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Principles of Design Notes

Principles of Design Notes. Proportion. The relationship of objects or parts of objects to one another

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Principles of Design Notes

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  1. Principles of Design Notes

  2. Proportion • The relationship of objects or parts of objects to one another • The ancient Greeks discovered that certain proportions create a more pleasing effect than others – most effective have a ratio of 2 to 3, others are 3 to 5 and 5 to 8. As a rule, uneven proportions are more pleasing than even ones, and rectangles are more desirable than squares.

  3. Scale • Like proportion, refers to the relationship of parts to each other and to the design as a whole. Scale concerns especially the relationship between the sizes of objects or areas. • Pattern, texture, weight and color also affect the scale of an object or area.

  4. Balance • the design principle that gives a feeling of rest or equilibrium. This occurs when the visual weight of objects is balanced on both sides of a center point.

  5. Symmetrical Balance (formal) • – is reached by placing identical or equal objects on each side of the center point.

  6. Asymmetrical Balance (informal) • – is reached by placing unequal objects at unequal distances from the center point. This means that the two halves are not the same but they visually balance one another.

  7. Rhythm • is created when certain colors, lines, forms or textures are used in a consistent pattern. Rhythm helps lead the eye from one point to another. • There are 3 main types of rhythm.

  8. Repetition • – parts repeat in such a way that they create a regular pattern.

  9. Radiation • lines radiate or move outward from a central point.

  10. Gradation • achieved by gradually increasing or decreasing color, size or pattern.

  11. Emphasis • causes an object or area to stand out, to become the focal point.

  12. Unity • occurs when all the parts of a home or room are related by one idea, when they are in harmony. A unified design has a consistency of style.

  13. Variety • combining different styles and materials, as long as they are compatible. Variety adds interest to a design, to be effective, unity and variety must be combined to create an overall harmonious effect.

  14. Principles of Design

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