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ZONAL BRIEF. Zonal Brief: Introduction. The southern zone of Tanzania comprises Mtwara and Lindi regions; and Tunduru District in Ruvuma region
Zonal Brief: Introduction The southern zone of Tanzania comprises Mtwara and Lindi regions; and Tunduru District in Ruvuma region The zone covers 103,500 sq km of which 17,750 sq km is in Mtwara region and 67,000 sq km is in Lindi region; and the remaining 18,750 sq km is in Tunduru district
Zonal Brief: Introduction • The zone borders with the Indian Ocean in the east, Morogoro and Ruvuma regions in the west, the Coastal Region in the North and with the Ruvuma River in the south, which forms a boundary with Mozambique. • The Zone is characterized by mixed farming systems whose elements change with variations in climate and environment. There are two main seasons: a humid and hotter wet season (November to May) and a cooler, less humid dry season (June to October).
Zonal Brief: Introduction The mean annual rainfall ranges from 800 mm in inland and central areas to 1,200 mm in the hills and plateau near the Coast. A dry spell of one or two weeks often occurs at the end of January or at the beginning of February. The mean maximum temp is 30.5 oC, which occurs in December (the hottest month) while the mean minimum is 21.7 oC and occurs in July. Potential evapotranspiration (ETo) rates ranges 2000 to 2200 mm per year.
Zonal Brief: Introduction Soils are variable, depending on the origin of deposits; however, they range from the deep, well drained, but not very fertile sandy soils of the sedimentary zones, to the deep, well drained, and somewhat more fertile red clay soils. The zone is endowed with a number of coastal valleys with streams and rivers (Figure below), most of which are under utilised.
Zonal Brief: Introduction Agriculture is the main stay for majority of the population, both for food security and cash income. The most important crops grown are: starchy staples notably sorghum, maize, rice, cassava and millet; leguminous crops mainly pigeonpea, cowpea, lablab bean, green gram and bambaranut; oilseeds especially sesame and groundnut; vegetables such as onion, tomato and sweet potato; and trees crops particularly cashew, coconut, orange and banana.
Zonal Brief: Introduction Livestock such as goats, cattle, sheep and poultry are also part of the farming systems. Cashew and sesame are the most important cash crops; however, rice, cassava, groundnut, maize and coconut contribute to some of the households’ income in the zone.
Zonal Mandates, Roles and Functions The Naliendele Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) is one of the country’s seven Zonal Research Centres under the Directorate of Research and Development of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Co-operatives. It has the national mandate to carry out agricultural research on cashew and oilseeds; and zonal mandate for research on roots and tuber crops, cereals and legumes, agro-forestry, soil and water management, and socio-economics.
Zonal Mandates, Roles and Functions The Institute has a Zonal Information and Extension Liaison Unit (ZIELU), which is responsible for collecting, assimilating and disseminating relevant agricultural information and technologies developed in the zone. The Institute alsoaccommodatesourcolleaguesaddressinglivestockresearch in the zone
Neighbouring Institutions Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute (MATI Mtwara) LivestockResearch Institute Veterinary Investigation Centre
1. Enhancing Adoption of Cashew Leaf and Nut Blight Disease Control in ST Project aim To create awareness to farmers about CLNB disease and its control approaches. The project commenced in Jan 2009 and completed Feb 2010 The project was implemented in Mtwara and Newala and Masasi districts
Achievements • 18 Extension officers, 89 farmers and 36 blower operators in the project villages were fully trained in LNBD and its control approaches • Demonstrations on efficacy of FLINT WG against LNBD were conducted in 18 farms selected for FFS
2. Enhancing Adoption of Improved oilseeds technologies in Mtwara District Project aim • creating farmers’ awareness of available improved technologies and develop their capacity to use them • demonstrating the superiority of improved technologies over farmers’ own practices Project implemented in 12 villages of Mtwara District from October 2008 to May 2010
Achievements • 200 farmers participated • Group formation – one group per village • Training of farmers’ group leaders • 200 farmers received on-site training in sesame and groundnut on merits of improved varieties and production management • Availability of improved sesame and groundnut varieties
3. Verification and Dissemination of mango production technologies Project aim Improve knowledge and skills of mango growers by imparting improved technologies. The project commenced in July 2009 and will be completed June 2012. The project is implemented in Mtwara and Lindi districts and covers a total of 12 villages
Achievements to date • A total of 7,000 rootstocks established • Grafting started (1000 grafted) • Nine Mango varieties • Farmers are preparing FFS fields to be planted with the varieties • Training completed with 12 VEO, 24 FRG leaders and 12 village leaders trained
4. Promoting improved technologies for rainfed lowland rice Project aim Creating awareness and demonstrating superiority of improved technologies over farmer practices. The project is implemented in Nanyumbu district in 3 villages (Nakopi, Nangaramo and Nangomba). A total of 150 farmers are involved (5 grps @ village@ 10 farmers)
The project sites The project is implemented in Nanyumbu district in 3 villages (Nakopi, Nangaramo and Nangomba) A total of 150 farmers are involved (5 grps/ Village @ 10 farmers) Covers a period of two seasons commencing October 2009
Achievements to date • Training in construction of rice bunds • Training in improved management • Enhanced availability of improved rice variety • Farmer field days conducted • Production from improved technologies increased more than twice compared to farmers’ practices
Achievements to date……… • Enhanced availability of improved rice variety • Farmer field days conducted • Production from improved technologies more • than twice compared to farmers’ practices (i.e. • Local var, w/out bunds, broadcast, w/out • fertiliser, ….)
