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Dipl.-Ing. Armin Raatz CEO MUT-Engineering, Kassel. Renewable Energies: Chances For Communities ? !. Communal concepts for renewable energies. „century task“: energy strategies for communities chance: independence chance: value creation chance: co-operation. The century task.
Dipl.-Ing. Armin Raatz CEO MUT-Engineering, Kassel Renewable Energies: Chances For Communities ? !
Communal concepts for renewable energies • „century task“: energy • strategies for communities • chance: independence • chance: value creation • chance: co-operation
12.000 Development of world energy consumption nuclear energy power water power coal gas firewood oil 2010 [year]
strategie for germany energy efficiency essential elements: • reduction of conventional energy sources by 51% • extension of renewable energies to 49% • reduction of energy consuption by 45% geothermal solar energy wind, water power biomass natural gas mineral oil black coal brown coal Nuclear power Nitsch, u.a. 2006 6
Fundamental communal strategies Avoiding CO2 emission CO2-neutral energy supply Long-term communal strategy climate protection and services for the public Renewable energies
materials and energy flows capital flow region depreciation of households • energy costs 1.250 € (per inhabitant/ per year) • Oil and natural gas asmain energy sources • only 15 % value creation remains (35 % in germany) • costs for fossile energy sources are not available for regional consumption and for investments • example „Baunatal“ (28.000 inhabitants, reduction of energy costs by 50%): • about 600 € per inhabitant x 28.000 inhabitants : => about 16,8 Mio. Euro per year available assets more !
nowadays • loss in buying power and global division of labour • value creation i.e. in Dubai already visible • future • Regional value creation and personal involvement • value creation (jobs) on location • structural change in the field of energy efficiency and power reduction offers big chances in regional development
communication qualifikation information funding consulting motivation success depends on a good co-operation !
example: clearance appartement „the fifties“, Kassel north face view south face few Fotos: A. Raatz
example: clearance appartement „the fifties“, Kassel north face view south face few
example: communal operating company for photovoltaic plants Lichtenfels / North Hessia • Share holding of the citizens in regional energy production • All citizens can profit from revenue of the plants • Collective acquisition • Collective operation pv development in Lichtenfels pv power [kw] Number of pv plants
example: communal biomass firing Oberrosphe Oberrosphe:rural area about 830 inhabitants about 240 households 122 joined the projekt Central biomass boiler (wood chips) power: 850 kW
example: inter-communal co-operation KlimaX: invitation für second meeting of communal regulation teams
European co-operation ? • We are interested in co-operation with european partners: • to develop common projects • to speed up the implementation of processes • to learn from each other
thanks for your attention Dipl.-Ing. Armin RaatzHellmut-von-Gerlach-Str. 18D-34121 KasselTel: +49 561-3161200Fax: +49 561-3161201email: raatz@mut-energiesysteme.deurl: www.mut-energiesyteme.de
Durchgeführte Maßnahmen • Dämmung Außenwände 16cm WLG 035 • Dämmung Dach 16cm WLG 024 • Austausch Fenster (3fach Verglasung) • Dämmung Kellerdecke 6cm WLG 035 • Zusammenfassung 3 Südgauben, Flächengewinn für Solarkollektor • Solarkollektor ca. 15m² für Warmwasser und Heizungsunterstützung • Kombispeicher ca. 900 Liter und Gas-Brennwerttherme • Barrierefreies Bad im EG • Lüftungsanlage (Abluft)
Kosten / Finanzierung • Gesamtkosten: ca. 130.000 EUR • „Energetische Kosten“: 70.000 EUR Finanzierung KfW-Kredit: Energetisch SanierenZinssatz Stand: 26.06.2009: 2,12% Kreditlaufzeit: 30 Jahre + Zuschuss von 12,5% zur Reduzierung der Annuität.Finanzierung „Energetische Kosten“: Zins- und Tilgung: 247,84 EUR / MonatEnergiekosten vorher: 25l/m² x 230m² = 5.750 Liter pro Jahr Energiekosten nachher: 5l/m² x 230m² = 1.150 Liter pro Jahr Mittlerer Ölpreis der nächsten 10 Jahre: 70Ct / Liter (aktuell: 55Ct / Liter) Ersparnis: 4.600 Liter x 70 Ct = 3.220 EUR/a entspricht: 268,3 EUR / MonatZusätzlicher Effekt: extrem günstige Finanzierung der Gesamtmaßnahme
Kostenabschätzung Energieerzeugung und Effizienzmaßnahmen niedrigere Kosten höhere Kosten Einspar-potential im Vergleich zur konventionellen Energienutzung Öl/Gas 7ct/kWh Strom20ct/kWh 100% Photovoltaik 80% Gebäude-Standard 60% Standby-Vermeidung effizienterStromeinsatz Solarthermie 40% 20% 0,02 0,01 0,2 0,5 2 5 20 50 1 Ct/kWh 0,1 10 100 Energiekosten