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endocytosis osmosis passive transport hypertonic pumps simple diffusion sodium-potassium pump

active transport carrier proteins pinocytosis channel proteins phagocytosis facilitated diffusion exocytosis hypotonic. Create p. 33, title it “Cell Transport Concept Map,” & copy these words using no more than the first 6 LINES. endocytosis osmosis passive transport hypertonic pumps

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endocytosis osmosis passive transport hypertonic pumps simple diffusion sodium-potassium pump

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  1. active transport carrier proteins pinocytosis channel proteins phagocytosis facilitated diffusion exocytosis hypotonic Create p. 33, title it “Cell Transport Concept Map,” & copy these words using no more than the first 6 LINES. endocytosis osmosis passive transport hypertonic pumps simple diffusion sodium-potassium pump vesicles Isotonic

  2. Create a concept map on the white boards as a group using those words and here is help with a few… Cell Transport Active Transport Vesicles Pumps Exocytosis Sodium Potassium

  3. Active Transport Vesicles Pumps Exocytosis Sodium Potassium Channel Proteins Endocytosis Carrier Proteins Phagocytosis Pinocytosis Receptor- mediated

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