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I will study. You guys will win the game!. il futuro. She will walk the dog. They will read. il futuro. The future tense describes:. Something that has not yet happened. What WILL happen. Something that is going to happen. In Italian, there is NO word for WILL.
I will study You guys will win the game! il futuro She will walk the dog They will read
il futuro The future tense describes: Something that has not yet happened What WILL happen Something that is going to happen In Italian, there is NO word for WILL. Soooo, to express the future tense (will) you simply need to conjugate verbs with the future tense endings. Next Slide: Future Tense Endings!!
il futuro How to conjugate! *ALL endings are the same.. For ARE, ERE, or IRE verbs!* Do NOT forget The accents! Know the endings! noi io ____emo _______ò voi ____ete tu _____ai _____à loro _____anno lui/lei
il futuro How to conjugate! Step 1: Remove the -E ending of the verb dormire vendere parlare Step 2: Add the future endings: ARE verbs have a special rule When conjugating in the future (see next slide) ò vender vender emo ò dormir dormir emo ete vender vender ai ete dormir dormir ai à vender vender anno à dormir dormir anno
ARE verbs in the Future ARE verbs have one extra tiny rule to follow… Step 1: Remove the RE ending of the verb parlare Step 2: CHANGE the A (last letter after ending is removed) to E parl a e Step 3: Add the appropriate Future Endings parler o` parler a’ parler ete parler anno parler ai parler emo
pratica scritta • Noi _______________________ (parlare) con la prof. • Voi _______________________ (scrivere) una lettera agli studenti italiani. • 3. Quest’estate, tu _______________________ (leggere) un libro. • 4. Nel futuro, io ____________________________ (abitare) in italia. • Loro _________________________ (dormire) alle due sabato mattina. • Lui _________________________ (studiare) per l’esame finale.
irregulars in the futuro Yup… there are irregulars!! BUT The irregulars in the future tense use the same endings (ò, ai, à, emo, ete, anno) The irregular part is the stem of the verb. For example: Andare - becomes – andrò, andrai, andrà (ecc.) Irregulars on the next slide…
irregular stems in the future These are the stems of the irregulars – the endings are the regular future endings Andare Vivere Vedere Potere Avere Dovere andr- These stems have a pattern: Remove the two vowels surrou`ndingthe R in the ending: Andare = Andr- dar- Dare Fare Stare *Essere Bere Venire Volere berr- vivr- Mini irregulars Just get rid of the E! Double R!! Memorize These!! vedr- far- verr- potr- star- vorr- avr- Really irregular… Just memorize!! dovr- sar-
irregular stems in the future • Tenere (to hold) terr- terrò, terrai, terrà, terremo,terrete, terranno Sapere (to know a fact or how to do something) sapr- saprò, saprai, saprà, sapremo, saprete, sapranno
pratica scritta • Domani, io ______________________ (andare) al grandemagazzino. • Il meseprossimo, loro ______________________ (venire) allafesta. • Voi ___________________________ (volere) gelato dopo la cena. • Tu __________________________ (potere) parlareitaliano. • Lui __________________________ (vedere) I suoicuginivenerdìsera. • L’annoprossimo, lei __________________________ (vivere) in Italia. • La settimanaprossima, noi __________________________ (avere) • treesami.