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Health Insurance and Libraries: An Oregon Update

Health Insurance and Libraries: An Oregon Update. Nikki Dettmar, MSIS, Education and Assessment Coordinator National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region. Introduction. Nikki Dettmar Medical Librarian Specializing in online education NN/LM, PNR

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Health Insurance and Libraries: An Oregon Update

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  1. Health Insurance and Libraries: An Oregon Update Nikki Dettmar, MSIS, Education and Assessment Coordinator National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region

  2. Introduction • Nikki Dettmar • Medical Librarian • Specializing in online education • NN/LM, PNR • University of Washington • Serve 5 states: • Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington

  3. Introduction • One of eight regions • Sponsored by the National Library of Medicine • NLM is part of the National Institutes of Health

  4. What Does the Affordable Care Act Do? • Provides health care coverage to the uninsured • Offers subsidies and/or tax credits to make premiums affordable • Allows families to keep adult children on existing policies until age 26 • Requires most people over the age of 18 to have coverage by January 2014 • Assesses a penalty of 1 percent of annual income or $95 on those not covered • Penalty will increase to 2.5 percent or $695 by 2016

  5. Some Major New Features • Coverage includes pre-existing conditions • Insurance cannot be canceled if you get sick • Insurers must justify rate increases • No lifetime limits on benefits

  6. What can libraries do to help? • Provide accurate information referrals, alert for scams (look-alike websites, calls or emails claiming to be from agents) • Create displays explaining the Affordable Care Act & health insurance • Provide computers and scanners so patrons can apply for coverage • Provide certified enrollment counselors at scheduled times • Partner with local agencies: Cover Oregon Certified Agents and Community Partners, hospitals, county health departments, insurance agencies, non-profits, community-based organization groups… • Featured highlights • Coos Bay Public Library • Washington County Cooperative Library Services

  7. Resources and Tools • Determining the library’s role • Managing ACA information overload • Efficient use of Federal marketplace site for information • Other websites and resources • Consumer education and promotional materials • Summary conclusion

  8. Determining the Library’s Role • Do an inventory of resources – staff, computers, meeting rooms and availability, time for training • Decide types and levels of service • Maintain neutrality; act as information providers, not insurance experts or advisors • Be knowledgeable about appropriate resources and services • Communicate with staff; ongoing communication between management and staff is key

  9. Managing ACA Information Overload • Know your own state • Border counties: CA, ID, NV & WA – all are State marketplaces • Anticipate the who, how, and what scenarios • Individuals, families, small business, tribal, farming • How to compare options, find forms, and sign up for coverage • Timeline deadlines • Enrollment: October 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014 • Coverage effective: January 1, 2014 • Who local Certified Agents and Community Partners are to refer more specific and detailed information requests to

  10. Help Me, Please! http://LocalHelp.HealthCare.Gov National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region

  11. Healthcare.gov

  12. CuidadoDeSalud.gov

  13. Healthcare.gov (continued)

  14. marketplace.cms.gov

  15. marketplace.cms.gov (continued)

  16. Native American ACA Information • NativeExchange.org (information, NOT marketplace) National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region

  17. Patrons: State-Specific Information • What is the Marketplace in my state? (OR: Cover Oregon) Search for other states using this tool to find individual state marketplace information healthcare.gov/what-is-the-marketplace-in-my-state/ • Is Medicaid expanding in my state? (Yes for Oregon) The health care law provides states the choice to expand Medicaid. Learn more about your state’s decision here: healthcare.gov/what-if-my-state-is-not-expanding-medicaid/

  18. State Details • Pacific Northwest Affordable Care Act information: http://nnlm.gov/pnr/ACA.html

  19. Training and Educational Opportunities • Webjunctionwebinars and blog • CMS training schedule • State town hall meetings • Navigator programs for the state (contacts through LocalHelp.HealthCare.gov) • Watch for information session announcements from local hospitals, clinics, and trusted providers of health information for ACA information specific to your community

  20. MedlinePlus.gov • MedlinePlus.gov has an extensive collection of links on the Health Insurance Health Topic page. • When talking with library users about health insurance and health topics, introduce them to MedlinePlus for quality health information of all kinds

  21. Health Insurance Health Topic Page

  22. Moving Target • Expect that library services will evolve as deadlines come and go and as needs change. • Get informed and take advantage of trainings • Sign up for updates from state site, healthcare.gov, and MedlinePlus • Sign up for email updates from Cover Oregon, WebJunction and other organizations • Watch for State listserv cross-posting from our Dragonfly blog for summaries of ACA updates specific to the states in the Pacific Northwest Region (that’s Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington)

  23. Questions Thank you! Nikki Dettmar 1-800-338-7657 nnlm@uw.edu

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