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Investment Opportunities: Balancing Act. Presented by: Dawie Roodt 6 March 2008. “…The global economy grew by 5 per cent from 2003 to 2007. It was a period of robust expansion but also of widening international imbalances. Now there are storm clouds ahead...”.
Investment Opportunities:Balancing Act Presented by: Dawie Roodt 6 March 2008
“…The global economy grew by 5 per cent from 2003 to 2007. It was a period of robust expansion but also of widening international imbalances. Now there are storm clouds ahead...” - Minister Trevor Manuel, 2008 budget presentation
In This Presentation: • South African Economic Trends • Investment and the Business cycle • Balancing risk and return • Balanced portfolio
Economic Overview Financials - Banks Financials Retailers Positive for equity Negative for bonds Neutral equities Positive bonds (short term) Negative bonds (long term) Positive for rand hedges Negative for importers Negative for bonds Positive rand hedges Positive exporters Negative importers Negative bonds Negative equities Positive bonds
GDP at Market Prices Source: StatsSA and own calculations
Pressure on the Rand… 9/11 Aftermath • US troubles • Emerging Market Risk rising • Global Inflation • - Bull run • Stability • Emerging Market Appetite - Politics - Eskom Inflation bracket Source: SARB and own calculations
Inflation Inflation bracket CPIX Ave: 5.9% Source: StatsSA and own calculations
Interest rates Toothless SARB Source: SARB and own calculations
Private Sector Credit Extension Source: SARB and own calculations
Household debt to disposable income 59.4% 56.9% 50.2% 44.5% Source: SARB and own calculations
Savings to disposable income of households 9.2% 5.4% 2.6% 0.5% Source: SARB and own calculations
Balance of Payments Source: SARS and own calculations
Background Deficit Gold Surplus
Consumption Expenditure Positive for retailers and consumer goods Source: South African Reserve Bank
Gross Fixed Capital Formation Infrastructure boom Source: South African Reserve Bank
Total Exports and Imports Trade Account Deficit Source: South African Reserve Bank
Resources • Pro’s • Value of sales • Boom in commodity prices • Global demand for resources • Weaker rand inflates income • Cons • Production problems (labour, electricity, deep gold mines, input costs) • Sustainability of high precious metal prices? • High P/E-ratio
Mining and Quarrying GDP at Market Prices Source: StatsSA and own calculations
Mining Value of Sales Bull Run Inflation bracket Source: StatsSA
Contribution of mineral groups to total value of mineral sales, 2006
Resources: Price and PE Inflation bracket Source: I-net
Industrials • Pro’s • Infrastructure development • Manufacturing drive (auto industry, etc) • Weaker rand support exports • Cons • Electricity supply • Slower growth?
Manufacturing GDP at Market Prices Source: StatsSA and own calculations
Manufacturing Value of Sales Inflation bracket Source: StatsSA
Contribution to total value of manufactured product sales, 2006 Source: StatsSA
Industrials: Price and PE Inflation bracket Source: I-net
Financials • Pro’s • Interest rate cycle (Domestic and global) • Global competitive institutions • Value for money (P/E basis) • Cons • Sub-USA crisis • Pessimism towards sector • Uncertainty
Finance, Real Estate and Business Services, GDP at Market Prices Source: StatsSA and own calculations
Financials: Price and PE Inflation bracket Source: I-net
Construction • Pro’s • Infrastructure boom (2010) • Interest rate cycle (Domestic and global) • Cons • Supply constraints • Electricity
Construction GDP at Market Prices Source: StatsSA and own calculations
Construction and Material: Price and PE Inflation bracket Source: I-net