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Infection Control. Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Training Academy. This is a self running show, you can not advance the show prematurely. INFECTIOUS DISEASE. A disease caused by the growth of disease causing microorganisms in the body. May or may not be contagious.
Infection Control Montgomery CountyFire & Rescue Training Academy This is a self running show, you can not advance the show prematurely
INFECTIOUS DISEASE • A disease caused by the growth of disease causing microorganisms in the body. • May or may not be contagious
Four Types of Infectious Agents • Bacteria • Virus • Fungus • Parasites
Bacteria Smaller than red blood cells Live on their own, outside body cells Antibiotics usually effective
VIRUS Smaller than bacteria Must penetrate and inhabit body cells to survive Hard to kill without harming healthy cells Herpes Simplex Solution: Immunization Measles
VIRUS Immunization prevents a virus from entering the body cells Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Basically, the ONLY way to prevent viral infection
FUNGUS Mold Yeast
Parasites Intestinal Lice Tapeworm
INFECTIOUS DISEASE • Communicable • Transmitted readily from one person to another either directly or indirectly. • Or from animal to human (zoonotic) • Mosquitoes , Bats, Rabid Animals
Infectious Agent Susceptible Host Reservoir Means of Entry Means of Exit Mode of Transmission Chain of Infectionis required for a person to become infected
EXPOSURE/ROUTES OF INFECTION for F/R Personnel Percutaneously Mucocutaneously Airborne
PERCUTANEOUSLY • Through the skin or any situation where the patient’s blood may enter an open wound. • i.e.... Needle Stick
MUCOCUTANEOUSLY • Across the mucus membranes, patient’s blood or body fluids come in contact with the care providers: • Eyes • Nose • Mouth
AIRBORNE INFECTION: Droplet infection, transmitted by inhaling droplets from infected carrier by coughing, sneezing, or talking
Bloodborne Diseases
HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS • HIV attacks the body’s immune system, making the body vulnerable to opportunistic diseases.
While HIV is fatal, infected persons usually die from the opportunistic diseases that overwhelm the body. • Pneumonia • Tuberculosis (TB) • Toxoplasmosis (protozoan infection) • Some Cancers • Diarrheal Disease
HIGH- RISK HIV PATIENTS • Homosexual Males • Users of Injectable Drugs • Sexually Promiscuous • Babies born of HIV mother
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIDS • Late stage HIV disease, when opportunistic diseases develop • May take years to develop
ROUTE OF INFECTION • HIV is a blood borne disease and: • Semen, Cervicovaginal Fluid, Breast Milk • Saliva has not been discounted or proven, but the HIV virus is found in it, although in small amounts. • HIV infected blood has approximately 1 thousand viral particles per milliliter (ml.).
INCUBATION PERIOD • Disease may develop in a matter of months or take several years. • Antibodies usually detected by a blood test 2 weeks to 3 months after infection. • May develop later in a small percentage of persons
Prognosis: HIV/AIDS has become more manageable. It is a chronic disease for many people, but still has no definite cure or vaccine Illness, disability, and except in rare instances, DEATH!
Hepatitis Type A (HAV) Type B (HBV) Now Hepatitis D, E, F & G Type C (HCV)
Hepatitis type A • Highly contagious • Usually transmitted via the fecal - oral route • Outbreaks of type A hepatitis often occur after people have eaten seafood that came from contaminated water. • Common exposures occur in care facilities such as convalescent / nursing homes, mental institutions, day care centers and schools
Hepatitis type A Incubation • 15 to 50 days, depending on dose • Average of 28 to 30 days
Hepatitis type A PROGNOSIS • In most patients with HAV, liver cells eventually regenerate with little or no residual damage. • Patients usually recover readily, with a life-long immunity to hepatitis type A, but not type B or type C • Old age & serious medical conditions (CHF, severe anemia, diabetes) make complications more likely.
HEPATITIS B Description: A generalized inflammation of the liver caused by HBV that attacks and destroys liver cells.
