid system + volume fraction equation is (always) hyperbolic but the field associated with the eigenvalue is linearly degenerate if and only if
Summary - Two fluid system + volume fraction eq = hyperbolic system the entropy production terms are positive - This system evolves to a state characterized by - pressure equality - velocity equality - temperature equality - chemical potential equality Deduce from this system, several reduced systems characterized by instantaneous equilibrium between - pressure - pressure + velocity - pressure + velocity + temperature - .............
One example : Bubble column : AMOVI MOCK UP (CEA Saclay) Pressure relaxation time Velocity relaxation time Temperature relaxation time Bubble transit time
Construction of reduced models : • Technical tool : The Chapmann-Enskog expansion • What is a Chapman-Enskog asymptotic expansion ? • - technique introduced by Chapmann and Enskog • to compute the transport coefficients of the Navier-Stokes • equations from the Boltzmann equations • technique used in the Chen-Levermore paper on hyperbolic relaxation problems
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Some examples : Assume pressure equilibrium : “classical” two-fluid model (Neptune) eos : solve p1 = p2 for the volume fraction Non-hyperbolic !
Some examples :Assume : - pressure equilibrium - velocity equilibrium one-pressure, one velocity model (Stewart-Wendroff 1984, Murrone-Guillard, 2005)
one-pressure, one velocity model (Stewart-Wendroff 1984, Murrone-Guillard, 2005) Hyperbolic system u-c, u+c gnl, u,u ld Entropy
Some examples : Assume - pressure equilibrium - velocity equilibrium - temperature equilibrium Multi-component Euler equations : eos : solve : p1 = p2, T1=T2
A Small summary : Model # eqs complexity hyperbolic conservative contact respect total non equilibrium 7 +++ yes no yes pressure equilibrium 6 +++ no no ? pressure and velocity equilibrium 5 ++ yes no yes pressure and velocity and temperature 4 + yes yes no equilibrium
Why the 4 equation conservative model cannot compute a contact 1 u p Ti 0 u p Ti+1 1 u p Ti 1 u p Ti 0 u p Ti+1 1 u p Ti Y u p T Not possible at constant pressure keeping constant the conservative variables R. Abgrall, How to prevent pressure oscillations in multi-component flow calculation: a quasi-conservative approach, JCP, 1996
“Parabolic” reduced system Goal : Introduce some effects related to non-equlibrium
One example of “parabolic” two-phase flow model Is a relative velocity (drift – flux models)
Mathematical properties of the model : First-order part : hyperbolic Second-order part : dissipative
Comparison of non-equilibrium model (7 eqs) Vs Equilibrium model (5 eqs) with dissipative Terms (air-water shock tube pb)
Sedimentation test-case (Stiffened gas state law) Note : velocities of air and water are of opposite sign
Sedimentation test-case (Perfect gas state law) Note : velocities of air and water are of opposite sign 5 eqs dissipative model Non-equilibrium model
Non equilibrium Model (7 eqs) Equilibrium Model (5 eqs)
Two-phase flows models have non-conservative form Non-conservative models : Definition of shock solution Traveling waves
Weak point of the model : Non conservative form Shock solutions are not defined One answer : LeFloch, Raviart-Sainsaulieu change into Define the shock solutions as limits of travelling waves solution of the regularized dissipative system for Drawback of the approach : the limit solution depends on the viscosity tensor
How to be sure that the viscosity tensor encode the right physical informations ? The dissipative tensor retains physical informations coming from the non-equilibrium modell
Convergence of travelling waves solutions of the 5eqs dissipative model toward shock solutions
NUMERICAL TESTS Infinite drag term (gas and liquid velocities are equal)
TRAVELLING WAVES II If TW exists, they are characterized by a differential system of Degree 2 Isothermal case : This ODE has two equilibrium point Stable one unstable one
Pressure velocity Gas Mass fraction Drag Coeff 10000 kg/m3/s Drag Coeff 5000 kg/m3/s
CONCLUSIONS - Hierarchy of two-fluid models characterized by stronger and stronger assumptions on the equilibriums realized in the two fluid system - on-going work to define shock solutions for two-phase model as limit of TW of a dissipative system characterized by a viscosity tensor that retain physical informations on disequilibrium