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電子教與學 突破傳統範式 邁向教學新里程. 由 MMLC 至一人一數碼 14.03.2009. YIP Chee Tim, Principal 葉賜添校長. 廿一世紀教育新重點取向 Emphasis of New Education in the 21 st century. 推動教育三重化:全球化 + 本地化 + 個人化 < Triplization of Education = globalization + localization + individualization in education> 發展多元智能
電子教與學 突破傳統範式 邁向教學新里程 由MMLC至一人一數碼14.03.2009 YIP Chee Tim, Principal 葉賜添校長
廿一世紀教育新重點取向Emphasis of New Educationin the 21st century • 推動教育三重化:全球化+本地化+個人化 <Triplization of Education = globalization + localization + individualization in education> • 發展多元智能 <Development of Multiple Intelligences (MI)> Cheng, Y.C. (2001). New Vision of School-based Management: Globalization, Localization, and Individualization. Invited keynote speech at the National Conference on School-based Management organized by the Ministry of Education of the Israel Government in April 1-6, 2001 in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Promote Individualized Learning 推動個人化學習 C.T.Yip (2004)
Global Environment Local Environment S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Individualization Networked Infrastructure Create Global Learning Environment創設全球化學習環境
移動教室 Infrastructure of Mobile Classroom C.T. YIP (2006) 應用手提電話於戶內及戶外進行互動教學
Mobile Learning in Pui Ching Case Studies and Sharing
Background • In a traditional classroom, teacher will use questioning to find out how much the students learnt in a lesson. • However, usually there are only 1 - 2 students will be selected to answer the questions, while most of the students will not participated in the questioning directly. • Also, teachers cannot know well the learning outcome of the whole class.
Our Belief • By using IT, we hope that everyone in the classroom can participate in the interactive learning process, which coherent to the vision of HKSAR Education Bureau - No One will be Left. • Students enjoy the learning process
How to implement? • We require all the student in a class own a WiFi enabled Smart Phone which also equipped with Microsoft Windows Mobile. They can access to the Internet through the campus Wireless LAN or the GPRS/3G mobile network. • The students will access to the school Assessment Server by using the Internet Explorer installed in the Smart Phone. They can retrieve the questions preset by the teacher and submit the answers in the system immediately. • And, the system will give the result and feedback to the students instantly.
Why we use the Smart Phone? • Small, Light-weight, Portable • Low-battery • Inexpensive • The Trend. Everyone will own a mobile device, they are not require to buy an extra device. The mobile device just like a calculator used in the previous age. • Application programs can be installed for other teaching activities
Advantages • Everyone in the class can participate in the questioning activity. They can be tested how much they have learnt in the lesson. • Since the assessment system will record the answers submitted by all the students, the teacher can know the teaching efficient and adjust his/her teaching strategy in the next lesson. • Moreover, the teacher can keep the portfolio of each students, he/she can take care the learning difference between the students.
Case Studies – World Explorer In Hong Kong, a 334 new senior secondary (NSS) academic structure will carried out in 2009. Students are required to take the subject Liberal Studies compulsory in the senior secondary. One of the main requirement in the curriculum is that students must know more about news in the World. In order to better equip the student to adapt to new requirement, students must train up to watch the news regularly.
Case Studies – World Explorer In Pui Ching Middle School, we will broadcast different news clips into different channels in our school campus TV system. Students are required to watch the English News every morning and answer the question preset by the teachers.
「Mobile Learning」Assessment System • Students access the assessment system through the browser equipped in the Smart Phone. • After logon, they can access the exam currently activated. • After answering the questions, instant response will be shown.
「Mobile Learning」Assessment System • Teacher can collect the result through the system and know how well the students learn. • Simple statistics will be provided by the system. Teacher can adjust his/her teaching strategy. • Also, the teacher can take care the learning difference between the students.
Sharing – the Project Flow • Before :School Wireless LAN infrastructure established School based Assessment System used for several years • Oct 2007 :Contact the smart phone and mobile service provider to offer a package for the teachers and students • Nov 2007 :Seminar for Parents – explain our belief Students collect the smart phone and subscribe to the mobile plan • Dec 2007 :Testing Period • Jan–Nov 2008 :Implemented in S1, S2 and S3 classes there are total 720 students involved
Project Analysis – Response Rate There are total 487 students involved (June 2008)
Project Evaluation Survey conducted at the end of the academic year (June 2008)
Project Evaluation Positive feedback from the students 12. What are your suggestions for World Explorer?
Future Planning • Video Streaming on MS Streaming Server for after class review • More Question Types – including Open-ended question • Extend to more other subjects • Outside the classroom
培正自然教育徑 雨林徑 花果徑 6 5 7 蝴蝶徑 4 杜鵑徑 3 蕈菌徑 園林徑 2 茶花徑 8 1 9 杉樹徑 板根徑 10 起點 蘭花徑
建環校自然教育徑 東起E座宿舍,經G座、J座後山至小學禮堂
善用資訊科技更新學習提升教學質素策略 • 電子社區 i-Community (提升學生個人能力) • 電子學園 i-Academy (智慧資產倉庫) • 電子白板/環球教室 (中一至中六教室) • 移動教室 (中一至中六學生一人一數碼:PDA Phone) • 環境教室 (氣象觀測站及自然觀測站) • 數碼遊踪 (校園建設15個電腦終端機) • 科學校園 (重建電子化實驗室) • 體藝校園 (健身室/藝術室/音樂室/黑盒劇場) 推動學習者為中心學習策略
建設優美而具現代氣息校園 Establishment of Elegant and Modernized Campus 發展多元智能 Development of Multiple Intelligence 建立學校願景 School Vision Building 培正明日校園計劃School of the Future Project 新三重化教育範式 New Triplization Paradigm in Education 建設智慧型組織 Establishment of Intelligent Organization 建設學習型組織 Establishment of Learning Organization 建設無涯型組織 Establishment of Boundaryless Organization
Appendix: Editorial of Local Newspaper Right use of the Technology, Pui Ching has created an excellent model 2007.12.24 - Ming Pao Editorial
十年樹木百年樹人 培正道 上 培正道
謝 謝 建設一所邁向未來的學校 Establishing a School for and of the Future