HIGH-RISK PATIENTS • Homosexual Males • Users of Injectable Drugs • Sexually Promiscuous (Multiple Partners) • Prostitutes (sex for money or drugs) • (homosexual and/or heterosexual) • Babies born/breast feeding HBV mother NOTE:Some blood bank statistics report as many as 80% of homosexual males have been exposed to HBV
Route of Infection: • Classified as a blood borne disease, considered to be spread by contact with bodyfluids such as: • Blood • Saliva • Semen • Vaginal Fluid Note:HBV has approximately 1 billion viral particles per milliliter of blood, making HBV much more infectious than HIV and more difficult to kill on surfaces
RECOMBIVAX VACCINE Available to all Montgomery County Fire & Rescue personnel, career and volunteer, through Fire Rescue Occupational Medical Services (FROMS) at no charge.
INCUBATION PERIOD: 45 - 180 days [6-weeks to 6-months] with the average being 60-90 days.
PROGNOSIS: • If detected early, prognosis is good. Although not usually fatal, it causes many liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and causes up to 80% of all liver cancer. • Despite the fact that Hepatitis B is curable, it still causes about 200 deaths to HEALTHCARE WORKERS each year.
Hepatitis C (HCV) Thought to be leading cause of hepatitis resulting from blood transfusions. • NOT transmitted efficiently by sexual contact • Primarily a BLOODBORNE disease: • Single needle stick can contaminate • Greater likelihood of becoming a chronic carrier of HCV after infection. • No current vaccine • Immune globulin (IG) following exposure to HCV provides temporary, passive immunity.
West Nile Virus a Bloodborne Disease Transmitted By Mosquitoes
Airborne Diseases
TB Tuberculosis
A bacterial infection that infects via the respiratory system TB • Usually settles in the lower 2/3 of the lungs, where ventilation (exchange) is minimal. • May spread to lymph nodes and other areas: brain, meninges, kidneys, adrenal glands, stomach, intestines, peritoneum and bones.
High-Risk Persons • Recent Immigrants • Persons living in overcrowded / poverty conditions (homeless). • Persons with low immunity • HIV, Cancer, Long term steroid use, Elderly • Alcohol/Drug abusers
High-Risk Persons HIV Infected persons Correctional Inmates Long-term care facility residents Close contact of TB patients Substance Abusers
High-Risk Persons • Foreign-born individuals from countries with high incidence of TB • Health-care workers providing care to high-risk groups • Persons with previous Hx of TB • People in Poverty: Crowded conditions, poor sanitation, poor nutrition
MDR-TB • Multi-Drug Resistant TB • Usually found only in high-density population areas • Common in DC, New York
PROGNOSIS: • After several weeks, otherwise healthy patients may develop a specific immunity, encapsulating the TB bacteria in granular tumors. • These granulomas usually remain dormant for life, but are capable of producing the disease again at any time. • If untreated, 8-20% of TB patients will develop serious diseases.
Route of Infection: Droplet infection, transmitted by inhaling droplets from infected carrier by coughing, sneezing, or talking
A-B-C, O2 as needed NIOSH approved face masks for all EMS personnel Disposable surgical masks on: Patient, unless on O2 Family members riding in the ambulance Notify hospital of potential TB patient so they may prepare respiratory isolation. Ventilate back of ambulance by opening windows TB Bacillus is very sensitive to light and air. EMERGENCY CARE:
DESCRIPTION: • Inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord (meninges). Meningitis may be caused by • Bacteria • Virus • Other organism that reaches the meninges by: • Bloodstream • Lymphatic System • Trauma (open wounds) • From adjacent sinuses
Patients at High-Risk • Persons in overcrowded / poor living conditions • Homeless • Schools & Colleges • Institutions • Military Barracks • Persons with low immunity • HIV, Cancer, Long term use of steroids
VERY SERIOUS IF: • Petechiae (small, purple, spider-like hemorrhage spots on skin) • Signs of Infection • Chills • Low Or Dropping B/P • Rapid, Shallow Respirations • Rapid Pulse • Purpura- purple spots that don’t turn white when pressed
Route of Infection • DROPLET • Transmitted by inhaling droplets from coughing, sneezing or talking by the infected carrier • Saliva Exchange