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Welcome to Mrs. Albright’s and mrs. Mcinerney’s Pre-Algebra Class!

Welcome to Mrs. Albright’s and mrs. Mcinerney’s Pre-Algebra Class!. Behavior Expectations and Procedures 2013-2014. Students learn best when . . . they feel a sense of belonging in a supportive, caring environment.

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Welcome to Mrs. Albright’s and mrs. Mcinerney’s Pre-Algebra Class!

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  1. Welcome to Mrs. Albright’s and mrs.Mcinerney’sPre-Algebra Class!

    Behavior Expectations and Procedures 2013-2014
  2. Students learn best when . . . they feel a sense of belonging in a supportive, caring environment. there are high expectations with rigorous instruction, and they are given the support systems to meet or exceed expected outcomes. families and schools work in partnership. their cultures are respected, valued, and integrated in the learning environment. What do YOU need in order to learnbest?
  3. Behavior expectations Follow the Wrangler creed by fostering a positive Work ethic, Responsibility, Academics, Navigation of goals, Generosity, Leadership, Enthusiasm, and Respect in society.
  4. Progressive discipline plan The following steps will be followed should you demonstrate unacceptable behavior*: Conference with student Phone call home Teacher detention Counselor’s referral Dean’s referral *please consult your agenda/planner for guidelines concerning unacceptable behaviors.
  5. What you need to bring daily Binder Math Spiral Notebook Pencils, lead, eraser, paper, red grading pen Your brain Your good attitude (please leave any other attitudes in your locker) Your ability to try your best Your ability to ask questions Your ability to try again, and again, and again Your desire to learn algebra!
  6. How do I … enter the classroom? find my seat? obtain any work missed due to an absence? ask a question? sharpen my pencil or obtain supplies? get permission to leave the classroom: go to the restroom go to my locker go get a drink go to the Health Office earn the grade I want? get extra help?
  7. enter the classroom? We a silent start! read the Daily Schedule displayed on the front board check for seating assignments then take your seat fill in your agenda/planner with OBJ and H/W get out necessary materials begin working on assigned tasks
  8. Find my seat? Assigned seats will be an option. Open seating will be an option. Assigned groups will be an option. Open groups will be an option. Check the Daily Schedule to find out!
  9. obtain work missed due to an absence? Look in the Absent Crate in the folder labeled with the day of the month you were absent (1-31). Your work will be in this folder with your name on it and the date you were absent. If you are absent on multiple days, be sure to check EACH and EVERY folder. You get 3 days for each day you were absent to complete any missed work. You are responsible for catching up on any notes. The big, 3-ring BINDER in the crate contains TEACHER copy of the Daily Schedule, TEACHER copies of worksheets, and TEACHER copies of notes. DO NOT REMOVE ANY PAPERS FROM THIS BINDER. You must copy the notes during appropriate work time or come in before or after school. If you miss a quiz or test, make an appointment with us for a time to complete. Grades will be marked as ABSENT and receive a zero until you make up the work. If you have a pre-arranged absence there may or may not be work to send with you. You can’t do the work if you don’t know how. ALWAYS check the ABSENT CRATE when you return.
  10. . . . Ask a question? During direct instruction, jot your question down in the margin of your spiral notebook. Continue to pay attention to the lesson. You just might have your question answered before you even have to ask! After direct instruction, we will ask, “Any questions?” Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Again, continue to pay attention and listen. Someone else just might have the same question. We don’t mind answering the same question as many times as it takes but your classmates might! During group work, speak up and collaborate with your peers. During independent work, bring your paper and questions to us. This will facilitate privacy and avoid disruption to others.
  11. . . . Sharpen my pencil or obtain supplies? Pencils can be sharpened any time we are not giving direct instruction. If you are not being responsible and don’t have supplies, you may have to ask a classmate. If your classmates are unable to help you, we do have pencils and red grading pens you may BORROW only for this class period. Generic classroom supplies can be found in the plastic drawers on the table. If you require assistance in obtaining school supplies, please see your counselor.
  12. . . . get permission to leave the classroom? Restroom: Wait until after we have completed direct instruction, sign out on the clipboard, take care of your business, sign back in. Emergency Restroom: If you can’t take the time to sign out, interrupt either one of us and tell us you have an emergency. Then GO!! Locker: During passing period. Drink of water: Water bottles are OK, otherwise, same as restroom use; after direct instruction and sign out. Health Office: approach either one of us at ANY TIME and tell us you need to go to the Health Office, no questions asked, we will give you a pass. Abuse will result in phone call home.
  13. . . . earn the grade I want? Pay attention. Take notes. Ask questions. Use class time appropriately. Do your homework. Missing homework requires a Missing Homework Slip and a call to parents. Study for quizzes and tests. Take advantage of the Think Jar and any other Extra Credit we may offer. Get help from teachers before or after school. Don’t wait until it’s too late ~ get help early!
  14. …earn an “O” in citizenship? Always demonstrate the Wrangler traits Always do all assignments. Missing assignments will result in citizenship grades being lowered. Missing assignments can be handed in up to the day of the Unit Test for full credit. No late or missing work will be accepted after the Unit Test (for that material) has been taken. Citizenship Grades will be determined as follows: 0 – 3 infractions = Outstanding 4 – 6 infractions = Satisfactory 7 – 9 infractions = Needs Improvement 10+ infractions = Unsatisfactory
  15. . . . Get extra help? Be willing to come in before or after school. Check with us for available dates and times. If we are not available, ask another 8th grade math teacher for help (there are 5 of us teaching Pre-Algebra this year). During collaboration time, find a classmate who might be able to explain things to you in a way you understand. You are surrounded by teachers! The internet is a wonderful resource for math concepts you may be struggling with. Find sites that work for you. If you find a good one (or not so good one) and want to share it with us, e-mail the site to either of us at: mrsalbright@interact.ccsd.net and/or snmcinerney@interact.ccsd.net
  16. How did We do?Do you have Any questions? We are looking forward to a great year. Let us know if there is any way we can help you to become a better learner. Remember, students learn best when they feel a sense of belonging in a supportive, caring environment, there are high expectations with rigorous instruction, and they are given the support systems to meet or exceed expected outcomes, families and schools work in partnership, and their cultures are respected, valued, and integrated in the learning environment. Let’s DO THIS!!
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