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Elements of Household Livelihood Security. Education. Shelter. Community Empowerment. Whether these are described as needs or rights , holistic diagnosis implies taking them all into account. Health. Food. Water. Economic Security. Environment. Context:
Elements of Household Livelihood Security Education Shelter Community Empowerment Whether these are described as needs or rights, holistic diagnosis implies taking them all into account. Health Food Water Economic Security Environment Context: Social, Political and Cultural Means: Income, skills, time
WORLD ACTORS Bi- / Multi-lateral Agencies NATION National / sub-regional / local Government STATE Private Sector NGOs DISTRICT CBOs COMMUNITY Social Networks
LIVELIHOOD FRAMEWORK FOR ANALYSIS CONTEXTS, CONDITIONS AND TRENDS CONTEXTS, CONDITIONS AND TRENDS INSTITUTIONAL PROCESSES & ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES INSTITUTIONAL PROCESSES & ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES SUTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD OUTCOMES LIVELIHOOD RESOURCES LIVELIHOOD RESOURCES LIVELIHOOD STRATEGIES LIVELIHOOD STRATEGIES Health Food Nutrition Water/Sanitation Shelter Education Personal Safety Community participation Environment Production and Income Activities Processing, Exchange and Marketing Activities State Formal Civil Society Informal Civil Society Private Sector Historical Social Political Economic Infrastructure Demography Environmental Policy Natural Capital Human Capital Social Capital Political Capital Economic/Financial Capital Analysis of institutional/organizational influences on access to livelihood resources and composition of livelihood strategy portfolio Analysis of livelihood resources; trade-offs, combinations, sequences, trends Analysis of outcomes and trade-offs Contextual analysis of conditions and trends and assessment of policy setting Analysis of livelihood strategy portfolios and pathways Modified from Scoones, 1998
Holistic appraisal - improve targeting, participatory • Analysis and Synthesis • Focused strategy - address real FS needs • Coherent Information Systems – (e.g, for synergies • Reflective practices- learn and change
DESIGNING A SURVEY IS LIKE LAYING A PIPELINE Reliability & validity of indicators Questionnaire quality Depth of analysis Reporting & utilization Sample design & size Quality of data collection QUALITY OF INFORMATION GENERATED BY AN EVALUATION DEPENDS UPON LEVEL OF RIGOR OF ALL COMPONENTS
Reliability & validity of indicators Questionnaire quality Depth of analysis Reporting & utilization Sample design & size Quality of data collection AMOUNT OF “FLOW” (QUALITY) OF INFORMATION IS LIMITED TO THE SMALLEST COMPONENT OF THE SURVEY “PIPELINE”
4 3 2 Level 4: Fully integrated software package 1 Level of sophistication Level 3: Database & analysis software Level 2: Common software programs, e.g. Excel, Word Level 1: paper-based, manual system Information Requirements “Levels of DME-IS” (from recent DME-IS conference)
Comparaison des termes de cadre logique utilisés par différentes agences C’est ce que l’on a appelé parfois la « pierre de Rosette des cadres logiques »