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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 青年 聚會 Youth Meeting 週 五 Fri 6 : 3 0 pm 週六 小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am. 請將您的手機關閉 , 謝謝 ! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!. 來到主的面前 我們如活石 一塊一塊建造成為主靈宮 Come before the Lord We are the living stones

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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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  1. 禱告聚會Prayer Meeting 週三Wed 7:00 pm 青年聚會Youth Meeting週五Fri 6:30 pm週六小組Saturday Group週六Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜Sunday Worship主日Sun 10:00 am

  2. 請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

  3. 來到主的面前 我們如活石 一塊一塊建造成為主靈宮 Come before the Lord We are the living stones One by one we’re built into His spiritual house

  4. 主的手在我們當中運行 聖靈火要點燃復興我 God’s hand’s are mightily moving among us Holy fire aflame, come revive us

  5. 我們是君尊的祭司 聖潔的國度 神所揀選被贖的子民 We are a royal priesthood A holy nation A chosen people belonging to God

  6. 基督是磐石 我們是教會 在這地發光宣揚主 Jesus is the Rock We are the Church In this place Proclaiming the Lord

  7. 當我們求你的國度降臨 我深信是此刻是現在 Lord as we pray that Your kingdom be here We believe we believe it is now

  8. 當我們唱你是主我君王 高舉你在寶座為我王 Come be enthroned In our midst as we sing You are King, You are Lord You are crowned

  9. 就像那強大精兵 同心向前到戰場 Just like a mighty army Marching into battleground

  10. 我們高聲唱耶穌 祂是主 我王 As we declare that Jesus He is Lord…Aloud

  11. 靠你能力而來 我們決不受阻礙 There’s nothing that will stop us When we come in His power

  12. 我們要看到突破 我深信是此刻是現在 We want to see a breakthrough We believe we believe it is now

  13. 在你愛裡我要宣告 我軟弱得改變 在你愛裡我要宣告 你是王 In Your love I will proclaim I’ve already been changed In Your love I will proclaim You are King

  14. 在你愛裡我要宣告 我不再罪中打轉 是你帶領著我得勝 In Your love I‘ll proclaim I have sin no more Because You lead me to victory

  15. 靠著耶穌得勝 靠著耶穌得勝 終此生要靠著主愛去得勝 Overcome in Jesus Overcome in Jesus All my life I’ll overcome in Jesus

  16. 靠著耶穌得勝 (2x) 不必懼怕挫敗 深知主愛更廣闊 是你帶領著我得勝 Overcome in Jesus (2x) I’m not afraid failure Cause I know You love me And You lead me to victory

  17. 高過一切高山深海 你愛的江河流向我 今我敞開我的心門 讓醫治者來釋放我 Over the mountains and the sea Your river runs with love for me And I will open up my heart And let the Healer set me free

  18. 在真理中我真喜樂 每一天我高舉雙手 我要不停歌唱 因你愛臨到我 I’m happy to be in the truth And I will daily lift my hands For I will always sing Of when Your love came down

  19. 我要歌唱你愛到永遠 我要歌唱你愛到永遠 我要歌唱你愛到永遠 我要歌唱你愛到永遠 I could sing of Your love forever I could sing of Your love forever I could sing of Your love forever I could sing of Your love forever

  20. 我好想要跳舞 別人看為很希奇 但當世界看見這光 他們必歡喜跳舞像我們一樣 Oh I feel like dancing It’s foolishness I know But when the world has seen the light They will dance with joy Like we’re dancing now

  21. 主啊 願你來掌管我 鋻察我心 知我軟弱 我雖願意 遵行主你的道路 卻又常常為自己籌算 O Lord, please come to reign in me You know my heart, You know I’m weak I am willing to obey and go Your way There are sometimes I go my own way

  22. 我雖願意 做主聖潔的器皿 卻又不時被罪惡勝過 I will obey To be Your vessel Sometimes sin comes to rule in me

  23. 主啊 不要 不要教我離開你 聖靈聖靈 幫助我 O Lord, O Lord Please do not forsake me Holy Spirit, please help me

  24. 賜給我能力 永不衰殘的信心 用我一生來尋求你 Please give me strength And faith that never fails I will seek You all of my life

  25. 主啊 我要 我要 緊緊跟隨你 聖靈 聖靈 充滿我 O Lord, O Lord I will follow close to You Holy Spirit, please fill me

  26. 將我的生命 將我心思意念 完全焚燒在祭壇前 I give my life My soul, my all in all To be consumed on Your altar

  27. 圣灵降下恩雨 洁净医治我 我需要你 我需要你 你来充满我 Holy Spirit rain down Come and heal my soul Lord, I need You, how I need You Please come, fill me now

  28. 充满我 充满我 用那温柔的爱光照我 充满我 来充满我 时刻都充满我 Fill me, Lord, fill me, Lord With Your tender mercy, fill me now Fill me, Lord, come, fill me, Lord Make my cup overflow

  29. 圣灵 因你的爱 我愿意顺服 我好爱你 我好爱你 爱你的同在 I will surrender all To Your gentle love Lord, I love You, how I love You Please come, fill me now

  30. 不要讓世界奪去我的心 不要讓環境蒙閉我的眼 不要讓謊言使我耳發沉 不要讓困難攔阻我前行 Nothing of this world can steal my heart No situation can cover my eyes No lies can turn my ears deaf No difficulties can keep me from going

  31. 我要選擇主的道路 放下為自己憂傷的權利 我要宣告主的大能 來呼喊哈利路亞 I want to choose the way of God I lay down my pride before Jesus I will proclaim the power of God And I shout alleluia

  32. 我立定心志 一生讚美你 我立定心志 單單敬拜你 願聖靈江河 湧流在我心 我立定心志 走在主聖潔光中 I am determined I will praise Your name I am determined to worship You alone The river of God flowing thru my heart I am determined walking in the light of God

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