5. Promoting use of Azollasppin rice The project aim Creating awareness and demonstrating the role of Azolla as bio-fertiliser and biological means of weed control in lowland irrigated rice cultivation. The project is implemented in Masasi district at Mwena and Ndanda villages and in Lindi district at Makangaga village The project covers 3 seasons commencing 2009/10
Achievements to date • Group formation • Awareness creation about the importance of Azolla • ? Posters prepared and distributed • Thirty nine (39) farmers trained in nursery management • Planning for Azolla Distribution and management in rice fields
6. Empowering para-extension agents and farmers in labour saving technologies Project aim Building the capacities of 40 para-extensionists with limited knowledge and skills on animal draught technology The project is implemented in Masasi district at Mpowora, Mtakuja, Namatutwe,andChingulungulu villages The project covers 3 seasons commencing 2009/10
Achievements to date • Formation of groups • Awareness creation • Purchase and distribution of ox-plough implements and oxen (4 pairs) • Trained 40 farmers on: • the use of animal power • animal health and feeding regimes
7. Empowering farmers with knowledge to reduce mortality in village chicken Project aim Building capacities of farmers to understand and control important diseases of village chickens to reduce their mortality The project is implemented in Mtwara Rural and Mtwara Urban (6 villages) and Lindi Rural (4 villages) The project duration 2 seasons from 2009/10
Achievements to date • 120 farmers trained how to control important diseases of village chickens • About 24 livestock extensionists retrained on control of Avitaminosis A and general chicken husbandry • 20 community vaccinators and recorders trained and serving as immediate livestock extensioninists
Achievements to date……… • Mortalities of chicks and growers reduced from 100% to 3% in intervention villages • Efficacy of I2 has proved to elicit enough antibodies against Newcastle disease in the project farmers • average chicken population per project farmer increased from 13 to 40 at present in most project intervention villages
Achievements to date……… • Average monthly sales of chickens stands at 3 birds per farmer from below 1 before the project • Egg sales, chicken and eggs eating habits have increased 4 times more than before the project • Mortalities of Chicks and growers mortalities have reduced from 100% to 3% in intervention villages • Average chicken popn per project farmer increased from 13 to 40 at present in most project intervention villages
Achievements to date……… • Production records adopted in some project farmers • NGOs and farmers associations in Mtwara municipal are seeking technologies from the project • Farmers are in process to form and register farmers groups in intervention villages.
8. ECF Vaccine Project Project aim Enhancement of sustainable dairy cattle production thru combating tick-borne diseases, blindness and increase farmers’ access to better veterinary Implemented in Kilwa, Lindi and Mtwara Municipals The project covers 3 seasons commencing 2009/10
Achievements to date • 10 villages selected • 88 dairy farmers selected • 320 cattle immunized • Questionnaire designed and pretested and perfected • 73 interview
Achievements to date • 16 livestock field officers trained on TBDs control, eye diseases management & de-worming, crush construction, There is high demand from many livestock keepers to join the project. As project funds are limited they have been advised to source for alternative funding
9. Promoting Farmer Field School Project aim Building capacities of farmers and extension staff to adopt and use FFS as a tool for demonstrating and disseminating newly developed technologies The project is due to commence in October 2010
10. Improvement of local cattle through integrated management Project aim Enhance utilisation of technologies and innovations that will increase live wt and milk yield of local cattle and Mpwapwa breed Project implemented in Masasi and Nanyumbu districts. Activities conducted in two villages @ district . Each village has one FG with 15 farmers keeping local cattle
Achievements to date • Sensitization meeting to stakeholders • Village and farmer group formation • Purchase of Mpwapwa bulls
Achievements to date • Study tour to Dodoma • Four (4) farmers, two (2) extension field officers and PI visited NLRI Mpwapwa and one village where upgrading local cattle is conducted. • Farmer training on husbandry practices • 76 farmers in 4 villages trained
11. Promoting use of dried cassava peels as livestock feed in cassava-goat based FS Project aim Determine extent at which balanced diet based on dried cassava peels can be formulated at village level and used as feed supplement Project implemented in Newala and Tandahimba districts. Activities conducted in five villages @ has one FG with 20 farmers keeping local cattle
Achievements to date • Sensitization meeting to stakeholders • Village and farmer group formation • Training farmers on establishment of Gliricidiasepiums • About 80 farmers were trained on establishment of Gliricidiasepium, • About 5400 cuttings planted
Achievements to date • Survey on utilization of dried cassava peels conducted. Main aim was • document the knowledge of goat keepers on feeding dried cassava peels and its management • Setting feeding experiment
12. Integrating technologies to enhance ruminant meat and milk productivity Project aim Improving livelihoods by increasing income, food security and employment of farmers thru improving genetic potential of ruminants coupled with feeding practices Project implemented in Nanyumbu (2 villages) and Mtwara (2 villages)
Achievements to date • Stakeholder workshop • Baseline survey, farmer selection and farmer group formation • Identification the feed resources available in project areas
Achievements to date • Capacity building • Training of group leaders and extension staff, farmers, village government officials, • Distribution of 40 breeding Newala goats and 4 improved bucks to project areas. • Twenty five kids have been kidded with average birth wt of 2.5kg
13. On farm evaluation of forage species for sustaining livestock production Project aim Improve productivity of dairy cattle thru introduction of improved pasture and forage Project implemented in 6 villages of Mtwara and Lindi districts
Achievements to date • Meeting with collaborators • Planting of legume and grass species • Training in pasture production • 56 farmers trained