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Advancing learning through service

Discover the impact of service learning through cultural exchange, gain valuable skills in leadership and cross-cultural understanding, and learn the 4-step approach to successful community service projects. Maximize benefits, develop values, and collaborate effectively.

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Advancing learning through service

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  1. Advancing learning through service Tamara Thorpe Trainer | Coach | Consultant Region 2 NAFSA Albuquerque, NM

  2. www.tntdevelopment.org Session Goals • Discover service learning • 4- step approach to service learning • Best practices in intergenerational partnerships • Impact and benefits of service learning

  3. www.tntdevelopment.org Why Cultural Exchange? Learners experience transformative learning through cross-cultural education programs.

  4. www.tntdevelopment.org “Positive contact with other world views can also result in a shift of perspective and an appreciation for both the diversity and commonalities among human beings” Alvino Fantini, SIT

  5. www.tntdevelopment.org So What? • How can learners maximize the benefits from the experience abroad to lead change in their community? • What skills and values does it take to do it?

  6. www.tntdevelopment.org Values Gained • Inclusion • Learning • Sharing • Diversity/ • awareness • Equality • “I am now motivated to do something about things I care about and I want to make things better.”

  7. www.tntdevelopment.org Skills Gained

  8. www.tntdevelopment.org Leadership Development

  9. www.tntdevelopment.org Personal Growth and Development

  10. www.tntdevelopment.org Cross-cultural Learning

  11. www.tntdevelopment.org What is Service Learning? An educational approach that integrates learning and service… Engages learners in community service, civic engagement and social activism for the purpose of learning.

  12. www.tntdevelopment.org Why Service Learning? Learners actively lead change and develop the skills necessary to do so. Experiential learning reinforces learning concepts.

  13. www.tntdevelopment.org Why the 4-StepApproach? To successfully engage learners in community service and leadership development. To develop sustainable and effective community based projects.

  14. www.tntdevelopment.org Step 1: Relationship Building • Identify the partnering organization • Meet with the appropriate stakeholders for needs assessment • Build and develop a reciprocal relationship All Stakeholders should be involved in the needs assessment (asset mapping, focus group, survey) A project that excludes the stakeholders in the early phases of development is not sustainable.

  15. www.tntdevelopment.org Step 2: Goal Setting Establish • Project outcomes • Roles and responsibilities • Skills the learners expect to gain through the project Learners develop a vision and plan that includes the voices of all key stakeholders to ensure a project that everyone can buy into

  16. www.tntdevelopment.org Step 3: Assessment Ongoing assessment of the plans and project • Ensures the quality and effectiveness of a project • Allows the learners to address any necessary changes

  17. www.tntdevelopment.org Step 4: Evaluation Upon completion of project • Reflection by participants • Evaluation of project outcome and learning • Individual recognition • Public recognition for the stakeholders Recognition is validates everyone's contributions and increase awareness to the community

  18. www.tntdevelopment.org Collaborating with Learners • Learners and adults must enter into a collaborative effort as equal participants • Adults may struggle to work with learners from a place of equity • Both must learn to work together, this is key to the success of any project

  19. www.tntdevelopment.org Benefits of Effective Collaboration

  20. www.tntdevelopment.org Adult vs Learner Roles • Adults play a supporting role by monitoring the progress of the project, while learners take the lead • Adults will have to resist “taking over” while the learners adjust to taking the lead • Creates more supportive intergenerational partnerships

  21. www.tntdevelopment.org Learner Gains

  22. www.tntdevelopment.org International People’s Project • Develop intercultural perspectives • Learn how to use knowledge and skills within the project and beyond • Develop knowledge of the theme, local community and the partner organisation • Carry out a project which benefits a local community

  23. www.tntdevelopment.org Learning Interventions • Present on the issue of aging and intergenerational understanding in home culture • Offer a cultural presentation to the partner organization • Daily debrief and reflection • Community activities and cooperation • Discussions on cultural differences • 60 volunteer hours in long-term care centre

  24. www.tntdevelopment.org LearningOutcomes • Increased empathy for/awareness of issues facing elder people and others in long-term care • Fears and insecurities alleviated from experience volunteering in the long-term care centre • Expressed more hope for their elder years and a better understanding of the potential for a quality life

  25. www.tntdevelopment.org Intercultural Outcomes • A positive experience living and working in an intercultural community • Participants relied on cultural similarities to live and work with one another • No shift in intercultural perspectives for the group as a whole • The necessary amount of intercultural challenges did not occur to advance intercultural development

  26. www.tntdevelopment.org Service learning: Impact and Benefits • Increased awareness of social and global issues locally • Increased accessibility to international education • Create more opportunities for leadership development • Strengthen the program/organizaiton, university and community

  27. www.tntdevelopment.org Questions/Discussion

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