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Eutrophication Assessment of Killary, Dungarvan and Wexford Bays. S.B. Bricker, J.G. Ferreira, Y. Xiao National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Longline Environment Institute of Marine Research. Project team meeting for Irish Carrying Capacity Assessment June 11-12, 2007
Eutrophication Assessment of Killary, Dungarvan and Wexford Bays S.B. Bricker, J.G. Ferreira,Y. Xiao National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Longline Environment Institute of Marine Research Project team meeting for Irish Carrying Capacity Assessment June 11-12, 2007 Dublin, Ireland http://www.eutro.org http://www.eutro.us
Symptoms and Consequences of Nutrient Enrichment Nutrient Inputs Primary Secondary Consequences and Processing Impacts Impacts of Symptoms High algal production (Chl) Loss of water clarity Epiphyte problems Macroalgal problems Fish kills Loss of habitat Human health risks Loss of tourism Closed fishing grounds Increased N and P concentration Loss of SAV Low D.O Nuisance/Toxic blooms (HABs) The Problem – The Assessment Approach ASSETS: Pressure - State - Response P: Influencing Factors – Natural processing + Human Nutrient Load S: Overall Eutrophic Condition – Condition of waterbody R: Future Outlook – What will happen in the future? http://www.eutro.orghttp://ian.umces.edu/neea
Key Aspects of the NEEA approach • The NEEA approach may be divided into three parts: • Division of estuaries into homogeneous areas • Evaluation of data completeness and reliability • Application of indices • Tidal freshwater (<0.5 psu) • Mixing zone (0.5-25 psu) • Seawater zone (>25 psu) Spatial and temporal quality of datasets (completeness) Confidence in results (sampling and analytical reliability) Overall Eutrophic Condition (OEC) index Overall Human Influence (OHI) index Determination of Future Outlook (DFO) index State Pressure (Response)
1 1 MODERATE HIGH MODERATE HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH MODERATE MODERATE Primary symptoms high Primary symptoms high High primary and High primary and High primary and High primary and Primary symptoms high Primary symptoms high and substantial and substantial secondary symptom secondary symptom secondary symptom secondary symptom symptoms symptoms but problems with more but problems with more High primary High primary secondary symptoms secondary symptoms levels indicate serious levels indicate serious serious secondary serious secondary becoming more becoming more eutrophication eutrophication eutrophication eutrophication symptoms still not being symptoms still not being expressed, indicating expressed, indicating problems problems problems problems expressed expressed potentially serious potentially serious problems problems 0.6 0.6 MODERATE LOW MODERATE LOW MODERATE LOW MODERATE LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH Primary symptoms Primary symptoms Primary symptoms Primary symptoms Substantial 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http://www.eutro.org http://ian.umces.edu/neea
Killary Harbour 1981 ASSETS application to Killary Harbour Mixing zone Seawater *HABs from offshore, advect into system
Dungarvan 1992-2006 ASSETS application to Dungarvan Seawater zone
Wexford 1992-2006 Mixing zone Seawater
Wexford 1992-2006 ASSETS application to Wexford
Preliminary Results for Three Bays Bay Chl Macro DO SAV HAB OEC KillaryLLU U L* L DungarvanH UNPUNPM WexfordH UNPUNPM Limited by missing data, for Killary by old data *from offshore, advect into system