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Warm up March 6. Recall a situation when you taught another person how to do something. Describe the strategy you used. Now think about how you feel when you see an old flame or a person you just don't like. Describe the feeling in detail. 1-805-678-8923. Learning and Classical Conditioning.
Warm up March 6 • Recall a situation when you taught another person how to do something. Describe the strategy you used. • Now think about how you feel when you see an old flame or a person you just don't like. Describe the feeling in detail.
Learning Outline • Factors the affect learning • Classical Conditioning • Operant Conditioning • Learning to Learn
Conditioning • Think of a song you know that brings back a certain memory or feeling. • Stimulus=song • Response=feelings
Conditioning Exercise: • Close your eyes: • Think about your favorite food • Is your mouth watering? • If so, it’s because you are conditioned
Terminology • Stimulus- some action that produces activity in an organism • Response- reaction of an organism to a stimulus • Associations—mental connections btwn. 2 stimuli
Classical Conditioning • Ivan Pavlov psychologist • Learning through the association of a stimulus and response • Video
Classical Conditioning • Form of learning where 1 stimulus (thought of food) creates a response (mouth watering) in response to another stimulus(actual food) • This occurs when the 2 stimuli have been associated with each other
Pavlov’s Experiment • He knew that dogs would salivate when meat was placed on the tongue because salivation aids in digestion • He discovered that dogs began to salivate before they received the meat • WHY???
Because the dogs had learned from experience that people entering the labs clinking of food trays meant that food was coming • Could they learn to salivate to any stimulus that signaled meat??? • Pavlov thought yes, so he had to prove it…
Rang a bell, then put meat powder on dog’s tongue • Dog began to salivate in response to meat powder • Pavlov repeated this several times
Pavlov gets tricky • He rings the bell but does not follow it with meat • Dogs salivated anyway • They learned to salivate to the bell alone
Breaking down the variables • US=Unconditioned Stimulus • A stimulus that causes a response that is automatic, not learned • eg. Food
Variables… • UR=Unconditioned Response • Automatic response • eg. Salivation
Variables… • CR=Conditioned Response • Learned stimulus • eg. Bell
Your turn… • With a partner next to you (don’t get out of your seat), develop your own example • Be sure to identify all the variables
Think of one example of how you have been “classically conditioned” in school. Describe the variables in your example.
Web Quest • Go onto my website – www.ussinspire.org. Follow the link titled “Principles of Learning in the Real World”. • Take notes as you go. • Video – The Amazing Brain